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Released: 5-Dec-2008 3:40 PM EST
Digital TV: Grassroots Effort Aims to Help Older Adults, Low-Income Families Make the Switch
University of Indianapolis

With the deadline looming for the nationwide transition to digital broadcast television, the Center for Aging & Community at the University of Indianapolis has developed a downloadable information toolkit to help churches and community groups mount volunteer efforts to install converter boxes for members who are still relying on analog signals.

Released: 1-Dec-2008 11:10 AM EST
Mumbai Aftermath: Experts Can Discuss Terrorism, Nuclear Threat, South Asian Stability
University of Indianapolis

Last week's seige on Mumbai represents not just a disturbing new development in terror tactics, but also a potential breakdown in regional stability that could have repercussions around the world, say international relations experts at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 28-Nov-2008 4:15 PM EST
Mumbai Attacks Suggest Disturbing Alliances, Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

The nature of the recent attacks in Mumbai suggests collaboration between internal dissidents and foreign intelligence agencies, says an international relations specialist at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 12-Nov-2008 8:40 AM EST
Expert: Obama Breaks Western Democracies' Race Barrier
University of Indianapolis

Electing a non-white person as chief executive sets the United States apart from the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other advanced democracies, says Milind Thakar, associate professor of international relations at the University of Indianapolis. Thakar is available for interview on this and related topics.

Released: 11-Nov-2008 10:00 AM EST
Holiday Gifts for Preschoolers? Keep It Simple, Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

An occupational therapist and child development expert offers recommendations for toys and other gifts that will help young children develop their minds, bodies and imagination. Dr. Jennifer Fogo of the University of Indianapolis is available for interview on this and related topics.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 11:50 AM EDT
Election 2008: Experts Available for Interview
University of Indianapolis

As this historic election season heads into its final week, faculty experts at the University of Indianapolis are available to discuss the political process and the top issues on voters' minds.

Released: 21-Oct-2008 5:00 PM EDT
Ancient Bone Tool Sheds Light on Prehistoric Midwest
University of Indianapolis

Radiocarbon dating shows that the tool "“ an awl fashioned from the leg bone of a white tail deer, with one end ground to a point "“ is 10,400 years old. The find supports the growing notion that, in the wake of the most recent Ice Age, humans migrated into Indiana earlier than previously thought. Dr. Christopher Schmidt, director of the Indiana Prehistory Laboratory at the University of Indianapolis, is available for interviews.

Released: 20-Aug-2008 11:40 AM EDT
Five Tips: Music Students Should Guard Against Injury
University of Indianapolis

Dr. Rebecca Barton of the University of Indianapolis School of Occupational Therapy offers suggestions to help musicians, and especially music students, avoid pain and injury despite long hours playing their instruments.

Released: 11-Aug-2008 9:00 PM EDT
Expert: Russia-Georgia Conflict Puts U.S. in Difficult Position
University of Indianapolis

Russia's incursion into neighboring Georgia shows that post-Cold War alliances may be more complex than previously thought, and it leaves the United States in a difficult position, according to Douglas Woodwell, assistant professor of international relations at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 14-May-2008 12:15 PM EDT
Indiana Jones: a Real Indiana Archeologist Debunks the Myths
University of Indianapolis

As Indiana Jones fans gear up for a new film featuring the swashbuckling archeologist character, scientists in the real world are bracing themselves for another round of misconceptions about the goals and methods of true archeology. University of Indianapolis Associate Professor Christopher Schmidt weighs in on the Hollywood image.

Released: 21-Mar-2008 10:45 AM EDT
March Madness? Marketing Expert Questions Hoops Hype
University of Indianapolis

Larry DeGaris, Ph.D., director of the sports marketing program at the University of Indianapolis, says the popularity and marketing value of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament is often overestimated. He is available for interviews on this and similar topics.

Released: 6-Mar-2008 12:50 PM EST
Alzheimer's Study: Grief Is Heaviest Burden for Caregivers
University of Indianapolis

The hardest part of caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's-type disorders is not the everyday practical challenge, but rather the emotional impact of losing the patients' support and companionship as the disease robs them of their faculties, according to new research at the University of Indianapolis. Associate Professor Jacquelyn Frank of UIndy's Center for Aging & Community is available for interview.

