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Released: 16-Jul-2004 5:50 AM EDT
Scientists to Fight Invasive Species, Aid Declining Populations
University of Idaho

Invasive species such as white pine blister rust, spotted knapweed and whirling disease in trout, as well as declining populations of plants and animals, are the focus of a new research center at the University of Idaho.

Released: 15-Jul-2004 5:00 PM EDT
Palouse Prairie Remnants Offer Unique Perspectives on Insect Communities
University of Idaho

Less than 1 percent of the original Palouse Prairie remains. Split into patches of a few acres or less, the remnants tell an interesting story about insect communities.

Released: 15-Jul-2004 4:40 PM EDT
Burr Chervil: New Weed Threat Grows from a Humble Start
University of Idaho

Burr chervil is a new weed exploding across northern Idaho's landscape. The weed may offer important clues to the biology of invasive species in general.

Released: 15-Jul-2004 3:50 PM EDT
Fungi Found in White Pines Offer Hope for Blister Rust Defense
University of Idaho

Some fungi, it turns out, may be a western white pine's best friends. Decades after the white pine blister rust fungus swept through the vast and valuable stands of Idaho's state tree, new work by scientists is providing the rest of the story.

Released: 15-Jul-2004 2:50 PM EDT
Center’s New Tools Will Aid Study of Whirling Disease in Trout
University of Idaho

A fisheries researcher wants to understand how prevalent whirling disease is in the state's streams and the threat it poses to trout populations.

Released: 30-Jun-2004 9:10 PM EDT
Engineering Breakthrough Develops Artificial Neuron that 'Learns'
University of Idaho

Richard Wells and his microelectronics research team are helping usher in the age of real electronic brains.

11-Feb-2004 3:00 PM EST
Equine Cloning’s Triple Play Sheds Light On Calcium, Cell Signaling, Human Disease
University of Idaho

"The successful cloning of three mules and their excellent health is important to the horse industry. More important is the potential human health aspects of the cloning project," said a scientist.

Released: 15-Jan-2004 5:10 PM EST
Young Mars Scientist to Visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
University of Idaho

Lucas Möller, a sophomore at Moscow High School, will visit NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Pasadena this week. Möller is designing an experimental device to measure the angle of repose of Martian dust.

Released: 14-Nov-2003 5:40 PM EST
Soil Biochemist Traces Mustard’s Chemical Punch from the Ground Up
University of Idaho

A soil scientist tracks the effects of powerful chemicals found in condiments and vegetables. He sees a bright future for mustard's agricultural production for condiment and industrial uses.

Released: 14-Nov-2003 5:30 PM EST
Biodiesel By-Products Research Produces Promising Results
University of Idaho

They are tiny seeds containing golden opportunities. That's how a researcher, sees the rapeseed and mustard seed used in local biodiesel production.

Released: 14-Nov-2003 5:00 PM EST
National Bio-Fuel Education Program
University of Idaho

The University of Idaho will create and distribute nationwide public education about biodiesel fuels. A $950,000 USDA grant will allow UI and Iowa State University's Center for Alternative Energy to move biofuels research from the laboratory into classrooms and boardrooms.

Released: 8-Oct-2003 8:00 PM EDT
Ultra Low Power Microchip Radiation-Resistant, Ready for Space
University of Idaho

The University of Idaho Center for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research unveiled a new radiation-hardened, error-correction microchip that consumes less than 15 milliwatts of power, 100 times less than current space technologies, but runs twice as fast.

30-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Equine Cloning May Shed Light on Human Cancer Causes
University of Idaho

The same chemistry that led to the successful cloning of a mule at the University of Idaho this month also may shed new light on the causes of specific cancers in humans. The work gave a UI-Utah State University team new insight about cell activity.

30-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Idaho, Utah State Team First to Clone Equine
University of Idaho

University of Idaho - Utah State University scientists announced the successful cloning of the first horse family member, a mule. The success opens new lines of inquiry for human health research. Idaho Gem, the clone, is a full sibling of a racing mule. It was born May 4.

Released: 22-Apr-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Moscow 9th Grader Readies Project for Third Shot at Mission to Mars
University of Idaho

At 14, Lucas Möller already knows a thing or two about the uncertainties of space science. His project to measure the angle of repose of Martian dust has twice been bumped from missions to Mars. University of Idaho soil physicist Markus Tuller helped refine his idea.

