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  • Latest News from: American Chemical Society (ACS)

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    16-May-2024 11:05 AM EDT
    Kimberly Knight selected as ACS Secretary
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    The American Chemical Society (ACS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Kimberly Knight as the organization’s next Secretary. As Secretary, Knight will serve as one of the Society’s seven officers.

    Newswise:Video Embedded swarms-of-miniature-robots-clean-up-microplastics-and-microbes-simultaneously-video
    3-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Swarms of miniature robots clean up microplastics and microbes, simultaneously (video)
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    In a study in ACS Nano, researchers describe swarms of microscale robots (microrobots) that captured bits of plastic and bacteria from water. Afterward, the bots were decontaminated and reused.

    Newswise: Marriage of synthetic biology and 3D printing produces programmable living materials
    26-Apr-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Marriage of synthetic biology and 3D printing produces programmable living materials
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Researchers report in ACS Central Science that they have 3D printed a bioink containing plant cells that were then genetically modified, producing programmable materials. Applications could someday include biomanufacturing and sustainable construction.

    Newswise: This salt battery harvests osmotic energy where the river meets the sea
    19-Apr-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    This salt battery harvests osmotic energy where the river meets the sea
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Estuaries — where freshwater rivers meet the salty sea — are great locations for birdwatching and kayaking. In these areas, waters containing different salt concentrations mix and may be sources of sustainable, “blue” osmotic energy. Researchers in ACS Energy Letters report creating a semipermeable membrane that harvests osmotic energy from salt gradients and converts it to electricity. The new design had an output power density more than two times higher than commercial membranes in lab demonstrations.

    Newswise: Study finds iron-rich enamel protects, but doesn’t color, rodents’ orange-brown incisors
    12-Apr-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Study finds iron-rich enamel protects, but doesn’t color, rodents’ orange-brown incisors
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Microscopic studies of rodent incisors revealed nano-sized pockets of iron-rich material that form a protective shield, a finding that could improve human dentistry, say researchers in ACS Nano.

    Newswise: Waterproof ‘e-glove’ could help scuba divers communicate
    5-Apr-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Waterproof ‘e-glove’ could help scuba divers communicate
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Researchers reporting in ACS Nano have constructed a waterproof “e-glove” that wirelessly transmits hand gestures made underwater to a computer that translates them into messages. The new technology could someday help divers communicate better with each other and with boat crews on the surface.

    Newswise: Testing environmental water to monitor COVID-19 spread in unsheltered encampments
    29-Mar-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    Testing environmental water to monitor COVID-19 spread in unsheltered encampments
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    To better understand COVID-19’s spread during the pandemic, public health officials expanded wastewater surveillance. These efforts track SARS-CoV-2 levels and health risks among most people, but they miss people who live without shelter, a population particularly vulnerable to severe infection.

    Newswise: A simple way to harvest more ‘blue energy’ from waves
    29-Mar-2024 8:00 AM EDT
    A simple way to harvest more ‘blue energy’ from waves
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Researchers report in ACS Energy Letters that repositioning the electrode in a “blue energy” harvesting device — from the center of a see-sawing liquid-filled tube to the end where the water crashes with the most force — dramatically increased the amount of wave energy that could be harvested.

    29-Mar-2024 10:00 AM EDT
    Water-based paints: Less stinky, but some still contain potentially hazardous chemicals
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Choosing paint for your home brings a lot of options: What kind of paint, what type of finish and what color? Water-based paints have emerged as “greener” and less smelly than solvent-based options. And they are often advertised as containing little-to-no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

    Newswise:Video Embedded new-model-clarifies-why-water-freezes-at-a-range-of-temperatures
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    New model clarifies why water freezes at a range of temperatures
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Though it’s known that tiny sites like soot and bacteria help water freeze, the fundamentals of how ice forms are vague. Scientists have now developed a theoretical model showing how structural details on surfaces influence water’s freezing point. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded crawfish-could-transfer-ionic-lithium-from-their-environment-into-food-chain
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Crawfish could transfer ionic lithium from their environment into food chain
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    The increasing use of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries likely means more environmental contamination. Researchers have explored how lithium accumulates in crawfish, with implications for the environment and public health. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded hitting-this-stretchy-electronic-material-makes-it-tougher
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Hitting this stretchy, electronic material makes it tougher
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Dropping wearable electronics, or hitting them really hard, usually breaks the devices. Now, researchers report on a flexible and electrically conductive material with “adaptive durability,” getting stronger when it is hit. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded cleaning-up-environmental-contaminants-with-quantum-dot-technology
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Cleaning up environmental contaminants with quantum dot technology
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Quantum dot research just won a Nobel Prize, and now, the applications for nontoxic quantum dots are being expanded. One team of researchers has designed carbon- and sulfur-based dots to help clean up the environment. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded is-food-waste-the-key-to-sustainable-plastic-free-diapers-and-sanitary-pads
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Is food waste the key to sustainable, plastic-free diapers and sanitary pads?
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Many disposable diapers and sanitary pads contain plastic and need centuries to decompose. Now, researchers are replacing the plastic with parts made from food waste. That could lead to biodegradable diapers and pads that could be used as fertilizer. They’ll present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded molecular-crystal-motors-move-like-microbes-when-exposed-to-light
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Molecular crystal motors move like microbes when exposed to light
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Rabih Al-Kaysi’s molecular motors look like tiny worms, but they’re actually crystallized molecules that move in response to light. These machines could someday solve real-world problems, like being used as drug-delivery robots. The researchers will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Toxic metal particles can be present in cannabis vapes even before the first use
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Vapes are thought to be a “safer” way to consume cannabis, but they present their own risks. Researchers have discovered toxic metal particles in vaping liquids even before first use of the device, and this toxicity was worse in illicit products. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded artificial-mucus-identifies-link-to-tumor-formation
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Artificial mucus identifies link to tumor formation
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Mucus is critical to human health. To explore how, researchers synthesized its major component, sugar-coated proteins called mucins, and discovered that changing the mucins of healthy cells to be more cancer-like made cells act more cancer-like. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded mimicking-exercise-with-a-pill
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    Mimicking exercise with a pill
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Could a pill replicate the benefits of exercise? Researchers have identified new compounds that seem to mimic some benefits of exercise in rodent cells. This discovery could help treat those with muscle wasting and other conditions. The scientists will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded new-composite-decking-could-reduce-global-warming-effects-of-building-materials
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    New composite decking could reduce global warming effects of building materials
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Building materials are major contributors to global carbon dioxide emissions. So scientists have designed a composite decking material that stores more carbon dioxide than is required to manufacture it, providing the first “carbon-negative” option. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.

    Newswise:Video Embedded the-many-flavors-of-edible-ants
    11-Mar-2024 11:45 PM EDT
    The many flavors of edible ants
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Ants are commonly eaten in some parts of the world, roasted and eaten whole or ground and used to add flavor and texture to dishes. Each species has its own unique flavor, and researchers now report the aroma profiles of four species of edible ants. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2024.
