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10-May-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Researchers Discover New Genetic Variants Responsible for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have revealed how variants of a gene responsible for packing and condensing genetic material present a novel cause for certain neurodevelopmental disorders.

Released: 6-May-2021 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers Find Association Between Financial Strain Due to COVID-19 and Depression
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have found an independent association between COVID-19-related income loss and financial strain and depression, according to the latest study from the COVID-19 Resilience Project, run by the Lifespan Brain Institute (LiBI) of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Penn Medicine. This association was found in two separate cohorts – one primarily in the United States and one in Israel – and the depressive symptoms worsened over time in participants who were hit financially, above and beyond pandemic-related anxiety. The findings were published today in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

3-May-2021 12:05 PM EDT
CHOP Researchers Discover New Disease that Prevents Formation of Antibodies
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Using whole exome sequencing, CHOP researchers discovered the genetic mutation responsible for a condition that prevents patients from making B cells and antibodies to fight infections. The study describing the condition, which CHOP researchers named PU.1 Mutated agammaglobulinemia (PU.MA), was published today in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

3-May-2021 2:30 PM EDT
Large Study Analyzes Two Different Classes of ADHD Drugs in Preschool-Age Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In a multi-institutional study, researchers in the Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network (DBPNet), led by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), have conducted the first and largest analysis to date comparing the effectiveness and side effects of stimulants like methylphenidate (Ritalin) and alpha-adrenergic agonists like guanfacine (Tenex) in preschool-age children. The researchers found that both classes of drugs have benefits, with differing side effects, suggesting that decisions on which class of drugs to prescribe should be made based on individual patient factors. The retrospective study was published today in JAMA.

Released: 28-Apr-2021 10:00 AM EDT
CHOP Researchers Demonstrate How Dynamic Changes in Early Childhood Development May Lead to Changes in Autism Diagnosis
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers found that difficulties in diagnosing toddlers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) might be due to the dynamic nature of the disorder during child development. Children with clinical characteristics that put them on the diagnostic border of autism have an increased susceptibility to gaining or losing that diagnosis at later ages.

Released: 20-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Researchers Find Individualized Training Is Key for Autistic Adolescents Learning to Drive
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A new study identified clear strengths and a series of specific challenges autistic adolescents experience while learning to drive.

Released: 15-Apr-2021 10:00 AM EDT
CHOP-led Research Study Identifies Key Target in Treatment-Resistant Hemophilia A
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have identified a key target that may be responsible for treatment failure in about 30% of patients with hemophilia A. The target, known as B cell activating factor (BAFF), appears to promote antibodies against and inhibitors of the missing blood clotting factor that is given to these patients to control their bleeding episodes. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, raise the possibility of using anti-BAFF therapies, potentially in combination with immune tolerance therapies, to tame the immune response in some patients with severe hemophilia A.

Released: 15-Apr-2021 9:05 AM EDT
Visio-Vestibular Examination is a Critical Component of Diagnosing Concussion in Young Athletes, Feasible Across Multiple Care Settings
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Early and accurate diagnosis leads to optimal recovery from concussion. Over the past year across a series of studies, the Minds Matter Concussion Program research team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has systematically evaluated the use of the visio-vestibular examination (VVE) and its ability to enhance concussion diagnosis and management.

19-Mar-2021 9:50 AM EDT
CHOP Researchers Find Supplement Prevents Strokes in Patients with Rare Genetic Disorder
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have discovered that a widely used nutritional supplement may significantly reduce the risk of fatal strokes caused by a rare genetic disorder. Additionally, the findings suggest that the supplement could be used to both block precipitation of and break up the formation of amyloid plaque deposits, a common feature found in serious forms of dementia.

Released: 17-Mar-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Identify Head Impact Rates in Four Major High School Sports
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A new study used head impact sensors in four different sports and studied male and female athletes to determine which of these sports put students at the highest risk for head impacts that could lead to concussions.

