Latest News from: University of New Hampshire

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Released: 9-Aug-2006 8:50 AM EDT
Faculty Experts Available To Discuss Five-Year Anniversary Of Sept. 11
University of New Hampshire

Faculty experts at the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss a number of topics concerning the five-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Released: 3-Aug-2006 3:40 PM EDT
Why *Did* The United States Launch The War On Terror?
University of New Hampshire

When the Bush administration launched its "war on terror" immediately following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, it did so without a "war narrative" "“ a cohesive and consistent story firmly developed in the minds of the public that prepared them politically and psychologically for the conflict, according to a new study co-authored by a University of New Hampshire professor.

Released: 24-Jul-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Public School Leaders Reluctant to Drug Test Students
University of New Hampshire

Despite U.S. Supreme Court decisions supporting mandatory random drug testing of public school students, superintendents across the country have been reluctant to adopt such policies, according to a new study by University of New Hampshire researchers.

Released: 18-Jul-2006 8:00 AM EDT
Harry Potter Will Not Die, According to British Literature Expert
University of New Hampshire

According to a British Victorian literature expert, Rowling's threat to kill at least two main characters in her final book is her way of taking control and is not unlike actions taken by other authors whose books have become extremely popular with readers.

Released: 10-Jul-2006 8:00 AM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss 2006 G8 Summit Priorities
University of New Hampshire

Experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to comment about the priorities and issues to be discussed at the G8 Summit July 15-17, 2006, in St. Petersburg, Russia, as well as the outcomes since the summit in 2005 at Gleneagles.

Released: 27-Jun-2006 5:00 PM EDT
Prof Develops New Way To Understand Personality And Answer Question, ‘Who Am I?’
University of New Hampshire

In a far-reaching advance in the field of personality psychology, a UNH professor has developed a new way of understanding personality and addressing the age-old question, "Who Am I?" It provides the first integrated picture of personality that combines the lasting insights of the theories of noted 20th century psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and their peers, with the ideas of contemporary personality.

Released: 14-Jun-2006 4:30 PM EDT
Expert: Katrina Fraud Was Accountability Breakdown
University of New Hampshire

Mel Dubnick, professor of public administration at the University of New Hampshire, and an expert in public accountability and ethics, is available to discuss the Government Accountability Office's findings of fraud in aid following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Released: 8-Jun-2006 8:50 AM EDT
Tax Credit For Angel Investors Would Encourage Funding For Entrepreneurs
University of New Hampshire

Federal legislation that would provide a tax credit to angel investors could substantially help entrepreneurs secure much needed seed capital for their ventures and stimulate growth in moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, according to Jeffrey Sohl, professor of entrepreneurship and decision sciences, and director of the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire.

Released: 7-Jun-2006 8:50 AM EDT
First Conference About The Black Experience In Northern New England To Be Held
University of New Hampshire

Americans and New Englanders may be surprised to learn that New Hampshire was a major slave smuggling center during the colonial era. Although the issues of race and slavery normally are not associated with Northern New England, the region that includes New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont has a history of black culture that dates back hundreds of years. For the first time, the region will welcome scholars and researchers to a conference dedicated to the black experience in the region.

Released: 5-Jun-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Krispy Kreme Rebounds In Latest Rosenberg Franchise 50 Report
University of New Hampshire

Struggling doughnut maker Krispy Kreme rebounded in the latest Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Indexâ„¢, regaining some of its market value in the first quarter of 2006 and leading the winners in the index.

Released: 30-May-2006 9:00 AM EDT
China Expert Reflects On Economic, Political And Cultural Changes
University of New Hampshire

Nearly two decades ago a lone student stood in front of a column of tanks in Tiananmen Square in defiance to China's military crackdown of pro-democracy protestors on June 4, 1989. According to a China expert at the University of New Hampshire, in some ways, the China today is a much different country, but in other ways, not much has changed since the massacre that left an estimated 800 people dead.

Released: 22-May-2006 2:50 PM EDT
Children’s Advocacy Centers Are Making a Difference for Abused Children
University of New Hampshire

An innovative nationwide program to assist child abuse victims really is working, according to new research from the University of New Hampshire's Crimes against Children Research Center.