Released: 26-Feb-2008 10:25 AM EST
Marketing Expert: IRL-Champ Deal Offers Hope for Open-wheel Racing
University of Indianapolis

The long-awaited unification between the Indy Racing League and the owners of the Champ Car World Series creates opportunities for open-wheel racing to regain some of its lost audience and financial support, according to a sports marketing expert at the University of Indianapolis. Dr. Larry DeGaris is available for interviews on this and other sports marketing issues.

Released: 25-Feb-2008 10:55 AM EST
Vintage Woodwinds to be Seen, Heard at University of Indianapolis
University of Indianapolis

Retired local businessman Norman Cohen and his wife, Maxine, have donated 55 instruments "“ which Norman collected and lovingly restored over the course of more than two decades "“ to the UIndy Department of Music. The collection spans the 20th century and includes 19 instruments from the Selmer company, including several specimens of the coveted Mark VI line preferred by such jazz legends as Sonny Rollins, Stan Getz and John Coltrane.

Released: 22-Feb-2008 5:00 PM EST
Starbucks' Tuesday 'Teach-in' Is Smart Move, Says Business Prof
University of Indianapolis

Starbucks' decision to close its stores Tuesday for three hours of employee training is a clever corporate move with potential impact beyond the stated purpose, says an assistant professor of management at the University of Indianapolis. Dr. Terry Schindler is available for further comment on this and other topics related to Starbucks and management strategy.

Released: 18-Feb-2008 2:45 PM EST
Expert: Pakistan Elections Tainted but Significant
University of Indianapolis

The circumstances surrounding Monday's parliamentary elections in Pakistan are far from optimal, but the outcome could be a positive first step toward democracy in a troubled nation that has become crucial to U.S. interests, according to an expert at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 8-Jan-2008 10:10 AM EST
Digging Up a Serial Killer’s Century-old Secrets
University of Indianapolis

Did the notorious Belle Gunness, who amassed a fortune during a devious campaign of arson and murder at the turn of the 20th century, fake her death to evade the law? University of Indianapolis graduate student Andrea Simmons has exhumed Gunness' purported remains from an Illinois cemetery in hopes that bone analysis and DNA comparisons can solve the mystery in time for this spring's 100th anniversary observance.

Released: 8-Dec-2007 8:00 AM EST
UIndy Announces Lugar Leadership Center
University of Indianapolis

The University of Indianapolis and the office of U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar today announced the formation of a center dedicated to inspiring and developing new generations of leaders for Indiana, the nation and the world. The Richard G. Lugar Center for Tomorrow's Leaders will build on the principles of the annual Lugar Symposium for Tomorrow's Leaders, a one-day event that gathers Indiana's top high school juniors for expert-led discussions on public issues and world events. The university has hosted the symposium since it was founded in 1977.

Released: 6-Sep-2007 10:00 AM EDT
Pavarotti's Passing: an Accomplished Soprano and Professor Comments
University of Indianapolis

The passing of world-renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti has saddened many. Kathleen Hacker, accomplished soprano and chair of the Department of Music at the University of Indianapolis, commented on Pavarotti's significance and lasting impact on the music community.

Released: 27-Jul-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Philosophy Prof: Home-Run Chase Raises Interesting Questions
University of Indianapolis

With the San Francisco Giants' Barry Bonds closing in on Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs, lingering concerns about performance-enhancing drugs raise interesting questions about how America chooses its heroes and recognizes outstanding achievement, according to a philosophy professor at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 9-Jul-2007 2:40 PM EDT
Indiana Employers Ill-prepared for Workforce Aging
University of Indianapolis

Though Indiana employers recognize that their workforce is getting older, few are taking concrete steps to manage the transition as the baby boom generation begins to reach retirement age, according to a new report from the University of Indianapolis' Center for Aging & Community. Qualities generally rated most valuable by employers are those associated with older workers.

Released: 6-Jul-2007 10:00 AM EDT
UIndy Professor Offers Thoughts on Final Harry Potter Book
University of Indianapolis

As the release of the final Harry Potter book draws near, University of Indianapolis English Department Chair and avid Harry Potter fan Toni Morris offers her thoughts about the popularity of the series and raises some questions about its cultural significance.

Released: 21-May-2007 2:45 PM EDT
UIndy Seeks Midwest Entries for Sculpture Exhibition
University of Indianapolis

The University of Indianapolis Department of Art & Design is seeking entries from throughout the Midwest for its 2007-2008 juried Campus Sculpture Walk Competition. Submissions of previously completed and ready-to-install sculptures will be accepted from June 1, 2007 through the close of business (4:30 p.m.EDT) July 16, 2007.