16-Mar-2021 10:20 AM EDT
Researchers Provide Complete Clinical Landscape for Major Gene Linked to Epilepsy and Autism
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have compiled a complete genetic and clinical analysis of more than 400 individuals with SCN2A-related disorder, which has been linked to a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders, including epilepsy and autism. By linking clinical features to genetic abnormalities in a standardized format, the researchers hope their findings lead to improved identification and clinical intervention.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Five Proposals Receive Seed Funds to Develop Medical Devices for Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The Pennsylvania Pediatric Medical Device Consortium (PPDC) has announced its latest round of seed grants to companies developing medical devices for children. The Consortium chose five projects from nine finalists in a competition to receive seed grants of $50,000 each.

11-Mar-2021 11:30 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Reveal How Critical Part of Lung Forms at Cellular Level
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have determined what happens at a cellular level as the lung alveolus forms and allows newborns to breathe air. Understanding this process gives researchers a better sense of how to develop therapies and potentially regenerate this critical tissue in the event of injury.

10-Mar-2021 11:05 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Find Ribosome Assembly Essential for Stem Cell Regeneration
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have identified genes responsible for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) regeneration via the assembly of the ribosome, the protein factories in cells that translate mRNA sequences into amino acid sequences. The findings, which were published in Cell Stem Cell, highlight the importance of proper ribosome assembly in stem cell regeneration and identify possible targets for future therapies for ribosomopathies, childhood disorders that lead to bone marrow failure (BMF).

Released: 9-Mar-2021 10:20 AM EST
Researchers Identify RNA Editing Events that Impact Gene Expression and Phenotype
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Combining computational mining of big data with experimental testing in the lab, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have identified RNA editing events that influence gene expression and, in turn, the phenotypic manifestation of that expression. In analyzing so-called A-to-I RNA editing, in which the adenosine of an RNA molecule is chemically modified into an inosine, the researchers describe how a single nucleotide change by RNA editing can have large downstream effects. The findings were published today in Genome Biology.

Released: 2-Mar-2021 9:45 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Find Effective Combination of Therapies for Managing Mitochondrial Disease
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have demonstrated how one combination of therapies may be beneficial for patients with mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders. This preclinical research paves the way to develop more tailored treatment options for patients with inherited mitochondrial disease and acquired energy disorders.

Released: 22-Feb-2021 11:10 AM EST
Experts at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Describe Types of Rashes Associated with MIS-C
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In a study published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) describe the array of rashes seen in MIS-C patients at their hospital through late July 2020, providing photos and information that could help doctors diagnose future cases.

5-Feb-2021 8:35 AM EST
Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida Leads to Better Mobility in School-Age Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Adding to a growing body of research affirming the benefits of fetal surgery for spina bifida, new findings show prenatal repair of the spinal column confers physical gains that extend into childhood. The researchers found that children who had undergone fetal surgery for myelomeningocele, the most severe form of spina bifida, were more likely than those who received postnatal repair to walk independently, go up and down stairs, and perform self-care tasks like using a fork, washing hands and brushing teeth. They also had stronger leg muscles and walked faster than children who had their spina bifida surgery after birth.

29-Jan-2021 9:45 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Demonstrate How Defects in Mitochondria May Lead to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have demonstrated that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be caused by defects in the mitochondria of brain cells.

Released: 28-Jan-2021 9:00 AM EST
Newly Licensed Autistic Drivers Crash Less Than Other Young Drivers
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A collaborative study found that compared with their non-autistic peers, young autistic drivers have lower rates of moving violations and license suspensions, as well as similar to lower crash rates.

Released: 26-Jan-2021 9:00 AM EST
No Overall Difference in Concussion Recovery Time Seen for Male and Female Collegiate Athletes
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers found female and male collegiate athletes take approximately the same amount of time to recover from a concussion, with subtle differences in recovery time depending on the type of sports being played and the division level of the sport. The findings suggest that equity in access to sports medical care among college athletes may be contributing to these similar outcomes.

