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Released: 25-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 3-31-00
Temple University

1- It's unlikely Elian Gonzalez won't be reunited with his father; 2- Lack of child-care inspectors in Philadelphia; 3- Lawn care/gardening usually has a positive effect.

Released: 18-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 3-24-00
Temple University

1- Impact of gas prices on trade deficit and holiday vacation plans; 2- Role of the AIAW in women's basketball.

Released: 11-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 3-17-00
Temple University

1- Philadelphia may be opening itself up to cost overruns in quest for new stadiums; 2- Teachers need to do more than just highlight "the most famous of the famous" during Women's History Month.

Released: 4-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 3-10-00
Temple University

1- Is it over for Bradley and McCain? 2- Pennsylvania should have moratorium on death penalty; 3- Six-year-old Michigan shooter can't be held responsible.

Released: 29-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Child Development and Public Policy Implications
Temple University

The impact of John Bruer's new book "The Myth of the First Three Years" on child development and public policy issues is the topic of a symposium on March 13, featuring Bruer and a panel of national experts at Temple University.

Released: 26-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
History and Math Behind the Gregorian Calendar
Temple University

With all the ulterior motives for the changes that have been made in the calendar over the years, the Gregorian calendar turns out to be an incredibly accurate way of tracking time, says a Temple University math professor.

Released: 26-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 3-3-00
Temple University

1- Sportsmanship classes for parents; 2- What's available to former welfare recepients beyond first job; 3- Importance of the first three years in development.

Released: 19-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 2-25-00
Temple University

1- A McCain win in S.C. could be the end of Bush; 2- Schools need more counselors and less cops and metal detectors; 3- Why is 2000 a leap year but 1800 and 1900 weren't? and why did Sept. 1752 have only 19 days?

Released: 15-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 2-18-00
Temple University

1- Romancing a man -- think golf balls; 2. Bush could topple McCain in S.C.; 3- Forum on Russia after Yeltsin, Feb. 18.

Released: 29-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 1-28-00
Temple University

1- Super bowl ads are a bargain; 2- Psychological effects of snow; 3- What the QBs need to do to win; 4- New law could lead to citizenship for Elian Gonzalez.

Released: 22-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 1-21-00
Temple University

1- Outdoor exercise can beat the winter blues but dress for the part; 2- While Bush and Gore play it safe, Bradley and McCain continue to impress; 3- Warning against use of anti-drug messages in media.

Released: 15-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Weekly Story Ideas and Experts
Temple University

1. AOL-Time Warner deal may further blur the line between news and advertising. 2. Zero tolerance policies make kids feel unsafe in school. 3. Sports psychologist compares the impact of Flyers tragedies and Charlotte Hornets.

Released: 11-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tipsheet: 1-7-00
Temple University

1- Psychologist worries that game shows promote idea of getting something for nothing; 2- Philadelphia mayor can help fight obesity; 3- Warm temps won't hurt your trees and shrubs, says horticulture prof.

Released: 14-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Weekly Story Ideas and "In the News" Experts
Temple University

1- School choice is causing white students to leave black and poor schools more than it allows poor kids to leave the worst schools. 2- Hold off on building that home gym until the kids are out of college.

Released: 11-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
School Vouchers May Foster Racial Separation
Temple University

In recent debates, proponents of school choice have maintained that parents would make choices based on school quality and school preferences, not on racial bias.

Released: 8-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Temple Story Ideas, 12-8-99
Temple University

1. Shoppers browse at malls but may buy online, 2. TV news station coverage with less sensationalism, crime, and violence is doing better in the ratings.

Released: 23-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
November 23 Tip Sheet from Temple
Temple University

1- "The Insider" and First Amendment, 2- Bradley vs. Gore, 3- teaching fifth-graders physics.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Weekly Story Ideas and Experts for Topics in the News
Temple University

1) Resisting the Urge to Spice Up Thanksgiving - psychology of food expert says to stick with the traditional. 2) Eagles' Nest Not so Thorny - sports psychologist says relationship between coach and team should be fine despite losing record.

Released: 6-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Temple Tip Sheet for Nov 6 1999
Temple University

While some schools are banning Pokemon cards because they distract kids from classroom work, Temple psychologist Frank Farley says educators can learn much about motivating their students from the popularity of the game, which involves 150 creatures on cards with differing abilities and powers.

Released: 23-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips Sheet from Temple University
Temple University

Football has taken over as "America's pastime," says a Temple sports psychologist.

Released: 14-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Acres of Diamonds Award Winner
Temple University

ESPN the magazine wins Temple University's 1999 "Acres of Diamonds" award for best new magazine.

Released: 12-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book Examines Health Care Challenges for Ethnic Minorities
Temple University

Research shows that a number of challenges face ethnic minorities and health care workers in the American health care system. These challenges include low socio-economic status, language barriers and the lack of integration between western and non-traditional medicine.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tip Sheet from Temple
Temple University

1- women and the law; 2- most sexual assaults committed by acquaintances.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Merger of PECO Energy Co. and Unicom
Temple University

1) swing voters may not count in mayoral race, 2) consumer reporting, one of the "highest growth" areas in journalism, 3) proposed merger of PECO and Unicom corp.; what does it mean?

Released: 23-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book: 101 Ways to Transform Meetings from Dull to Dynamite
Temple University

Temple University professor Mel Silberman knows meetings have a serious PR problem. But that doesn't have to be, says Silberman, who offers dozens of ways to bring meetings to life in his new book, "101 Ways to Make Meetings Active."

