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Released: 29-Apr-2005 9:45 AM EDT
UNH Professor Available to Discuss Fall of Saigon
University of New Hampshire

Harvard Sitkoff, professor of history at the University of New Hampshire and an expert in 20th century American history, is available to discuss the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon (April 30, 1975).

21-Apr-2005 12:00 PM EDT
State Must Leverage Strengths, Address Weaknesses to Sustain Economy
University of New Hampshire

New Hampshire must leverage its technology strengths and address weaknesses if it wants to retain its position as one of the nation's strongest high technology states, according to professors at the University of New Hampshire who today released their report "High Technology in New Hampshire: The Future Is Now."

Released: 19-Apr-2005 4:10 PM EDT
Professor Available to Discuss Election of Pope Benedict XVI
University of New Hampshire

Michele Dillon, associate professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany as the 265th pontiff.

Released: 30-Mar-2005 9:00 AM EST
Franchisors Outperform Nonfranchise Firms
University of New Hampshire

Franchisors create more value and perform better financially than their nonfranchise competitors, according to a new study released by The William Rosenberg International Center of Franchising at the University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics.

Released: 24-Mar-2005 4:30 PM EST
Researcher Advocates for Focus on How Women Deal with Stress, Trauma
University of New Hampshire

There are significant differences in how men and women respond to stressful and traumatic events, but until recently the study of trauma was based almost solely on the experiences of men.

Released: 22-Mar-2005 12:30 PM EST
UNH Launches 2nd Spinout Company with NIH Grants
University of New Hampshire

A UNH physics professor's innovations enabling magnetic resonance imaging to better see inside the lungs form the core of the university's second spinout company, backed by three new grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 22-Mar-2005 9:00 AM EST
Angel Investor Market Sustains Modest Recovery in 2004
University of New Hampshire

The national angel investor market showed signs of a sustainable recovery in 2004, according to a new report about the 2004 national angel investor market that includes the first national assessment of minority angel investors.

Released: 11-Mar-2005 2:20 PM EST
Professor Available to Comment on Recent Violence Against Judges
University of New Hampshire

Charles Putnam, co-director of Justiceworks at the University of New Hampshire and a research associate professor of political science, is available to comment on the recent violence against judges.

Released: 2-Mar-2005 2:10 PM EST
What to Tell Your Kids About Michael Jackson
University of New Hampshire

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, has compiled information about how to talk with children about Michael Jackson. It can be run in its entirety as an op-ed.

Released: 2-Mar-2005 10:50 AM EST
Professor Available to Talk About Pope John Paul II
University of New Hampshire

Michele Dillon, associate professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire, is available to discuss the implications of Pope John Paul II's latest illness on the Catholic Church and what the future could hold.

24-Feb-2005 12:00 PM EST
First Ever Estimate of Cod Fishery in 1850s
University of New Hampshire

Once a dominant species, the volume of cod on the Scotian Shelf, a rich fishing ground off the coast of Nova Scotia, has plunged 96 percent since the 1850s, according to an article.

Released: 24-Feb-2005 11:20 AM EST
Professor Available to Discuss How Martha Stewart Can Reclaim Her Image
University of New Hampshire

Next week, business mogul Martha Stewart will be home again after serving five months in a federal prison. How does a woman, whose image and persona are so intertwined with the brand on which her financial empire has been built, recover and move forward with her business interests?

Released: 23-Feb-2005 9:20 AM EST
Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Index Surges 13.2 Percent In Q4
University of New Hampshire

Carried by a broad market rally following the November presidential elections, the Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Index(tm) surged 13.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2004 and finished the year with an 18.5 percent gain. In contrast, the S&P 500 Index gained 8.7 percent in the fourth quarter 2004 and 9 percent for the year.

15-Feb-2005 4:30 PM EST
Fisheries Expert to Speak at AAAS Meeting
University of New Hampshire

When the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy ended its three-year analysis of the health of the world's oceans, it stated that they are in a state of crisis and that a broad, coordinated, scientifically sound approach called "ecosystem-based management" needs to be applied.

Released: 8-Feb-2005 8:00 AM EST
Educating Bystanders Is Successful in Reducing Incidents of Sexual Violence
University of New Hampshire

A rape prevention program that approaches men and women as potential bystanders or witnesses as opposed to men as perpetrators and women as victims is successful, according to University of New Hampshire researchers.