Released: 15-Jan-2021 9:45 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Find NTRK Fusions More Common than Expected in Pediatric Tumors
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In a large study of pediatric cancer patients, researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have analyzed the frequency, fusion partners, and clinical outcome of neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (NTRK) fusions, which are clinical biomarkers that identify patients suitable for treatment with FDA-approved TRK inhibitors. The researchers found that NTRK fusions are more common in pediatric tumors and also involve a wider range of tumors than adult cancers, information that could help prioritize screening for NTRK fusions in pediatric cancer patients who might benefit from treatment with TRK inhibitors.

13-Jan-2021 7:50 AM EST
CHOP and Penn Researchers Identify Nanoparticles that Could Be Used in Therapeutic mRNA Delivery before Birth
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania have identified ionizable lipid nanoparticles that could be used to deliver mRNA as part of fetal therapy. The proof-of-concept study, published today in Science Advances, engineered and screened a number of lipid nanoparticle formulations for targeting mouse fetal organs and has laid the groundwork for testing potential therapies to treat genetic diseases before birth.

Released: 11-Jan-2021 9:45 AM EST
Youth with Family History of Suicide Attempts Have Worse Neurocognitive Functioning
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children and adolescents with a family history of suicide attempts have lower executive functioning, shorter attention spans, and poorer language reasoning than those without a family history, according to a new study by researchers from the Lifespan Brain Institute (LiBI) of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania. The study is the largest to date to examine the neurocognitive functioning of youth who have a biological relative who made a suicide attempt.

Released: 6-Jan-2021 9:40 AM EST
Long-Term Study Finds Dozens of New Genetic Markers Associated with Lifetime Bone Growth
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A multidisciplinary team of researchers has discovered several genetic markers associated with bone mineral accrual, which could ultimately help identify causes of eventual osteoporosis earlier in life through genetic testing

11-Dec-2020 10:55 AM EST
Nearly Half of Young Drivers Are Resuming Driving Just Weeks After Sustaining a Concussion
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers found that nearly half of adolescents who sought specialty care for a concussion were back to driving when asked approximately two weeks after the injury, even though few had returned to exercise and sports.

8-Dec-2020 10:15 AM EST
CHOP Researchers Find Elevated Biomarker Related to Blood Vessel Damage in All Children with SARS-CoV-2 Regardless of Disease Severity
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have found elevated levels of a biomarker related to blood vessel damage in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection, even if the children had minimal or no symptoms of COVID-19. They also found that a high proportion of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection met clinical and diagnostic criteria for thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). TMA is a syndrome that involves clotting in the small blood vessels and has been identified as a potential cause for severe manifestations of COVID-19 in adults.

Released: 7-Dec-2020 3:35 PM EST
Study Finds No Change in Preterm Birth or Stillbirth in Philadelphia During Pandemic Period
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Despite early reports suggesting a decline in preterm births during the COVID-19 pandemic period, an analysis by researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has found no change in preterm births or stillbirths at two Philadelphia hospitals in the first four months of the pandemic. The findings, published today in JAMA, resulted from the examination of an ongoing, racially-diverse pregnancy cohort that assesses both spontaneous and medically-indicated preterm birth.

2-Dec-2020 2:00 PM EST
Kidney Injury in Diabetic Ketoacidosis Linked to Brain Injury
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have identified factors that make children with diabetic ketoacidosis more likely to experience acute kidney injury. Analyzing data from a large, multicenter clinical trial, the researchers also found that children who experience acute kidney injury are more likely to also experience subtle cognitive impairment and demonstrate lower IQ scores, suggesting a pattern of multiple organ injury.

20-Nov-2020 10:30 AM EST
Study Involving Seven Major Children’s Hospitals Shows COVID-19 is Typically Mild in Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In the largest U.S. study of its kind to date, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and other PEDSnet sites report that of more than 135,000 pediatric patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 in pediatric health systems, 4% tested positive for the virus. However, the researchers also found patients from ethnic minorities, adolescents, patients with history of public insurance, and those with certain underlying medical conditions were more likely to test positive. More severe disease was seen in 7% of children with positive tests, with similar risk factors.