Released: 23-Mar-2007 4:15 PM EDT
Summer Academics Not Always a Good Idea, Professor Says
University of Indianapolis

In an increasingly competitive world, parents are tempted to push their children into doing schoolwork during the summer. While this may seem like a great way to keep kids from falling behind over the long break, an education professor at the University of Indianapolis advises against this practice, and notes that playtime can be very educational. She offers suggestions for summer activities that parents can initiate to engage their children.

Released: 20-Feb-2007 7:20 PM EST
UIndy, Law Enforcement Video Association to Unveil High-tech Forensic Video Lab
University of Indianapolis

With law enforcement officers from around the world on hand Feb. 26, the University of Indianapolis and the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA) will open a one-of-a-kind media analysis laboratory, the world's first permanent facility for training criminal investigators in processing and managing large quantities of video evidence.

Released: 10-Feb-2007 2:40 PM EST
Increases in Autism Rates Not Surprising to Education Expert
University of Indianapolis

The new national study showing higher-than-expected incidences of autism comes as no surprise to special education personnel and autism advocates, says a special education professor at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 1-Feb-2007 3:45 PM EST
Give Super Bowl Back to the Fans, Marketing Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

As a one-day media event, the Super Bowl may be the top athletic contest in the world, but the NFL and the host cities and sponsors have never developed its full potential as an extended live attraction for the average fan, says a sports marketing expert at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 22-Jan-2007 6:40 PM EST
Sources on Call for State of the Union Address
University of Indianapolis

Faculty experts at the University of Indianapolis are available for comment and perspective on President Bush's State of the Union address Tuesday and the context in which it is taking place, including the Iraq War, the 2008 presidential campaign and the Democrats' rise to power in Congress.

Released: 22-Jan-2007 2:05 PM EST
Marketing Prof: Colts’ Win Brings Economic Opportunity
University of Indianapolis

University of Indianapolis sports marketing expert Larry DeGaris discusses the business impact of the Indianapolis Colts' victory in Sunday's AFC Championship game.

Released: 14-Dec-2006 4:30 PM EST
Home for the Holidays: Readjustment Advice for Parents and College Students
University of Indianapolis

Having college students back home for an extended period over the holidays can cause conflict and put a damper on the holiday fun. Kelly Miller, staff psychologist at the University of Indianapolis, offers advice for both parents and students to reduce friction and make this time together more enjoyable. She also suggests helpful reading material dealing with the adjustments that college brings.

Released: 11-Dec-2006 12:00 AM EST
Alternative Workouts Help Maintain Fitness When Holidays Interrupt Exercise Routines
University of Indianapolis

University of Indianapolis Assistant Professor of Nursing Donna Konradi offers alternative ideas for staying active during the holidays or anytime your usual exercise routine is interrupted.

Released: 5-Dec-2006 5:35 PM EST
Goodbye, Scrooge: Beating the ‘Holiday Blues’
University of Indianapolis

An estimated 1 in 5 people have feelings of irritability, isolation and loneliness around the holidays. Clinical psychologist Kelly Miller of the University of Indianapolis offers tips to beat the holiday blues.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 5:55 PM EST
Buy Children Holiday Gifts That Encourage Physical Activity
University of Indianapolis

With obesity in children on the rise, toys that get kids moving are among the best gifts you can give this holiday season, according to a physical therapy professor at the University of Indianapolis. Anne Mejia Downs urges parents to find gifts that will promote fitness, and offers suggestions of toys and games that are as much fun as they are beneficial.

Released: 2-Nov-2006 7:15 PM EST
10 “Quick Fixes” for Elder Home Safety
University of Indianapolis

Falls are the leading cause of injury and accidental deaths among senior citizens, and a University of Indianapolis occupational therapist offers 10 tips to help ensure their safety at home.

Released: 2-Nov-2006 6:50 PM EST
Early Sport Specialization Not a Good Idea, Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

Specialization in sports at an early age is becoming more common, fueled by the belief that it will lead to athletic success later; however, a University of Indianapolis expert says this specialization actually can have the opposite effect. Athletic skills such as speed, balance, mental focus and jumping are stressed differently in different sports, and lead to a well-rounded athlete.

Released: 19-Oct-2006 9:40 PM EDT
Fall Fitness Tips for Armchair Quarterbacks
University of Indianapolis

From the University of Indianapolis' Krannert School of Physical Therapy, with graduate programs ranked in the top 10 percent nationally by U.S. News and World Report, Assistant Professor Anne Mejia Downs offers fitness tips for fans who can't turn away from the gridiron action.