Released: 26-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Cleaner-Beemer Sweeps Clean Snowmobile Challenge
University of Idaho

There's no doubt: the University of Idaho's black and green championship Clean Snowmobile is the cleanest, fastest and quietest racing sled in the U.S.

Released: 29-Jan-2003 12:00 AM EST
Scientists Revise Primer on Herbicide-resistant Weeds
University of Idaho

A newly revised publication by Pacific Northwest Extension experts about herbicide-resistant weeds offers farmers a tool to help avoid major problems in the future. The revision includes a new section devoted to herbicide-resistant crops.

Released: 13-Sep-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Genetics Work Essential to Sockeye Restoration
University of Idaho

DNA analysis by University of Idaho researchers is an essential component in a cooperative endangered species rescue program to restore sockeye salmon to central Idaho's Redfish Lake. The effort has brought ocean-going sockeyes back from the brink of extinction.

Released: 28-Aug-2002 12:00 AM EDT
University of Idaho's Contributions to National Security
University of Idaho

On Sept. 11, we, as a nation, held our collective breath as one of our worst nightmares unfolded. But within a matter of days, we began the process of analyzing what had happened, drawing on the expertise of historians and policymakers, military officers and politicians.

Released: 30-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Fish Reproduction Symposium Probes Intricacies of Sex
University of Idaho

The genetic intricacies of salmon sexes and the apparent effects of pollution on both Puget Sound and Lake Mead fishes were among topics reported on by scientists gathered this week for a symposium on salmon recovery.

Released: 1-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
UI Research to Apply Biology, Computers to Evolutionary Studies
University of Idaho

The University of Idaho's growing expertise in evolutionary biology and use of computer science and mathematics in the field has drawn a new $10.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 10-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Round Two of Gender-Bending Salmon: The Mystery Expands
University of Idaho

A University of Idaho zoologist is sampling more chinook salmon from Northwest rivers this fall in hope of solving a mystery: are some female chinook really gender bending males? New samples indicate the mystery pervades the Columbia Basin.

Released: 23-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
$6M NIH Grant Funds Joint Programs at UI, ISU and BSU
University of Idaho

A $6M, three-year grant from the National Institutes of Health will establish a Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network at the University of Idaho, Idaho State University and Boise State University.

Released: 21-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Land-Grant Universities, Government, and Industry to Battle Eco-Terrorism
University of Idaho

Land-grant universities must join forces with the federal government and private industry to more actively battle eco-terrorism attacks against university researchers, according to Bob Hoover, president of the University of Idaho and a member of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Board of Directors.

Released: 30-Jul-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Fate of Stored Nuclear Waste Among Subsurface Science Projects
University of Idaho

Six subsurface science projects, including a University of Idaho study of the possible fate of stored nuclear waste, have won Inland Northwest Research Alliance and U.S. Department of Energy Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory funding.

Released: 16-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Biodiesel Pioneer Helped Fuel Greening of Yellowstone
University of Idaho

The National Park Service now uses biodiesel in 22 parks across the country after successful testing in Yellowstone with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and University of Idaho.

Released: 16-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Biodiesel Is Road Ready
University of Idaho

When the price of diesel rises, so does the number of calls to a University of Idaho agricultural engineer who is a pioneer in the manufacture and use of biodiesel made from vegetable oil.

Released: 11-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Scientists Bet $500M on Whose Aging Theory Will Prove Best in 2150
University of Idaho

Researchers of the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and of the University of Idaho have a $500M bet riding on who has the most accurate scientific view of aging.

Released: 10-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
New DNA-Based Technique to Check for Deadly Pneumonia
University of Idaho

It can take two weeks to know whether bighorn sheep bound for a new home carry bacteria linked to a deadly pneumonia. But a new DNA-based technique developed at the University of Idaho Caine Veterinary Teaching Center promises an answer within 24 to 48 hours.

16-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Columbia Chinook: Females Carry Male's Genetic Signature
University of Idaho

Samples in 1999 from fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River's Hanford Reach show that four-fifths of the females spawning there apparently began life as males. (Environmental Health Perspectives)

Released: 28-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Improved Dental Implants Goal
University of Idaho

A University of Idaho research scientist seeks new materials to improve dental implants. Her work focuses on ensuring they don't loosen after several years due to failed bonding with the surrounding jawbone.

