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Released: 11-Nov-2008 12:00 AM EST
$15 Million Gift to Kelley School Will Create Scholarship Program for Underrepresented Minorities
Indiana University

A $15 million gift from an alumnus of Indiana University's Kelley School of Business will provide for a new, life-changing undergraduate scholarship program for financially challenged students from underrepresented areas of society.

Released: 10-Nov-2008 1:00 AM EST
Sexual Intimacy and Breast Cancer Survivors: New Research
Indiana University

An Indiana University study found that young, female breast cancer survivors often suffer from sexual and intimate relationship issues and are interested in using sexual enhancement products to treat these problems.

5-Nov-2008 6:00 PM EST
Economists Hope Nation and Indiana Can Escape 2009 with Only a Moderate Recession
Indiana University

As 2008 draws to an end, economists at Indiana University and its Kelley School of Business hope that the nation and Indiana can escape 2009 with only a moderate recession -- similar in severity to those in 1990 and in 2001.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Research at American Public Health Association Meeting
Indiana University

Dozens of researchers from Indiana University's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, School of Medicine, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, School of Nursing and other schools and departments are participating in the American Public Health Association's annual meeting on Oct. 25-29 in San Diego. Below is a sampling of the research. The information is embargoed until the day of the research presentation.

Released: 20-Oct-2008 3:30 PM EDT
Spelling, Math, Science . . . and Violin?
Indiana University

IU's Jacobs School of Music is providing free violin classes to all three first grade classes at a local (Bloomington) low income school. Researchers will study the impact of violin on student success and parental involvement.

13-Oct-2008 10:35 AM EDT
"Lost" Miller-Urey Experiment Created More of Life's Building Blocks
Indiana University

A classic experiment proving amino acids are created when inorganic molecules are exposed to electricity isn't the whole story, it turns out. The 1953 Miller-Urey Synthesis had two sibling studies, neither of which was published. Vials containing the products from those experiments were recently recovered and reanalyzed using modern technology. The results are reported in this week's Science.

Released: 15-Oct-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Einstein's Relativity Survives Neutrino Test
Indiana University

Physicists working to disprove "Lorentz invariance" -- Einstein's prediction that matter and massless particles will behave the same no matter how they're turned or how fast they go -- won't get that satisfaction from muon neutrinos, at least for the time being, says a consortium of scientists.

Released: 2-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Documentary Film Festival to Bring Films and Filmmakers to Indiana University Bloomington
Indiana University

Jewish Women in Global Perspective, a student-produced documentary film festival at Indiana University on Oct. 11-13, offers free showings of 10 films from around the world and discussions with two award-winning filmmakers. The festival will feature documentary films that explore Jewish women's identity and authority across cultures and around the world.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 2:10 PM EDT
USA PATRIOT Act Poses No Serious Threat to Canadian Data, Expert Says
Indiana University

Information on Canadian citizens should be safe from the reaches of the USA PATRIOT Act, but the Canadian government's response to the Act may pose a greater threat to data privacy, Fred Cate, a leading Indiana University School of Law--Bloomington cybersecurity expert, testified Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 4:40 PM EDT
Health & Wellness: Research and Insights from Indiana University
Indiana University

Indiana University experts discuss research into the cycle of violence, cardio tennis and information parents should know about teens and sex. "Children with high-conflict parents are more likely to think that aggressive responses would be good ways to handle social conflicts," a researcher said about a study that sheds light on the developmental link between childhood and a adult violence.

Released: 23-Sep-2008 1:00 AM EDT
Looking Beyond the "Down Low"
Indiana University

Indiana University sexual health expert Brian Dodge says the popular media in the U.S. has focused too much on moral issues surrounding black bisexual men who do not disclose their same-sex behaviors to female lovers, otherwise known as men "on the Down Low," with this focus creating a stigma that interferes with more effective public health strategies.