Released: 21-May-2006 12:45 PM EDT
Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence
University of New Hampshire

A 32-nation study of violence against dating partners by university partners found that about a third had been violent, and most incidents of partner violence involve violence by both the man and woman. The second largest category was couples where the female partner was the only one to carry about physical attacks, not the male partner.

Released: 18-May-2006 6:55 PM EDT
Professor Available to Discuss Controversy Around Da Vinci Code Movie
University of New Hampshire

Michele Dillon, professor of sociology with a focus on religion and culture at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the religious controversy around The Da Vinci Code film, especially in relation to the Catholic Church and Opus Dei.

Released: 9-May-2006 8:00 AM EDT
What To Do With An Indecisive New College Graduate
University of New Hampshire

As the strains of Pomp and Circumstance are heard across the nation this spring, hundreds of thousands of university graduates will celebrate the completion of their undergraduate degrees as joyous, teary-eyed parents look on. The day after commencement, however, could prompt another round of tears for parents when they learn their newly minted college graduates have no idea what they want to do with their lives.

Released: 8-May-2006 4:45 PM EDT
EPA Awards Nation’s first EnergyStar Rating to Dorms
University of New Hampshire

The Environmental Protection Agency has granted its first ENERGY STAR rating for residence halls in the nation. Congreve, Lord, and McLaughlin halls are the first dorms in the country to earn the energy efficiency rating, familiar to buyers of appliances and computers. EPA Region 1 Administrator Robert Varney recognized UNH in a ceremony May 8.

Released: 2-May-2006 12:00 AM EDT
Baby Boomers Give A Whole New Meaning To The Idea Of Retirement
University of New Hampshire

They demanded cultural and political change. They influenced new artistic genres and styles of music. Now America's restless baby boomers, the first of whom are entering their retirement years this year as they turn 60, are changing the way Americans retire.

Released: 19-Apr-2006 5:00 PM EDT
Seven Years After Columbine, States Continue To Push For Anti-Bullying Legislation
University of New Hampshire

Seven years after two teenage gunmen killed 13 people at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., on April 20, 1999, states across the country are continuing their efforts to stop and prevent bullying. The massacre ignited a national discussion on the devastating effects of bullying and how to prevent it.

Released: 13-Apr-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Elephant in the Locker Room: Homophobia in College Sports
University of New Hampshire

The benefits of team sports are well-known and plentiful. But some of the positive experiences of athletics are hidden in a deep, dark closet, says Heather Barber, especially for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) athletes and coaches. Her work on homophobia in sport breaks new ground in the field of sport studies.

Released: 12-Apr-2006 4:25 PM EDT
June 1 Means Increased Anxiety, Negative Emotions For Hurricane Victims
University of New Hampshire

As June 1 approaches, survivors of Hurricane Katrina and other storms will experience increased negative emotions and anxiety as the start of the 2007 Hurricane Season triggers memories of the trauma of past storms. Parents should expect changes in their children's behavior as they struggle to express their fears as the anniversary of the natural disaster approaches.

Released: 11-Apr-2006 4:30 PM EDT
New Child Maltreatment Statistics Show Continuing Decline
University of New Hampshire

Several forms of child maltreatment showed a marked decline nationwide, according to the most recent data released from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Released: 10-Apr-2006 2:50 PM EDT
There’s More than Meets the Eye to Catching a Fly Ball in the Outfield
University of New Hampshire

It looks so simple "“ catching a fly ball. But of all of the balls hit into the outfield, the straight shot is the most difficult to catch. And if it's twilight, it's even worse.

Released: 10-Apr-2006 9:05 AM EDT
Experts Available To Discuss High School Dropout Prevention Strategies
University of New Hampshire

Two University of New Hampshire faculty members are available to discuss strategies on how to keep high school students from dropping out of school.

Released: 29-Mar-2006 3:50 PM EST
Earth Day Insights from Environmental Experts
University of New Hampshire

Climate change, fisheries decline, organic food production, and biodiesel technology are among the Earth Day-related subjects UNH professors can provide expert commentary on.