Released: 4-Feb-2005 12:00 PM EST
Scientists Awarded $5 Million From NASA to Study Edge of Solar System
University of New Hampshire

Scientists Eberhard Möbius and Marty Lee of the University of New Hampshire's Space Science Center have been selected by NASA to help build instruments for a mission characterized as the "first step beyond the solar system and into the galactic frontier."

Released: 31-Jan-2005 11:20 AM EST
Why We Feel Less Thirsty in the Cold
University of New Hampshire

Frostbite and hypothermia are not the only health hazards associated with frigidly cold temperatures. Cold weather studies at the University of New Hampshire show increased risk for dehydration, a condition more commonly associated with hot weather.

Released: 24-Jan-2005 2:50 PM EST
An Organized Office Equals Success
University of New Hampshire

Looking to save time, money and aggravation at work? Building on the success of her first organizational book, "The Well-Ordered Home," health psychologist Kathleen Kendall-Tackett has written a new book to help people cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life in their workspace.

Released: 21-Jan-2005 9:50 AM EST
Study Links Maternal Depression to Low Birth Weights in Newborns
University of New Hampshire

Depressed pregnant women may be more likely to have babies with low birth weights, according to a new study co-authored by Karen Conway, professor of economics at the University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics.

Released: 8-Dec-2004 2:00 PM EST
Ground-Breaking Franchising Bibliography
University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire William Rosenberg International Center of Franchising has partnered with EBSCO Information Services to launch a ground-breaking franchising bibliography that will serve as an extensive resource for those studying and engaged in franchising.

Released: 22-Oct-2004 11:30 AM EDT
One of Top 10 Most Entrepreneurial Campuses in the Country
University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire has been named one of the Top 25 Most Entrepreneurial Colleges by The Princeton Review and, ranking 10th in the nation. The two organizations released their Top 25 picks this morning.

Released: 14-Oct-2004 1:40 PM EDT
Angel Investors Have Returned to the Market but the Funding Gap Continues
University of New Hampshire

The angel investor market appears to be on a sustained upward swing according to an analysis of the first half of 2004 by the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics.

Released: 6-Oct-2004 2:50 PM EDT
$2 Million for National Public Safety Management Project
University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire and Keene State College have received $2 million in joint federal funds from the U.S. Department of Justice to develop a national public safety management system that will help police and fire personnel know whether the site of an emergency contains dangerous hazardous materials.

Released: 23-Aug-2004 3:20 PM EDT
Poor Air Quality Lowers Worker Productivity in New England
University of New Hampshire

Poor outdoor air quality lowers worker productivity, and most people do not change their behavior despite suffering from a host of symptoms, including breathing trouble.

Released: 9-Aug-2004 8:30 AM EDT
Greek Sports Expert Comments on Olympics
University of New Hampshire

Stephen Brunet, associate professor and coordinator of the classics program at the University of New Hampshire, can comment on the modern Olympic games vs. the ancient games.

Released: 21-Jul-2004 12:10 PM EDT
Low-Carb Craze Pummels Krispy Kreme In Second Quarter
University of New Hampshire

The Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Indexâ„¢ dropped 2.2 percent in the second quarter of 2004 due to large losses by Krispy Kreme, McDonald's and other franchises.

Released: 29-Jun-2004 12:50 PM EDT
Largest-ever Air Quality Study Poised to Begin in Seacoast N.H.
University of New Hampshire

Hundreds of government and university scientists from across the country and in western Europe will be sampling the quality of the air this summer in the largest air quality and climate study to date as part of the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation.

Released: 3-Jun-2004 2:20 PM EDT
Book Explores What Having a Hysterectomy Really Means
University of New Hampshire

A sociologist goes beyond the medical implications of gynecological surgery to explore the subjective meanings of sexual reproductive organs in relation to being female and feminine.

Released: 6-May-2004 12:30 PM EDT
First African-American Woman in Space Is Keynote Speaker at Commencement
University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire graduates will share the celebration of their academic accomplishments with Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman in space, who is the keynote speaker at the 134th Commencement Saturday, May 22, 2004.

Released: 21-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Moon's Atmosphere and Future Colonization
University of New Hampshire

A University of New Hampshire space scientist examining the atmosphere of the Moon says new findings might prove useful in future colonization of the lunar surface.

31-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Not Spanking Results in Smarter Children
University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire researchers have found that children who are never or rarely spanked have higher scores on tests of cognitive ability than those who are frequently spanked. The findings are based on a nationally representative sample of 960 children who were ages 1 to 4 at the start of the study.