Released: 22-Sep-2008 2:40 PM EDT
Scientists Send Innovative Technology to Antarctica to Speed Polar Research
Indiana University

Environmental scientists studying the world's shrinking polar ice sheets will soon get a substantial boost in computing power thanks to IU's Polar Grid Project. Project partners are poised this week to deploy a collection of customized computational resources to Antarctica that will allow scientists -- both on site and remotely -- to more securely and efficiently process data during polar field expeditions.

Released: 11-Sep-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Author on John McCain: "Being an Insurgent Is in His DNA"
Indiana University

John Karaagac, the author of John McCain: An Essay in Military and Political History, commments on McCain's candidacy for president. Karaagac teaches public policy in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University Bloomington.

Released: 11-Sep-2008 2:30 PM EDT
New Study on Rural HIV Care Has Economic and Health Implications
Indiana University

An Indiana University study found that HIV care providers in rural Indiana report significant stigma and discrimination in the rural medical referral system surrounding issues of HIV and substance abuse. Providers felt that these factors impeded their ability to offer quality care to their patients.

Released: 10-Sep-2008 12:15 PM EDT
Successful Alumni Share Ideas at Kelley School's Brand Leadership Conference
Indiana University

Indiana University's Kelley School of Business has invited several world-class alumni back to share insights with students and other alumni about working with some of America's most popular brands. Sponsored by the Center for Brand Leadership, the third Brand Leadership Conference, to be held next Thursday and Friday (Sept. 18-19) at IU Bloomington, will feature Kelley School alumni who hold senior-level positions at companies such as Nestle, Monsanto and Kraft.

Released: 10-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Searching in Space and Minds: Research Suggests Underlying Link
Indiana University

New research from Indiana University has found evidence that how we look for things, such as our car keys or umbrella, could be related to how we search for more abstract needs, such as words in memory or solutions to problems. "Common underlying search mechanisms may exist that drive our behavior in many different domains," said IU cognitive scientist Peter Todd.

Released: 9-Sep-2008 3:50 PM EDT
Sexual Health Expert Available to Discuss Sex Education
Indiana University

Sexual health expert Michael Reece discusses research involving sexuality education in schools. Abstinence-only education is not the most effective strategy to ensure the sexual health of adolescents and young adults, he says, yet it tends to dominate the educational system in many areas of the country.

Released: 9-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Kelley School of Business, Its Executive Education Program to Unveil Virtual Campus in Second Life
Indiana University

Due to increasing demand for executive education provided by Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, today (Sept. 9) it is announcing it has built an entirely new campus. The school's Kelley Executive Partners program on Sept. 15 will unveil a virtual campus -- an island in the virtual world of Second Life that bears a striking resemblance to buildings on the IU Bloomington campus.

Released: 28-Aug-2008 3:30 PM EDT
Pulitzer Prize Winner Thomas French Returning to Teach at the Indiana University School of Journalism
Indiana University

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Thomas French has accepted an offer to serve on the faculty in the Indiana University School of Journalism, beginning in fall 2009. French is the 1998 Pulitzer winner in Feature Writing and has worked at the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times since he graduated from IU in 1980.

Released: 28-Aug-2008 3:20 PM EDT
Increasing Global Opportunities Is Focus of Next Indiana Life Sciences Collaboration Conference
Indiana University

Increasing global opportunities for Indiana's life science companies will be the focus of the opening seminar in the 2008-09 Indiana Life Sciences Collaboration Conference Series in Indianapolis on Friday, Sept. 26.

Released: 28-Aug-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Kelley School Honors Students to Develop Leadership Skills in New Program
Indiana University

More companies are requiring employees to demonstrate leadership skills at earlier stages in their careers. Senior honors students in Indiana University's Kelley School of Business will be given an opportunity to hone their abilities through a development program being established this fall.

Released: 26-Aug-2008 4:40 PM EDT
IU Health & Wellness
Indiana University

Indiana University professors from the Kinsey Institute, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and School of Medicine discuss men's surprising perceptions of masculinity, exercise's influence on mood and precautions and treatment for heat illnesses.

