Latest News from: North Carolina State University

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Released: 15-Sep-2020 5:55 PM EDT
Study suggests financial holdings influenced key votes for house lawmakers
North Carolina State University

A recent study found strong associations between the financial holdings of legislators in the U.S. House of Representatives and how those lawmakers voted on key financial legislation.

Released: 15-Sep-2020 8:20 AM EDT
Study Suggests Financial Holdings Influenced Key Votes For House Lawmakers
North Carolina State University

A recent study found strong associations between the financial holdings of legislators in the U.S. House of Representatives and how those lawmakers voted on key financial legislation.

Released: 9-Sep-2020 9:55 AM EDT
As Collegiate Esports Become More Professional, Women Are Being Left Out
North Carolina State University

A new study finds the rapidly growing field of collegiate esports is effectively becoming a two-tiered system, with club-level programs that are often supportive of gender diversity being clearly distinct from well-funded varsity programs that are dominated by men.

Released: 8-Sep-2020 8:30 AM EDT
Study Highlights Ties Between Racism and Activism in Black Youth
North Carolina State University

A new study finds that experiences with racism are associated with increased social consciousness and social justice activism in Black youth.

Released: 18-Aug-2020 9:20 AM EDT
Study Debunks Robocall Myths, Lays Groundwork For Stopping Them
North Carolina State University

New research finds that the number of robocalls isn’t going up, and that answering a robocall doesn’t make you more likely to get additional robocalls. However, stories you’ve heard about individuals getting hundreds of back-to-back unsolicited calls? Those are true.

Released: 13-Aug-2020 10:40 AM EDT
Researchers Demonstrate Fundamentally New Approach to Ultrasound Imaging
North Carolina State University

Researchers have demonstrated a new technique for creating ultrasound images. The new approach is substantially simpler than existing techniques and could significantly drive down technology costs.

Released: 10-Aug-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Knowledge is Power: Learning More About COVID-19 Can Reduce Your Pandemic Stress
North Carolina State University

A new study finds that the more people know about COVID-19, the less pandemic-related stress they have. The study also found that making plans to reduce stress was also effective for older adults – but not for adults in their 40s or younger.

Released: 5-Aug-2020 3:35 PM EDT
To bond with nature, kids need solitary activities outdoors
North Carolina State University

A new study found solitary activities like fishing, hunting or exploring outside are key to building strong bonds between children and nature. Activities like these encourage children to both enjoy being outside and to feel comfortable there.

Released: 30-Jul-2020 9:50 AM EDT
Study Highlights Mental Health Risks Facing Healthcare Workers During Pandemic
North Carolina State University

A new study finds U.S. healthcare workers are struggling with a suite of mental-health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 30-Jul-2020 8:50 AM EDT
Having Clients From Many Industries Hurts Auditing Firm Effectiveness
North Carolina State University

When an accounting firm has a diversified client portfolio, the quality of the firm’s audits suffers – and the more industry sectors it audits, the worse those audits are.

Released: 27-Jul-2020 1:35 PM EDT
Researchers Identify MicroRNA That Shows Promise for Hair Regrowth
North Carolina State University

Researchers have identified a microRNA (miRNA) that could promote hair regeneration. This miRNA – miR-218-5p – plays an important role in regulating the pathway involved in follicle regeneration, and could be a candidate for future drug development.

Released: 23-Jul-2020 2:30 PM EDT
Teen Museum Educators Increase Engagement, Learning, in Tween Visitors
North Carolina State University

A new study finds teen docents at museums have an overall positive effect on visitor experiences, learning and information retention. The positive effects accrued across age groups regardless of museum type, but were most apparent in children ages 9 to 11.

Released: 16-Jul-2020 2:45 PM EDT
Genome Guardians Stop and Reel in DNA to Correct Replication Errors
North Carolina State University

Proofreading proteins prevent DNA replication errors by creating an immobile structure that calls more proteins to the site to repair the error. This structure could also prevent the mismatched region from being “packed” back into the cell during division.

Released: 14-Jul-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Tech Sector Job Interviews Assess Anxiety, Not Software Skills
North Carolina State University

The technical interviews used in hiring for many software engineering positions test whether a job candidate has performance anxiety rather than whether the candidate is competent at coding. The interviews may also be used to exclude groups or favor specific job candidates.

Released: 6-Jul-2020 2:10 PM EDT
What If People Use Autonomous Vehicles To Do Bad Things?
North Carolina State University

There’s a fairly large flaw in the way that programmers are currently addressing ethical concerns related to artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Namely, existing approaches don’t account for the fact that people might try to use the AVs to do something bad.

Released: 6-Jul-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Future Teachers More Likely to View Black Children as Angry, Even When They Are Not
North Carolina State University

A study of prospective teachers finds they are more likely to interpret the facial expressions of Black boys and girls as being angry, even when they are not. This is significantly different than how the prospective teachers interpreted the facial expressions of white children.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 1:50 PM EDT
Jellyfish-Inspired Soft Robots Can Outswim Their Natural Counterparts
North Carolina State University

Engineering researchers have developed soft robots inspired by jellyfish that can outswim their real-life counterparts. More practically, the new jellyfish-bots highlight a technique that uses pre-stressed polymers to make soft robots more powerful.

Released: 15-Jun-2020 9:30 AM EDT
When Board Members Get Involved, Corporate Tax Burden Goes Down
North Carolina State University

New research finds that corporate tax-planning practices improve when a company's board takes an interest – and better planning results in both less tax uncertainty and a lower tax burden.

Released: 4-Jun-2020 11:15 AM EDT
‘Artificial Chemist’ Combines AI, Robotics to Conduct Autonomous R&D
North Carolina State University

Researchers have developed a technology called “Artificial Chemist,” which incorporates artificial intelligence and an automated system for performing chemical reactions to accelerate R&D and manufacturing of commercially desirable materials.

Released: 1-Jun-2020 1:35 PM EDT
Monitoring Environmental Exposures in Dogs Could be Early Warning System for Human Health
North Carolina State University

Man’s best friend may also be man’s best bet for figuring out how environmental chemicals could impact our health.
