Latest News from: Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

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16-Feb-2021 3:00 PM EST
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Associated with Risks of Structural Heart Changes a Decade After Delivery
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

The changes, which mainly affect the left ventricle of the heart, may predispose some women to ischemic heart disease and heart failure later in life.

15-Feb-2021 9:00 AM EST
The Original Antigenic Sin: How Childhood Infections Could Shape Pandemics
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A child’s first influenza infection shapes their immunity to future airborne flu viruses – including emerging pandemic strains. But not all flu strains spur the same initial immune defense, according to new findings published today by University of Pittsburgh virologists.

15-Feb-2021 11:15 AM EST
Mystery of Metabolic Dysfunction in Psychiatric Patients Solved. The Key? Dopamine in the Pancreas.
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Antipsychotic drugs not only block dopamine signaling in the brain but also in the pancreas, leading to uncontrolled production of blood glucose-regulating hormones and, eventually, obesity and diabetes.

11-Feb-2021 1:45 PM EST
A Cheap, Potent Pathway to Pandemic Therapeutics
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

By capitalizing on a convergence of chemical, biological and artificial intelligence advances, scientists have developed an unusually fast and efficient method for discovering tiny antibody fragments with big potential for development into therapeutics against deadly diseases.

12-Feb-2021 8:30 AM EST
Insight About Tumor Microenvironment Could Boost Cancer Immunotherapy
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A paper published today in Nature shows how chemicals in the areas surrounding tumors – known as the tumor microenvironment – subvert the immune system and enable cancer to evade attack. These findings suggest that an existing drug could boost cancer immunotherapy.

31-Jan-2021 8:00 PM EST
Fecal Transplant Turns Cancer Immunotherapy Non-Responders into Responders
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A phase II clinical trial shows that changing the gut microbiome through fecal transplant can transform cancer patients who never responded to immunotherapy into patients who do.

Released: 4-Feb-2021 9:00 AM EST
Where Black Americans Will Travel Farther than Whites for COVID-19 Vaccination
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Similar to the idea of "food deserts," many urban Black neighborhoods lack pharmacies, clinics, hospitals or health centers that can administer COVID-19 vaccines. The analysis, including a detailed facility map, points to the places where there is a need for temporary mass vaccination sites.

Released: 3-Feb-2021 2:00 PM EST
How SARS-CoV-2 Mutates to Escape Antibody Binding
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A scientific detective story starting with a single patient in Pittsburgh unearths how the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates to create new variants, including the UK strain B.1.1.7, and escapes neutralizing antibodies.

31-Jan-2021 7:00 PM EST
Study May Help Pregnant Women and Others ‘Scratch’ Spinal Morphine-Induced Itch
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Researchers identified spinal cord neurons responsible for an itchy sensation after an epidural morphine injection and found a drug that may fix the problem without reducing morphine’s pain-killing effects.

27-Jan-2021 1:00 PM EST
Black or Hispanic Kids Receive Less Medical Imaging than White Kids
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Large study publishing in JAMA Network Open shows Black and Hispanic children in hospital emergency departments are less likely to have imaging tests, such as X-rays or CT scans, ordered for them compared to White children. The authors attribute this disparity largely to overuse among Whites.

25-Jan-2021 12:50 PM EST
Iron-Carrying Extracellular Vesicles are Key to Respiratory Viral-Bacterial Coinfection
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

The finding can offer a new way for creating therapies to prevent secondary bacterial infections.

18-Dec-2020 12:25 PM EST
Community-Based Programs Reduce Sexual Violence, Study Shows
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Through small, neighborhood classes, researchers at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Promundo-US significantly reduced sexual violence among teenage boys living in areas of concentrated disadvantage. The study appears in JAMA.

Released: 16-Dec-2020 4:45 PM EST
Some States May Lack Facilities for Administering COVID-19 Vaccine to Residents
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

As the biggest vaccination effort in U.S. history gets underway, several states may not have enough facilities in some areas to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to all residents who want it, according to a new analysis from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and the nonprofit West Health.

7-Dec-2020 12:05 PM EST
Pitt Scientists Identify Genetic Risks of Rare Inflammatory Disease
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

A group of international collaborators led by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh identified new genetic associations that can predict individual susceptibility to Takayasu arteritis.

1-Dec-2020 11:20 AM EST
Synthetic Biology and Machine Learning Speed the Creation of Lab-Grown Livers
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have combined synthetic biology with a machine learning algorithm to create human liver organoids with blood and bile handling systems. When implanted into mice with failing livers, the lab-grown replacement livers extended life.

1-Dec-2020 10:15 AM EST
Circadian Gene Mutation Increases Self-Administration of Cocaine in Mice
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh researchers reveal a molecular basis for the deep and fundamental connection between the disruption in circadian rhythms and predisposition to substance abuse.

23-Nov-2020 1:00 PM EST
Pitt Scientists Identify Predictors of Satisfaction after Bariatric Surgery and Demonstrate Positive Effects of Physical Activity in Patients
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

While most patients are at least somewhat satisfied with their surgery long-term, satisfaction decreased from 85% to 77% three to seven years post-surgery. Most patients also continue to lead sedentary lives, which contributes to weight regain and negatively affects their mental well-being.

10-Nov-2020 11:30 AM EST
Pitt Scientists Discover Secret to Superbug’s Virulence in Diabetic Infections
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

The bodies of people with uncontrolled diabetes appear to be the perfect environment for a common type of superbug to thrive unchecked and do its worst damage, according to new research by University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine scientists.

10-Nov-2020 10:15 AM EST
Increase in Early-Stage Cancer Diagnoses Tied to ACA’s Medicaid Expansion, Pitt Study Finds
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

The study showed that health insurance expansions increased early-stage cancer diagnoses, while rates of late-stage cancer decreased.

9-Nov-2020 3:15 PM EST
University of Pittsburgh Neuroscientists Advance Understanding of Pain from Light Touch
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

Researchers from the Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research uncovered additional complexities behind mechanical allodynia – the sensation of pain from innocuous stimuli, such as light touch.