18-Nov-2020 3:50 PM EST
CHOP Researchers Reverse Severe Lymphatic Disorder in Patient with Noonan Syndrome by Targeting Genetic Pathway
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have resolved a severe lymphatic disorder in a girl with Noonan Syndrome that had led to upper gastrointestinal bleeding, fluid collection around the lungs, and numerous surgeries that had been unable to resolve her symptoms. By identifying a genetic mutation along a pathway related to lymphatic vessel development and function, the research team was able to target the pathway using an existing drug they had used in a previous case to remodel a patient’s lymphatic system.

17-Nov-2020 1:00 PM EST
Experts Issue Recommendations for Equitable Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A group of vaccine experts led by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has published recommendations to ensure equitable distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. The framework, published today in Heath Affairs, focuses on five principles the authors believe would strengthen the current immunization delivery system to ensure equitable access to everyone for whom vaccination is recommended.

Released: 29-Oct-2020 9:35 AM EDT
CHOP Genomic Study Reveals Role for Hypothalamus in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Using sophisticated 3D genomic mapping and integrating with public data resulting from genome-wide association studies (GWAS), researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have found significant genetic correlations between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and stress and depression. The researchers went on to implicate new genes involved in IBD risk that are enriched in both derived hypothalamic neurons, from a part of the brain that has a vital role in controlling stress and depression, and organoids derived from colon cells, a region more commonly studied in the context of IBD.

Released: 5-Oct-2020 2:55 PM EDT
CHOP Researchers Use Precision Medicine to Reverse Severe Lymphatic Disorder in a Patient with KLA
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Through genetic sequencing and targeted treatment, researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have resolved a severe lymphatic disorder in a young woman with kaposiform lymphangiomatosis (KLA), a complex and rare disorder that causes lymphatic vessels around the heart and lung to leak fluid, causing breathing difficulties, infections, and often death. The treatment, which the research team has used successfully in other patients with lymphatic disorders, led to a complete resolution of the patient’s symptoms and fully remodeled her lymphatic system within a matter of months.

Released: 28-Sep-2020 11:00 AM EDT
Researchers Identify “Druggable” Signaling Pathway that Stimulates Lung Tissue Repair
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have identified a cellular pathway that can be targeted with a naturally occurring drug to stimulate lung tissue regeneration, which is necessary for recovery from multiple lung injuries. The findings, which were published today in Nature Cell Biology, could lead to better therapies for patients with lung disease, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19.

23-Sep-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Handheld Device Could Someday Provide Fast, Objective Method to Diagnose Concussions in Youth Athletes
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Building upon years of research, a new study has demonstrated how a specific assessment of the eye could someday help properly diagnosis and monitor concussions.

Released: 22-Sep-2020 10:35 AM EDT
ADHD Study Reveals Unique Genetic Differences in African American Patients with the Condition
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Researchers have shown there may be key genetic differences in the causes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) between African Americans and people of European ancestry, which may play an important part in how patients of different ethnic backgrounds respond to treatments for this condition.

Released: 21-Sep-2020 9:25 AM EDT
CHOP Researchers Find MIS-C Associated with Myocardial Injury
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Using sensitive parameters to assess cardiac function, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have found that cardiac involvement in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) differs from Kawasaki disease (KD) and is associated with myocardial injury. The findings were published recently in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Released: 8-Sep-2020 1:40 PM EDT
Small Study Shows Convalescent Plasma is Safe to Use in Pediatric Patients with COVID-19
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Early findings from researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) show that convalescent plasma appears to be a safe and possibly effective treatment for children with life-threatening cases of COVID-19. The results were published online Friday by the journal Pediatric Blood and Cancer.

31-Aug-2020 10:05 AM EDT
Existing Class of Drugs May Improve Neurological Function in Patients with Rare, Aggressive Genetic Disorder
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

New findings show that some patients with a rare and aggressive form of leukodystrophy may benefit from receiving treatment with a class of targeted therapy drugs that could improve their neurological function.