Released: 7-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
UNH Researcher and Colleague Issue Challenge to Popular Theories and Newest Observations on Gamma-Ray Bursts
University of New Hampshire

A University of New Hampshire researcher and her colleague have uncovered new information about gamma ray bursts by looking at the bursts a little longer and a little smarter than anybody else -- using 20-year-old data to do it.

28-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Why Women Physically Attack Husbands at about the Same Rate as Men Attack Wives
University of New Hampshire

There have been more than 100 other studies that looked into this question by asking people about conflicts in their marriage, or their dating or cohabiting relationships. According to Straus, co-director of the University of New Hampshire Family Research Laboratory, "every one of these 'couple conflict' studies have found about equal rates of partner assault." So, the controversy sparked by Straus largely died out.

Released: 14-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
UNH Institute Receives $3M From NASA for Web-Based Environmental Info System
University of New Hampshire

A $3M NASA grant to the University of New Hampshire will fund an Earth Observing System Web-based System for Terrestrial Environmental Research, EOS-WEBSTER. This will mean making data available not only to the broader research community, but also to government agencies, schools and others outside the research community.

Released: 9-Jan-1998 12:00 AM EST
UNH Astronomers Find Gamma-Ray Flare Activity Near Unusual White Dwarf
University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire astronomers say they may have found evidence of never-before-seen gamma-ray flare activity on a white dwarf star. Until now, scientists have only detected similar flaring activity on our own Sun, but this source appears to be a white dwarf, the end-stage in the life of a star.

Released: 14-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
New Study Reports Poverty a Major Cause of Declining Health Among the Elderly
University of New Hampshire

Older people living in poverty are more likely than their middle or upper class peers to experience declining health as they age, according to a new study in the November issue of the "Journal of Gerontology. This more rapid decline in health not only threatens the quality of life of thse older persons, but also increases significantly their risk of entering a nursing home.

Released: 6-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Unusually warm temperatures help temporarily brake ongoing rise in atmospheric CO2
University of New Hampshire

Unusually warm temperatures can wreak havoc on the world's climate, but these warming periods also have an upside that may help researchers better understand global climate change. In a study published in "Science" magazine, University of New Hampshire scientists describe how a warm anomaly helps temporarily brake the ongoing rise in atmospheric CO2 attributed to human activity.

Released: 3-Oct-1997 12:00 AM EDT
UNH is Site of Satellite Telecast of Oct. 6--White House Conference on Climate Change
University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire will host a satellite downlink telecast of the White House Conference on Climate Change: The Challenge of Global Warming.

Released: 2-Sep-1997 12:00 AM EDT
UNH Researchers Pair Up With K-12 Students to Decode The White Pine Needle
University of New Hampshire

There's a world of life waiting to be decoded from the three-sided white pine needle. Just ask Gary Lauten, research scientist and coordinators of Earthday: Forest Watch Program at the University of New Hampshire's Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS). The program lets K-12 students study the health of New England forests for clues to atmopsheric and climate change impacts.

Released: 2-Sep-1997 12:00 AM EDT
NASA Head Will Speak At Climate Change Impacts Workshop at UNH Sept. 3-5
University of New Hampshire

NASA's top administrator, Daniel S. Goldin, is scheduled to speak at the New England Regional Climate Change Impacts Workshop hosted by the University of New Hampshire's Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS) Sept. 3-5.

Released: 23-Aug-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Using Lowly Lichens To Gauge The Effects Of Air Pollution On Vegetation
University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire researchers think some of the Earth's smallest organisms can tell us some big things about what we're doing to our planet. That's why Barry Rock, UNH associate professor of natural resources, and graduate student Katrina Maloney focus part of their research on lichen, which can be found on rocks, trees--even roof shingles.

Released: 23-Aug-1997 12:00 AM EDT
New England Climate Change Workshop
University of New Hampshire

The UNH Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space will host the New England Regional Climate Change Impacts Workshop Sept. 3-5. This important regional gathering will bring together stakeholders interested in identifying climage change issues that impact their communities and possible local solutions for responding to global warming. The workshop is part of a federal initiative to define the nation's research agenda in the area of climate change.

Released: 21-Aug-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Study finds the more children, the more likely you are to spank them
University of New Hampshire

The old woman who lived in a shoe who didn't know what to do with all those kids was not alone -- a University of New Hampshire study finds that the more children parents have, the more likely parents are to spank them.

Released: 25-Jun-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Link Between Use of Corporal Punishment and Juvenile Delinquency
University of New Hampshire

Parents spanking their children may undermine the parent-child bond enough to make youngsters tend towards juvenile delinquency. The study of 915 children will be presented at the 5th International Family Violence Research Conference.

