Latest News from: University of Kentucky

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Newswise: From drive-thru to OR: a twisted tale of UK patient's rare condition, complex surgery
Released: 6-Mar-2024 11:05 AM EST
From drive-thru to OR: a twisted tale of UK patient's rare condition, complex surgery
University of Kentucky

When Jacob Whitt rolled through the drive-thru with friends one night in November 2022, he had no idea that the cheesy, saucy goodness he ordered would lead to a 38-day stay in the hospital.

Newswise: When an ear infection needed surgery, Kentucky Children's Hospital physicians stepped up
Released: 6-Mar-2024 11:05 AM EST
When an ear infection needed surgery, Kentucky Children's Hospital physicians stepped up
University of Kentucky

acey Cundiff knew she had to say something. Her five-year-old daughter had been sick for days, bouncing between visits to their family doctor and local emergency room — but no one had been able to provide a solid diagnosis. Lacey and her daughter, Anna Kerri, had been directed to UK HealthCare’s Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center. For any mom, seeing her daughter in an emergency room bed late at night was both scary and intimidating, but the doctor leaning over Anna Kerri’s bed put Lacey at ease.

Newswise: UK HealthCare Women's History Month Q&A: Asha Shenoi
Released: 6-Mar-2024 11:05 AM EST
UK HealthCare Women's History Month Q&A: Asha Shenoi
University of Kentucky

Women’s History Month is a nationally recognized observance that commemorates the role of women throughout American History. Though its roots as a national celebration trace back to 1981, the presidential proclamation of every March as Women’s History Month officially began in 1995.

Newswise: Markey study shows expanded cancer gene testing feasible, beneficial for patients
Released: 23-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
Markey study shows expanded cancer gene testing feasible, beneficial for patients
University of Kentucky

A new University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study published in JCO Precision Oncology demonstrates a feasible way to expand germline genetic testing for patients with cancer.

Released: 22-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
UK Markey Cancer Center study reveals extent of undiagnosed cancer cases caused by pandemic
University of Kentucky

Over 134,000 cancer cases went undiagnosed in the U.S. during the first 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study.

Newswise: University of Kentucky scientists develop eco-friendly magnet to battle microplastics
Released: 12-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
University of Kentucky scientists develop eco-friendly magnet to battle microplastics
University of Kentucky

Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue, and University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment researchers are leading the charge with an innovative solution.

Newswise: Nursing’s Stanifer chosen as scholar in Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists
Released: 9-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
Nursing’s Stanifer chosen as scholar in Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists
University of Kentucky

A researcher in the University of Kentucky College of Nursing has been selected as a scholar for the Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists (EHRI-NCS).

Newswise: 'He was where he was supposed to be' — A series of fortunate events saves UK patient's life
Released: 8-Feb-2024 1:05 PM EST
'He was where he was supposed to be' — A series of fortunate events saves UK patient's life
University of Kentucky

Weekends in the fall are chaotic in the Zuber household. Dan Zuber coaches basketball at Woodford Middle School in Versailles. His wife Wendy, a former volleyball coach, runs a volleyball clinic in Franklin County.

Newswise: University of Kentucky study explores how macrophages regulate regenerative healing in spiny mice
Released: 25-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
University of Kentucky study explores how macrophages regulate regenerative healing in spiny mice
University of Kentucky

A team of researchers at the University of Kentucky and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is delving deeper into the science behind how spiny mice can regenerate lost tissue and using what they learn to trigger regeneration in other types of mice — advances which one day may be translated into humans.

Newswise: Markey Cancer Center patient thriving after chance encounter leads to early diagnosis
Released: 24-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Markey Cancer Center patient thriving after chance encounter leads to early diagnosis
University of Kentucky

In the spring of 2022, Lexington resident Jan Carrico noticed she’d developed fever blisters and a lymph node on the left side of her neck was swollen.

Newswise: AI helping bring vital stroke care ‘virtually to the patient’s bedside’
Released: 19-Jan-2024 9:05 AM EST
AI helping bring vital stroke care ‘virtually to the patient’s bedside’
University of Kentucky

Justin Fraser, M.D., and his University of Kentucky colleagues have a phrase they frequently use to convey the urgency of their care: “Time is brain.” 

Newswise: Caring for the caregiver: UK neurology helps patient overcome rare condition
Released: 18-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Caring for the caregiver: UK neurology helps patient overcome rare condition
University of Kentucky

In 2019, Tiona Stevenson realized she didn’t feel like herself.She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t focus at work. Something was off, but Tiona couldn’t pinpoint the problem. She spent two long years working through it.“I was working my regular schedule at home and started feeling dizzy all the time.

Newswise: 'It was a breath of fresh air' – treatment of rare tumor helps KCH patient feel like herself again
Released: 18-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
'It was a breath of fresh air' – treatment of rare tumor helps KCH patient feel like herself again
University of Kentucky

With one smile, 18-year-old Payton Ebertshauer of London can light up any room.

Newswise: UK launches new sport leadership bachelor’s degree
Released: 12-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
UK launches new sport leadership bachelor’s degree
University of Kentucky

For the first time, the University of Kentucky is offering a bachelor’s degree in sport leadership.

Newswise: Healthy Hearts for Women event marks 10 years of raising awareness
Released: 12-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Healthy Hearts for Women event marks 10 years of raising awareness
University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky will mark a decade of raising awareness and continuing its effort to warn women about the dangers of heart disease with the annual Healthy Hearts for Women Symposium. Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year, according to the American Heart Association.

Newswise: New bachelor’s degree in statistics and data science addresses growing data-driven industries
Released: 12-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
New bachelor’s degree in statistics and data science addresses growing data-driven industries
University of Kentucky

The Dr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics at the University of Kentucky is now offering, for the first time, an undergraduate major for students, addressing a growing demand for skilled professionals in data-driven industries.

Newswise: Goldstein selected to help lead statewide task force addressing heart disease and stroke
Released: 12-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Goldstein selected to help lead statewide task force addressing heart disease and stroke
University of Kentucky

Larry Goldstein, M.D., chair of the University of Kentucky Department of Neurology, has been selected to serve as co-chair of The Kentucky Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (KHDSP) Task Force representing stroke systems of care across the state. 

Newswise: Markey Cancer Center research highlights need for education to combat cancer in Appalachia 
Released: 29-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
Markey Cancer Center research highlights need for education to combat cancer in Appalachia 
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center research underscores the need for interventions to increase educational attainment and knowledge of cancer in Appalachian Kentucky.  Kentucky has the highest rate of cancer incidence and mortality in the country, with the Eastern Appalachian region bearing the highest burden due to health, socioeconomic and education disparities including decreased education attainment levels that cause lower health literacy.

Newswise:Video Embedded he-has-never-stopped-fighting-for-me-the-legacy-of-innovative-diabetes-care-at-barnstable-brown
Released: 22-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
'He has never stopped fighting for me' — the legacy of innovative diabetes care at Barnstable Brown
University of Kentucky

“Just like any other parent who out of nowhere their child is suddenly ill, it pretty much takes your breath away. It is not something you know how to fix,” remembers Cindy Farmer.

Newswise: University of Kentucky's Center for Applied Energy Research coal-to-carbon fiber research published in Carbon
Released: 22-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
University of Kentucky's Center for Applied Energy Research coal-to-carbon fiber research published in Carbon
University of Kentucky

At the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), scientists’ innovative research to turn Kentucky waste coal into high-value carbon products has been published in the journal Carbon.The publication titled “Isotropic pitch-derived carbon fiber from waste coal” is the work of CAER’s Carbon Materials Research Group.
