Latest News from: American Chemical Society (ACS)

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Newswise: Evidence stacks up for poisonous books containing toxic dyes
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Evidence stacks up for poisonous books containing toxic dyes
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Some Victorian books were dyed with toxic pigments. The latest research on these “poison books” used a technique not previously applied to books to assess a university collection, and the researchers found some volumes had possibly unsafe levels. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded researchers-develop-an-instant-version-of-trendy-golden-turmeric-milk
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Researchers develop an instant version of trendy, golden turmeric milk
American Chemical Society (ACS)

“Golden” turmeric milk has become a staple of any trendy café. Researchers have now developed an efficient method to make a plant-based, instant version that maintains the ingredients’ beneficial properties while also extending its shelf life. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise:Video Embedded los-investigadores-desarrollan-una-versi-n-instant-nea-de-la-leche-dorada-de-moda-a-base-de-c-rcuma
12-Aug-2024 11:45 PM EDT
Los investigadores desarrollan una versión instantánea de la leche dorada de moda a base de cúrcuma
American Chemical Society (ACS)

La leche “dorada” de cúrcuma se ha convertido en un elemento esencial de cualquier cafetería de moda. Ahora, los investigadores han desarrollado un método eficiente para hacer una versión instantánea y vegetal que mantiene las propiedades beneficiosas de los ingredientes al tiempo que prolonga la vida útil. Presentarán sus resultados en la ACS Fall 2024.

Newswise: Exploring the structures of xenon-containing crystallites
9-Aug-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Exploring the structures of xenon-containing crystallites
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers have successfully examined tiny crystallites of noble gas compounds. They report structures of multiple xenon compounds in ACS Central Science.

9-Aug-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Rising mercury pollution in soil could be related to climate change, study says
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A study published in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology estimates that soil stores substantially more mercury than previously thought, and it predicts that increases in plant growth due to climate change may add even more.

Released: 13-Aug-2024 9:00 AM EDT
About 10,000 chemistry presentations will happen in Denver soon
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The American Chemical Society (ACS) is hosting ACS Fall 2024, its virtual and in-person meeting, with the theme “Elevating Chemistry.” It will take place in Denver on Aug. 18-22.

Newswise: Las investigaciones demuestran que la contaminación por pesticidas traspasa la cáscara de la manzana
Released: 7-Aug-2024 9:30 AM EDT
Las investigaciones demuestran que la contaminación por pesticidas traspasa la cáscara de la manzana
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Un grupo de investigadores que publican en la revista Nano Letters de ACS ha desarrollado un método de creación de imágenes de alta tecnología para detectar la contaminación por pesticidas en niveles inferiores, y su aplicación en la fruta revela que las prácticas actuales de seguridad alimentaria podrían ser insuficientes.

Newswise: Researchers show pesticide contamination is more than apple skin deep
2-Aug-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers show pesticide contamination is more than apple skin deep
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have developed a high-tech imaging method to detect pesticide contamination at low levels, and its application on fruits reveals that current food safety practices may be insufficient.

Newswise: Mejora de la imagenología de la enfermedad de Alzheimer con sensores fluorescentes
Released: 31-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Mejora de la imagenología de la enfermedad de Alzheimer con sensores fluorescentes
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Ahora investigadores deACS Central Science demuestran una forma de empaquetar sensores fluorescentes para facilitar su paso a través de la barrera hematoencefálica en ratones, lo que permite mejorar la obtención de imagenología cerebral. Con un mayor desarrollo, la tecnología podría contribuir a avanzar en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

Newswise: Improving Alzheimer’s disease imaging — with fluorescent sensors
26-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Improving Alzheimer’s disease imaging — with fluorescent sensors
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Now, researchers in ACS Central Science demonstrate a way of packaging fluorescent sensors for easy passage across the blood-brain barrier in mice, allowing for improved brain imaging. With further development, the technology could help advance Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and treatment.

Newswise: Batería de iones de litio totalmente elástica para dispositivos electrónicos flexibles
Released: 17-Jul-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Batería de iones de litio totalmente elástica para dispositivos electrónicos flexibles
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Los investigadores de ACS Energy Letters informan sobre una batería de iones de litio con componentes totalmente extensibles, incluida una capa de electrolito que puede expandirse un 5000 %, y que conserva su capacidad de almacenamiento de carga después de casi 70 ciclos de carga y descarga.

Newswise: Diseño de opioides más seguros
Released: 17-Jul-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Diseño de opioides más seguros
American Chemical Society (ACS)

En un estudio publicado en ACS Central Science, los investigadores han identificado una estrategia para diseñar opioides más seguros. Han demostrado que un opioide experimental, que se une a un sitio no convencional del receptor, suprime el dolor en modelos animales con menos efectos secundarios, especialmente los vinculados a sobredosis fatales.

Newswise: Designing safer opioids
12-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Designing safer opioids
American Chemical Society (ACS)

In a study in ACS Central Science, researchers have identified a strategy to design safer opioids. They showed that an experimental opioid, which binds to an unconventional spot in the receptor, suppresses pain in animal models with fewer side effects — most notably those linked to fatal overdoses.

Newswise: Completely stretchy lithium-ion battery for flexible electronics
12-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Completely stretchy lithium-ion battery for flexible electronics
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers in ACS Energy Letters report a lithium-ion battery with entirely stretchable components, including an electrolyte layer that can expand by 5000%, and it retains its charge storage capacity after nearly 70 charge/discharge cycles. Potential applications include flexible electronics.

Newswise: Some landfill ‘burps’ contain airborne PFAS, study finds
21-Jun-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Some landfill ‘burps’ contain airborne PFAS, study finds
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Many municipal landfills “burp” gas from decomposing organic matter rather than letting it build up. And burps from buried waste containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can release these “forever chemicals” into the air, say researchers in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Newswise: Small, adsorbent ‘fins’ collect humidity rather than swim through water
21-Jun-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Small, adsorbent ‘fins’ collect humidity rather than swim through water
American Chemical Society (ACS)

To harvest small amounts of humidity, researchers in ACS Energy Letters have developed a compact device with absorbent-coated fins that first trap moisture and then generate potable water when heated.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 10:00 AM EDT
Press registration opens for ACS Fall 2024
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Journalists who register for the fall meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) will have access to about 10,000 presentations on topics including agriculture and food, energy and fuels, health and medicine, sustainability, and more.

24-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Chocolate’s tasty flavors might pose a risk in other desserts
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The same molecules that create chocolate's aroma might carry some unwanted health effects if there are too many around. According to research published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, while many of the compounds appeared in chocolate in low enough concentrations to be safe, higher amounts were found in some baked sweet treats.

Newswise: Electrochromic films — like sunglasses for your windows?
24-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Electrochromic films — like sunglasses for your windows?
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Advances in electrochromic coatings may bring us closer to environmentally friendly ways to keep inside spaces cool. Researchers in ACS Energy Letters report demonstrating a new electrochromic film design based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that quickly and reliably switch from transparent to glare-diminishing green to thermal-insulating red.
