Latest News from: Texas A&M University

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Released: 16-Dec-2020 11:55 AM EST
Researchers developing drugs to help prevent preterm birth
Texas A&M University

Dr. Arum Han is leading a clinical trial-on-a-chip program to develop new drugs to help prevent preterm births with a $3.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.

17-Nov-2020 2:00 PM EST
Racial attitudes in a community affect COVID-19 numbers
Texas A&M University

There is a growing body of evidence showing that racial and ethnic minorities are more affected by severe illness, and more likely to be hospitalized, from COVID-19 compared to white people. This disparity can be only partially explained by the disproportionate rates of underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, and obesity, seen among Black/African American people.

Released: 16-Nov-2020 3:15 PM EST
NSF Grant Helps Researchers Develop New Diabetic Diet Monitoring Method
Texas A&M University

A team of researchers at the Precise Advanced Technologies and Health Systems for Underserved Populations center are developing a new way to approach diet monitoring to benefit the more than 30 million Americans living with Type 2 diabetes.

Released: 26-Oct-2020 11:35 AM EDT
Researchers create robots that can transform their wheels into legs
Texas A&M University

A team of researchers is creating mobile robots for military applications that can determine, with or without human intervention, whether wheels or legs are more suitable to travel across terrains. The adaptable Wheel-and-Leg Transformable Robot can traverse over varying surfaces, including staircases, more efficiently.

Released: 23-Sep-2020 3:55 PM EDT
Engineering a way to help identify aortic dissection
Texas A&M University

Dr. Chandler Benjamin and his team are using material characterization and nonlinear models to help health care providers better identify the life threatening condition of aortic dissection.

Released: 18-Sep-2020 11:35 AM EDT
Keeping students physically active online or in-person
Texas A&M University

A physical activity expert addresses ways to keep students active in this "new normal."

Released: 18-Sep-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Why are some students forgotten in gifted education?
Texas A&M University

A Texas A&M expert looks at why some underrepresented students are forgotten in gifted education and how school districts can change that.

Released: 18-Sep-2020 11:10 AM EDT
Homework helpline launches for P-12 students
Texas A&M University

Students at Texas A&M are offering virtual tutoring sessions, free of charge, to students across the country.

Released: 14-Sep-2020 5:45 PM EDT
Using Nature-Inspired Designs To Protect Coastal Communities
Texas A&M University

Nearly half the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of a coastline, putting them at risk of rising sea levels, eroding coastlines and more frequent storms and hurricanes. Dr. Jens Figlus and his team are safeguarding these coastal communities through better designed hybrid coastal structures.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 2:35 PM EDT
O-REU Program
Texas A&M University

Recently, the Texas A&M University College of Engineering kicked off an online version of its Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. Taking place over the summer, this fully remote program gives 58 students from around the U.S. valuable research experience in computational modeling, theory and data-driven topics in science and engineering.

Released: 6-Jul-2020 4:05 PM EDT
White Police Officers Use Force More Often Than Non-White Colleagues
Texas A&M University

White police officers are far more likely to use force than their nonwhite counterparts, especially in minority neighborhoods, according to a study from Texas A&M University researchers.

Released: 23-Jun-2020 11:35 AM EDT
Texas A&M offers undergraduates hands-on research experience despite pandemic
Texas A&M University

Recently, the Texas A&M University College of Engineering kicked off an online version of its Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. Taking place over the summer, this fully remote program gives 58 students from around the U.S. valuable research experience in computational modeling, theory and data-driven topics in science and engineering.

Released: 20-May-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Students offer pediatric surgeons a helping hand
Texas A&M University

In a surgery suite, it’s all hands on deck. Using an endoscope, a tube with a light and camera attached, can sometimes hinder that mobility, a problem a team of seniors worked to solve with their final capstone project.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 6:05 PM EDT
Texas A&M researchers design 3D-printed diffuser to treat COVID-19 patients
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University, through its unique Engineering Medicine (EnMed) partnership with Houston Methodist Hospital, is stepping up to help the health care system keep up with the demand for medical supplies brought on by the increasing number of confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Talking to your children about COVID-19
Texas A&M University

Dr. Krystal Simmons, clinical associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, studies school psychology and counseling. We spoke with her for advice on how to speak with your children during a public crisis such as COVID-19.

Released: 4-Mar-2020 5:05 PM EST
Saving lives through simulation: Ocean engineering doctoral student models volcanic tsunamis
Texas A&M University

Volcanic tsunamis - those caused by an underwater eruption - are as devastating as they are abrupt. Richards Sunny, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Ocean Engineering, is developing and improving simulations to map, predict and research volcanic tsunamis.

Released: 19-Feb-2020 11:05 AM EST
New wearable tool helps manage mental health
Texas A&M University

Researchers at Texas A&M University are working on a smartphone app that can help students manage their mental health and connect to resources.