Released: 22-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Creating a Template for Lifelong Technology Learning
Temple University

Computer and information scientists at Temple University will develop a framework allowing colleges and universities to design upper-level courses to provide wide-ranging IT education to students who aren't computer science majors.

Released: 22-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tip Sheet from Temple University
Temple University

(1) European earthquakes and Atlantic hurricanes, tragically destructive forces lately. (2)Books that have been banned because of sexual content, profanity or ethnic portrayals deemed objectionable by school districts and library boards.

Released: 14-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
School of Business and Management Named for Richard J. Fox
Temple University

Temple University will officially commemorate the naming of its School of Business and Management for Richard J. Fox, chairman of the University's Board of Trustees.

Released: 11-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from Temple University
Temple University

1. Advice for the future biologists and science teachers; 2. The three big TV network channels still lag behind when it comes to showcasing minorities in major, non-sterotypical roles.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from Temple
Temple University

1- Data-processing systems may give us a sneak preview of what Y2K could bring on 9-9-99. 2- Adults 50-75 say they are planning to get involved in volunteerism and/or activism when they retire.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Maltreatment by Educators Contributes to School Violence
Temple University

Physical and emotional maltreatment by teachers and administrators and the increasing use of police-like disciplinary tactics contribute to the climate of alienation in America's schools and often can lead students to commit violent acts.

Released: 21-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
August 20th Tipsheet from Temple University
Temple University

1- Kids off to college, keep on talking; 2- School violence

Released: 12-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
An Entire Library on One Compact Disc?
Temple University

Imagine having the entire contents of the Library of Congress or every film ever shot in Hollywood on a single compact disc. A Temple University physicist thinks it's possible and is conducting research in an effort to bring it about.

Released: 7-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from Temple University for 8-7-99
Temple University

1- Zapruder heirs will receive $16 million, 2- Making meetings creative, 3- Motivating in the summertime

Released: 3-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use
Temple University

1- casualties of this summer's drought; 2- MTBE -- suspected carcinogen turning up in groundwater; 3- Children in golf getting hurt; 4- implementing preventive measures for workplace violence

Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use from Temple University
Temple University

1) Reducing Conflict Between College Roommates; 2) Was JFK Jr. Acting Hemingway-Ish?; 3) On Vacation? Who's Watching Your House?

Released: 22-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Students Under the Microscope in Summer Program
Temple University

Philadelphia high school students are engaging in hands-on, college-level biological research at Temple University this summer as part of an HHMI-funded program.

Released: 17-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
7-17-99 TIPS from Temple University
Temple University

1- a spate of films packing an offensive wallop, 2- independent filmmakers and marketing "indies," 3- adults with speech disabilities learning to communicate using computer technology.

Released: 15-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use
Temple University

1- for city girls, summertime science, 2- will boys get a kick out of the women's World Cup? 3- First Lady is testing New Yorkers

Released: 29-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Digital Age Communication: What Lies Ahead?
Temple University

Scholars and industry leaders will explore the implications of the digital age at a Bell Atlantic-Temple University Conference June 3-5 at Temple's SugarLoaf Conference Center in Philadelphia.

Released: 8-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Bill Cosby: Commencement Speaker
Temple University

Temple University's Class of 1999 will march down the aisle to receive their degrees on Thursday, May 20, at The Apollo of Temple.

Released: 24-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
New Book Looks at Those Who Examine Our Sex Lives
Temple University

In a new book, "Kiss and Tell: Surveying Sex in the Twentieth Century," a Temple University researcher looks past the sensational results of sex surveys to examine the questions, questioners, and questionnaires.

Released: 24-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Seeking Life at its Limits Leads to Antarctica
Temple University

A Temple University biologist and colleagues from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution spent two months in Antarctica aboard an ice-breaking research vessel studying microorganisms and retrieving samples to analyze back in their labs.

Released: 5-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Virtual Lab Helps Disabled Students
Temple University

In a novel extension of the innovative computer-based tutoring technology he developed, a professor of electrical engineering at Temple University is helping students with disabilities to get the most out of their learning experiences.

Released: 19-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Grant to Prepare Teachers to Use Technology
Temple University

A $402,000 link-to-learn grant from Pennsylvania's Dept. of Education will fund Temple University's Literacy Improvement through Technology project to increase teachers' proficiency in using technolgy as a tool for teaching language arts.

Released: 5-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Second Edition of African American Atlas
Temple University

A living document of the black experience in America, the second edition of The African-American Atlas: Black History and Culture traces critical periods in African American life with charts, maps, text and photographs in color and black-and-white.

Released: 5-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Philosophy Chair Wants to Change Reputation
Temple University

The new chair of Temple University's philosophy department, is trying to shed philosophy's crusty old image of elitism.

Released: 20-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Smart New Ads Feature Academic 'Superstars'
Temple University

A New TV advertising campaign uses the national reputation of Temple University's men's basketball team to tout its academic 'stars." The spots feature Temple Honors students racing onto the floor of The Apollo of Temple while courtside announcers give their 'stats'--GPA's and academic achievements.

Released: 17-Nov-1998 12:00 AM EST
Gulf Experts Available
Temple University

Temple University has a number of faculty experts who are available to comment on the developing crisis in the Middle East.

Released: 23-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Grant to Temple University for Science Education
Temple University

A $1.2 million grant has been awarded to Temple University by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to enhance its undergraduate program in the biological sciences and--working with two Philadelphia high schools--introduce qualified pre-college students to basic research in the life sciences.