Released: 1-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Feeding Children Focus of Broadcast Series, Web Site
University of Idaho

A team of University of Idaho child development, nutrition and education specialists have retooled a popular class, "Feeding Young Children in Group Settings," to freshen it and adapt it to the Internet.

Released: 1-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Supercomputers: UI Explores Genetics and Bioinformatics
University of Idaho

University of Idaho computer scientists and mathematicians are joining biologists to explore new ways to interpret complex genetic information. A new supercomputer will help them reach that goal.

Released: 24-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
How Molecules Guide Nerve Growth
University of Idaho

The discovery of key molecules that affect nerve growth both expands basic understanding of the topic and may lead to medical treatments for illnesses ranging from muscular dystrophy to nerve and spinal injury, a University of Idaho scientist believes (Neuron).

Released: 8-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
UI Wins Grant to Detect Life on Other Planets
University of Idaho

A device to help search for life beyond earth will be developed by a team of University of Idaho scientists.

Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Alliance Yields New Research, Education and Opportunities
University of Idaho

A unique collaboration of regional universities is expected to enhance research, higher education and job creation throughout the Inland Northwest. Among the first anticipated impacts are advancements in environmental cleanup technologies.

Released: 8-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Studying the Biology of Aging
University of Idaho

University of Idaho zoologist Steven Austad first began to intensively study the biology of aging a dozen years ago. Humanity's natural preoccupation with aging has accelerated during that time, Austad says.

Released: 12-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Science Writing Workshop Covers Skills and Issues
University of Idaho

The University of Idaho and Society of Environmental Journalists will draw working journalists and scientists together Nov. 6 and 7 to consider some of the leading issues facing the Northwest and the nation.

Released: 8-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Anti-Tumor Drug Accepted for Evaluation
University of Idaho

The National Cancer Institute has accepted an anti-tumor drug candidate developed at the University of Idaho for biological evaluation as a potential treatment for cancer.

Released: 14-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Hay Diet for Cattle No Cure for Lethal E. Coli
University of Idaho

University of Idaho researchers say a change in cattle diets suggested earlier as a way to eliminate the threat of lethal E. coli in beef won't work.

Released: 9-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Computer Scientist to Explore Evolution
University of Idaho

A $90,000 fellowship from the National Institutes of Health will allow a University of Idaho Computer Science researcher to explore biological evolution and help him learn nature's rules to use in his research into genetic programming.

Released: 22-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Combating Bighorn Sheep Diseases
University of Idaho

Bacteria can make or break efforts to restore bighorn sheep to Hells Canyon and their other historic ranges in the West. University of Idaho research evaluates bacteria from wildlife and livestock to identify killer strains and how the strains vary.

Released: 22-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Baltic Economies Progress
University of Idaho

The Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania offer peace and glimmers of prosperity nearly a decade after their independence from the former Soviet Union, according to a University of Idaho geographer.

Released: 27-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Sheep, goats can help wage war on weeds
University of Idaho

While Idaho and other state and federal agencies launch aggressive programs to combat weeds, rangeland scientists suggest sheep and goats offer a kinder, gentler weapon to supplement herbicides and other control methods.

Released: 24-Oct-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Idaho Prof Sets Sights on Better Heads-up Displays
University of Idaho

MOSCOW, Idaho -- University of Idaho psychologist Brian Dyre is helping the U.S. Air Force fine tune virtual displays, those futuristic glimmers of light that project vital information on windshields for pilots.

Released: 3-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
New Microbes At Work on Mine Tailings in Lake Coeur D'Alene
University of Idaho

Certain naturally-occurring bacteria living in the floor of Lake Coeur d'Alene may be helping to prevent the release of contaminants such as lead and zinc into lake waters, according to a University of Idaho scientist.

Released: 26-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Better Nuclear, Hazardous Waste Cleanup Process
University of Idaho

A process already used to extract caffeine from coffee beans and bittering agents from hops shows promise for a new environmentally friendly way to handle nuclear waste, say University of Idaho chemists.

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