25-Aug-2020 4:35 PM EDT
Study Finds Younger and Older Drivers More Likely to Drive Older, Less Safe Vehicles
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A new study found that teen drivers and drivers 65 years and older – two age groups at a higher risk of being involved in an automobile accident – are more likely to be driving vehicles that are less safe, putting them at even higher risk of injury. The findings underscore the need for these groups to prioritize driving the safest vehicle they can afford.

25-Aug-2020 11:50 AM EDT
Genetic Causes of Severe Childhood Brain Disorders Found Using New Computational Methods that Process Clinical Features at Scale
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A team of researchers have combined clinical information with large-scale genomic data to successfully link characteristic presentations of childhood epilepsies with specific genetic variants.

20-Aug-2020 1:15 PM EDT
New Treatment Developed by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Shows Success in High-Risk Solid Tumors
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In a breakthrough study, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have shown that an enhanced treatment developed in their lab leads to long-term remissions in 80% to 100% of mice with drug-resistant or high-risk solid tumors. The research, which could soon lead to clinical trials, is described in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Released: 20-Aug-2020 12:25 PM EDT
Study Finds Signs of Altruism in People’s COVID-19 Worries, Putting Concerns about Others First
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

When it comes to worrying about the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study demonstrates that people are more concerned about whether their family members could contract the virus or if they are unknowingly spreading the virus themselves than they are with contracting it. The study, conducted by researchers from the Lifespan Brain Institute (LiBI) of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, also shows how increased resilience is able to reduce rates of anxiety and depression during the pandemic.

Released: 20-Aug-2020 9:40 AM EDT
Fewer Serious Asthma Events Recorded in Philadelphia Area Following COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Philadelphia and its surrounding counties issued a series of “stay-at-home” orders on March 17, 2020 in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. In the months that followed, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) saw a marked decrease in healthcare visits for both outpatient and hospitalized asthma patients. New research from CHOP and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania suggests the cause may have been fewer rhinovirus infections due to masking, social distancing, and hygiene measures.

Released: 11-Aug-2020 10:55 AM EDT
Researchers Combine Genetic Information with Electronic Medical Records to Pinpoint When Epilepsies Affect Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A team of researchers further bridged the gap between genomic information and clinical outcome data by systematically linking genetic information with electronic medical records, focusing on how genetic neurological disorders in children develop over time.

Released: 6-Aug-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Algorithm Created By “Deep Learning” Identifies Potential Therapeutic Targets Throughout Genome
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

A team of researchers have developed an algorithm through machine learning that helps predict sites of DNA methylation – a process that can change the activity of DNA without changing its overall structure – and could identify disease-causing mechanisms that would otherwise be missed by conventional screening methods.

Released: 4-Aug-2020 3:30 PM EDT
Experts from Across the U.S. Issue Back-To-School Safety Guidelines for Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

As school districts look ahead to a very different school year, pediatric infectious disease experts from across the United States convened to outline back-to-school safety guidelines for solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. The group, led by Kevin J. Downes, MD, attending physician in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), published their recommendations today in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.

Released: 3-Aug-2020 11:20 AM EDT
Caregiver-Reported Child Sleep Problems Associated with Impaired Academic and Psychosocial Functioning in Middle Childhood
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Whether children have ongoing sleep problems from birth through childhood or do not develop sleep problems until they begin school, a new study by researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has found that sleep disturbances at any age are associated with diminished well-being by the time the children are 10 or 11 years old. The findings, which were published in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, suggest health care providers should screen children for sleep problems at every age and intervene early when a sleep problem is identified.

Released: 31-Jul-2020 10:20 AM EDT
Youth with Diabetes Who are Involved in the Decision to Start Continuous Glucose Monitoring are More Likely to Continue Using It
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In a new study published in Diabetes Care, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have found that youth who are involved with the decision to start CGM are more likely to continue using the monitoring technology more than two months after starting. The findings suggest that children and adolescents who do not have a role in the decision are less likely to be satisfied with the device and use the device consistently.