Released: 27-Mar-2006 9:00 AM EST
Center For Venture Research: 2005 Angel Market Exhibits Modest Growth
University of New Hampshire

The angel investor market showed signs of modest growth in 2005, with total investments of $23.1 billion, an increase of 2.7 percent over 2004.

Released: 24-Mar-2006 8:00 AM EST
Expertise Available on Anti-Bullying Legislation Proposed in Several States, Canada
University of New Hampshire

Several states across the country are considering anti-bullying legislation in grades K-12. Two faculty members from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss different aspects of the issue.

Released: 20-Mar-2006 1:40 PM EST
Do You Know the Right Way to Pahk the Cah in Havahd Yahd?
University of New Hampshire

People everywhere can learn to talk Yankee in the new book, American Voices: How Dialects Differ From Coast To Coast, which features an article co-authored by Naomi Nagy. In "Yakking With The Yankees," Nagy provides examples of vocabulary and pronunciation patterns to illustrate how New England differs from the rest of the country.

Released: 7-Mar-2006 8:00 AM EST
Research Indicates EU Is Hot Spot For Expansion Of Franchising
University of New Hampshire

The European Union represents a single market of more than 450 million consumers in 25 nations. New research by the William Rosenberg International Center of Franchising at UNH indicates franchisors worldwide, and particularly those in the U.S., are poised to take advantage of this dynamic market.

Released: 1-Mar-2006 8:00 AM EST
With Franchising, the Glass Ceiling Shatters for Women Entrepreneurs
University of New Hampshire

Where can a woman who has been out of the workforce raising children start her own business with minimal financial investment and who has a higher likelihood of success because she is working with a proven business model? Franchising may be the answer, says Udo Schlentrich.

Released: 23-Feb-2006 11:10 AM EST
UNH Whittemore School Receives Largest Grant in History
University of New Hampshire

The Whittemore School at UNH plans to develop a technology-based solution to track security interests in intellectual property. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has awarded UNH's new Enterprise Integration Research Center $990,000 to build a virtual network.

Released: 15-Feb-2006 9:15 AM EST
NASA, UNH Scientists Uncover Lost Maya Ruins – from Space
University of New Hampshire

NASA and University of New Hampshire scientists are using space- and aircraft-based "remote-sensing" technology to uncover remains of the ancient Maya culture using the chemical signature of the civilization's ancient building materials.

Released: 6-Feb-2006 11:55 AM EST
Summer Camp Can Foster Social Development in Youth
University of New Hampshire

Youth (8 - 13) who attended summer camp showed significantly greater improvement in a variety of social skills -- time management, initiating action in new situations, self-confidence, task leadership, and interpersonal skills -- compared to those who did not attend camp.

Released: 12-Jan-2006 12:00 AM EST
Appalachian Poverty Expert on Sago Mines Disaster
University of New Hampshire

Cynthia "Mil" Duncan, an expert on rural poverty, especially in Appalachia, is available to discuss persistent poverty and underdevelopment as background to understanding conditions related to the Sago Mine accident in West Virginia.

Released: 12-Dec-2005 2:05 PM EST
Expert Available to Discuss Proposed $2 Billion Sale of Dunkin’ Donuts
University of New Hampshire

Udo Schlentrich, director of the William Rosenberg International Center of Franchising at the University of New Hampshire and professor of hospitality management, is available to discuss the proposed $2 billion sale of worldwide franchise Dunkin' Donuts.

Released: 8-Dec-2005 1:25 PM EST
Planning Holiday Parties? Using Operations Management Will Help
University of New Hampshire

The refrigerator may not even be empty of Thanksgiving leftovers, yet the holiday party season already is in full swing. For many the stress of party planning, combined with tackling shopping, can take away every ounce of Christmas cheer.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 4:00 PM EST
First Organic Dairy Farm at Land-grant University Established
University of New Hampshire

The nation's first organic dairy farm at a land-grant university is being established this month for research, education, and outreach. Stonyfield Farm has made a $200,000 leadership gift to the $1.5 million project.

Released: 22-Nov-2005 1:30 PM EST
Video Rental Stores Suffer On Popular Pizza And A Movie Night
University of New Hampshire

The popular family pizza and a movie night no longer includes an automatic trip to the video rental store. Consumers are still eating the "˜zah, with Papa John's posting the second-best performance in the Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 in the third quarter of 2005 with a 29.7 percent gain.

