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Released: 28-May-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Online tool created to track development of coronavirus vaccines
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame researchers create online tool to track development of coronavirus vaccines.

Released: 18-May-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Researchers work to quantify the human immune response to COVID-19
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame's Merlin Bruening and a team of scientists have begun research to develop point-of-care antibody tests that would help public health officials to better understand how an individual’s immunity to COVID-19 lasts over time.

Released: 12-May-2020 11:10 AM EDT
New online portal forecasts coronavirus transmission to aid officials in management, planning
University of Notre Dame

Developed by Notre Dame researchers, the portal models predict COVID-19 disease transmission by using county data of daily reported infections and current human movement restrictions, such as shelter-in-place and social distancing orders.

Released: 11-May-2020 1:15 PM EDT
Notre Dame professor expands AP statistics platform for students nationwide
University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame psychology professor Ying (Alison) Cheng's AP-CAT platform, developed with funding from the National Science Foundation, helps students preparing for the AP statistics test.

Released: 7-May-2020 2:45 PM EDT
Notre Dame researchers to study wastewater, focus on short-term forecasts in response to pandemic
University of Notre Dame

Alex Perkins and Kyle Bibby are looking at short-term forecasts of potential infection and are monitoring spread of the coronavirus in wastewater.

Released: 5-May-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Firms Perceived to Fake Social Responsibility Become Targets for Hackers, Study Shows
University of Notre Dame

What corporate leaders may not realize is that strides they are making toward social responsibility may be placing a proverbial target on their backs — if their efforts appear to be disingenuous, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.

Released: 30-Apr-2020 11:05 AM EDT
Firms behaving badly: Investors punish for social irresponsibility depending on proportion of company execs with law degrees
University of Notre Dame

The extent to which investors punish firms for corporate social irresponsibility is associated with the proportion of top management executives in a firm who have a law degree, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.

Released: 27-Apr-2020 4:20 PM EDT
New research suggests US may be at critical juncture of pandemic response
University of Notre Dame

A new study by epidemiologists at the University of Notre Dame suggests social distancing measures at current levels in many states may need to be maintained until the summer to avoid a potentially deadly resurgence of the coronavirus.

Released: 24-Apr-2020 1:35 PM EDT
Most firms neglected to include pandemic in annual risk assessments despite warning signs, study shows
University of Notre Dame

The risk of a pandemic was known prior to the current health crisis, yet managers, in disclosing their companies’ risk factors to shareholders in 2018, showed little foresight in terms of the impact and likelihood of a pandemic, according to new research from Notre Dame.

Released: 22-Apr-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Amid Pandemic, Climate Scientists Imagine Earth Day 2070
University of Notre Dame

Their responses underscore the reality of a world in concurrent crises, an undeniable need for action now and hope for the future.

Released: 16-Apr-2020 3:20 PM EDT
Political polarization leads to non-compliance with pandemic health advice, study finds
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame Assistant Professor of Economics Kirsten Cornelson and her co-author found that in states with governors who won by close margins, compliance with stay-at-home orders and other health advice is lower among people with the opposite party affiliation.

Released: 13-Apr-2020 3:30 PM EDT
Why climate scientists are watching the world’s response to coronavirus
University of Notre Dame

Climate scientists at Notre Dame say despite the challenge to collecting data, the current crisis is already spurring new proposals for research and revealing interesting parallels to the climate crisis that could provide valuable lessons for the future.

Released: 13-Apr-2020 11:50 AM EDT
Study of Earth Day at 50: Good weather increases commitment to environmental activism, can lower birth defects
University of Notre Dame

In a first-of-its-kind study, University of Notre Dame investigated the long-term effects of that momentous eco-celebration, studying how the event and the weather that day affected people’s attitudes toward conservation and their health years later.