Released: 26-Sep-2006 5:30 PM EDT
Education Conference Brings International Reform Experts to Indianapolis
University of Indianapolis

Educators and business and community leaders from throughout Indiana will gather Nov. 1 and 2 for Indiana's Future: World-Class Schools for the 21st Century, the second annual statewide school reform conference sponsored by the University of Indianapolis' Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning.

Released: 26-Sep-2006 5:20 PM EDT
Recognizing Depression and Getting Help
University of Indianapolis

The change of seasons and the approach of National Depression Awareness Week, Oct. 2-9, make this a good time to re-examine the impact of depression, a serious illness that affects as many as 20 million adult Americans each year, along with their friends and loved ones.

Released: 6-Sep-2006 3:30 PM EDT
Sources Available for 9/11 Anniversary Coverage
University of Indianapolis

Journalists: As you complete your stories on the upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, don't hesitate to consult the experts at the University of Indianapolis. Faculty members such as those below can provide a broad range of perspectives on the world-changing events of the past five years.

Released: 22-Aug-2006 4:20 PM EDT
New Health Dean Brings International Reputation
University of Indianapolis

An internationally known scholar and advocate on communication disorders has been named to the new position of Dean of Health Sciences at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 27-Jun-2006 6:35 PM EDT
That Conk on the Head Could Be a Concussion
University of Indianapolis

It's not uncommon to get hit on the head while playing a sport, but how do you know when you've suffered a concussion"”one of the least understood sports injuries? The head athletic trainer at the University of Indianapolis offers advice for recognizing this potentially serious condition and getting the right treatment.

Released: 20-Jun-2006 5:25 PM EDT
Selecting a College
University of Indianapolis

College is an investment. As with any sizeable commitment of funds, it pays off in the long run to do some homework up front and select the institution best suited to your personality and preferences, as well as your academic needs and career goals. Deborah Spinney, executive director for student development at the University of Indianapolis, offers 10 tips for making that important decision.

Released: 20-Jun-2006 5:15 PM EDT
10 Mistakes Freshmen Make
University of Indianapolis

Every year, many college freshmen fall victim to poor study habits, an overabundance of socializing or other poor choices that derail their higher education. Deborah Spinney, executive director for student development at the University of Indianapolis, has identified the 10 most common of these mistakes, and offers advice for staying on course.

Released: 20-Jun-2006 5:10 PM EDT
Health Briefs
University of Indianapolis

The University of Indianapolis' head athletic trainer, Ned Shannon, offers advice on staying hydrated this summer, dealing with strains and sprains, and making a moist heat pack.

Released: 31-Jan-2006 2:00 PM EST
Scholar: Mrs. King Left Her Own Legacy
University of Indianapolis

Dr. Edward "Ted" Frantz, assistant professor of history at the University of Indianapolis, is available to discuss the death of Coretta Scott King and its relevance to the civil rights movement.

Released: 8-Dec-2005 1:40 PM EST
Expert Can Discuss Iraqi Election Outlook
University of Indianapolis

Dr. R. William Ayres, director of the International Relations program at the University of Indianapolis, says past Iraqi elections offer little hope that next week's voting will reduce the deep ethnic and sectarian divisions.

Released: 7-Dec-2005 12:00 AM EST
Seven Tips: Winter Health and Safety for Older Adults
University of Indianapolis

While many people wish for a "White Christmas," the reality is that snow and ice can be a painful one-two punch, especially for seniors who have osteoporosis or difficulty walking due to a previous stroke or other illness.

Released: 28-Sep-2005 10:50 AM EDT
Lilly Endowment Grant Supports Faith-Centered Career Programs
University of Indianapolis

A $500,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. will help the University of Indianapolis extend and sustain programs that encourage students to explore career paths based in faith and service.

Released: 30-Apr-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Renowned Poet to Speak at U of I Commencement
University of Indianapolis

Acclaimed poet Alice Friman will be the keynote speaker at the 97th University of Indianapolis Commencement Ceremony, slated for Saturday, May 4, at 2 p.m. in Nicoson Hall. Friman taught at the university for more than 20 years.

Released: 14-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
U of I Announces Leadership of Education Center
University of Indianapolis

The University of Indianapolis announces a nearly $15M Lilly Endowment grant to pioneer an innovative leadership center that will provide students, educators and community leaders with the skills, support and resources they need to help reshape K-12 education.