Released: 18-Oct-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Factors Aggravating Impact of Economic Downturns in High-Tech Areas
University of New Hampshire

When the tech boom of the 1990s turned into the tech bust of 2000, some high technology areas in the United States fared worse than others. Two researchers report that several key factors caused some high-tech areas, such as California's Silicon Valley, to feel the economic pain more substantially than other areas.

Released: 7-Oct-2005 3:35 PM EDT
Companies Reap Rewards of National Angel Investors Market
University of New Hampshire

Angel investors put their money behind companies involved in the life sciences and biotechnology in the first half of 2005, with nearly 40 percent of total angel investments nationwide backing the two sectors, according to the Angel Investor Market Analysis for Q1 and Q2 2005.

Released: 4-Oct-2005 2:45 PM EDT
Two Books on Depression in Mothers
University of New Hampshire

According to Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, who recently published two books on postpartum depression, as much as 20 percent of new mothers experience depression and, if not identified, it can go on for years. Thursday, Oct. 6, 2005, is National Depression Screening Day.

Released: 22-Sep-2005 4:00 PM EDT
Face Mask Removal for Injured Football Players
University of New Hampshire

This fall, as more than a million high school football players take to the gridiron, University of New Hampshire's Erik Swartz is focused on the worst-case scenario. No, not losing the big game, but cervical spine injuries that, while less frequent than muscle strains or concussions, can result in paralysis or even death.

Released: 22-Sep-2005 3:30 PM EDT
UNH Announces Publication of the Encyclopedia of New England
University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire announces the publication of The Encyclopedia of New England, the first major reference book devoted to the history and culture of New England.

Released: 14-Sep-2005 4:20 PM EDT
UNH Experts Available to Discuss Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
University of New Hampshire

Although more than two weeks have passed since Hurricane Katrina devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast, the long-term impacts in environmental, governmental, social and economic areas become more apparent every day. Below is a list of faculty and staff experts at the University of New Hampshire who can address these long-term issues.

Released: 23-Aug-2005 2:10 PM EDT
Research Center to Address Challenges of Manufacturing, Service Industries
University of New Hampshire

Enterprise integration is a major challenge to both manufacturing and service industries in a global economy. As a result, the UNH Whittemore School of Business and Economics had created a new research center, the Enterprise Integration Research Center, which will address enterprise integration issues.

Released: 17-Aug-2005 9:00 AM EDT
7-Eleven Takes Top Spot In Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Index
University of New Hampshire

7-Eleven, the world's largest convenience store, came out on top as the best performer in the second quarter of 2005 in The Rosenberg Center Franchise 50(tm), while the battle of the burgers sees Wendy's as the second-best performer this quarter as McDonald's tumbled to the third worst-performer spot.

Released: 7-Jul-2005 1:00 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss London Terrorist Attack
University of New Hampshire

Two University of New Hampshire professors are available to discuss today's terrorist attack in London.

Released: 6-Jul-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Two-Rate Property Tax Offers Alternative to Current System
University of New Hampshire

Richard England, economics professor at the University of New Hampshire's Whittemore School of Business and Economics, is offering an alternative to the most important source of local government revenue, the property tax.

Released: 8-Jun-2005 10:10 AM EDT
Panera Bread Takes Top Spot In UNH Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Index
University of New Hampshire

Panera Bread rebounded from last year's poor performance and was the top performer in the first quarter of 2005 in the Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Index â„¢ while Krispy Kreme's downward slide continued during the same period, making it the worst performer.

Released: 7-Jun-2005 3:35 PM EDT
Possessing Internet Child Pornography Is a Serious Crime with Serious Consequences
University of New Hampshire

People arrested for possessing Internet child pornography have typically committed serious offenses and received serious sentences, according to the first national study of the problem by researchers at the University of New Hampshire.

Released: 6-Jun-2005 3:30 PM EDT
Child Abuse Expert Available to Discuss Michael Jackson Trial
University of New Hampshire

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, is available to talk about the Michael Jackson child molestation trial both while the jury deliberates and after a verdict is reached.