Released: 26-Aug-2008 12:00 AM EDT
IU's Kelley School Names Alumna as New Director of Its 3,000-Student Undergraduate Program
Indiana University

Coming out of a high school graduating class of just 18 people in New Harmony, Ind., Kathleen Robbins found a new world to choose from when she began her studies at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business a decade ago. Robbins today has a unique perspective as the new director of the Kelley School's 3,000-student undergraduate program.

Released: 25-Aug-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Indiana University's Kelley School of Business Ranks Third in the World for Research Impact
Indiana University

The start of each new academic year is an opportunity for Indiana University's Kelley School of Business to reflect on its mission: to transform lives, organizations and society through business education and research. A study suggests that the school's research is indeed bringing about change. Kelley's combined Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses rank third in the world and No. 1 among public universities in terms of research impact.

Released: 25-Aug-2008 11:00 AM EDT
How 'Secondary' Sex Characters Can Drive the Origin of Species
Indiana University

The ostentatious, sometimes bizarre qualities that improve a creature's chances of finding a mate may also drive the reproductive separation of populations and the evolution of new species, say two Indiana University Bloomington biologists.

Released: 11-Aug-2008 5:00 PM EDT
If a Street Tree Falls . . . What Does it Take to Make Sound Policy?
Indiana University

A paper written by Indiana University professor Burney Fischer and doctoral student Brian Steed argues that thinking of street trees as a "common-pool resource" can help lead to better management of an under-appreciated community asset. The paper was presented this summer at two international conferences.

Released: 7-Aug-2008 3:30 PM EDT
High-tech Swimsuits: Hype Or Expensive Performance Enhancers?
Indiana University

When high-tech swimsuits were introduced eight years ago, swim time predictions by Indiana University swimming experts indicated the swimsuits made little to no impact on swimmers' times. IU researchers saw a different outcome at the U.S. Olympic Trials, where the men swam faster in all but one race predicted by the researchers. The swimsuits, say one expert, are bad news for the sport.

Released: 6-Aug-2008 4:40 PM EDT
Tip Sheet: 20th Anniversary of Burma’s 8/8/88 Uprising
Indiana University

Friday, Aug. 8, marks the 20th anniversary of the 8/8/88 protests that were the beginning of a nationwide pro-democracy movement in Burma. Officials with the Center for Constitutional Democracy in Plural Societies at the Indiana University School of Law--Bloomington, including Burmese exile Ngun Cung "Andrew" Lian, comment on the anniversary.

Released: 6-Aug-2008 4:30 PM EDT
Jaded fans? Expert Discusses Olympics Fans and Doping Scandals
Indiana University

Psychology professor and fan behavior expert Edward Hirt talks about Americans' potential skepticism of Olympics performances but also their forgiving nature toward fallen athletes who apologize right away.

31-Jul-2008 12:20 PM EDT
When Neurons Fire Up: Study Sheds Light on Rhythms of the Brain
Indiana University

A new study by neuroscientists at Indiana University and the University of Montreal models the random synchronization of neuron activation. The findings expand scientists' understanding of brain rhythms, both reoccurring and random, and shed light on the decades-old mystery of how the brain learns temporal patterns.

Released: 15-Jul-2008 12:00 AM EDT
IU Health & Wellness: Back-to-School Issue
Indiana University

For this back-to-school themed tip sheet, Indiana University experts discuss learning-related brain development in toddlers, high-tech cell phone safety tips for parents, hair care and style interfering with African American women's health, talking to children about sex, weight gain in college and resources for families of children with disabilities.

Released: 7-Jul-2008 12:45 PM EDT
Debunking the ‘Curse of Oil’
Indiana University

Contrary to some previous claims, a paper by economists at Indiana and Duke universities finds no correlation between nations' resource endowments and the quality of their institutions.

27-Jun-2008 8:35 AM EDT
New Map IDs the Core of the Human Brain
Indiana University

An international team of researchers has created the first complete high-resolution map of how millions of neural fibers in the human cerebral cortex -- the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher level thinking -- connect and communicate. Their groundbreaking work identified a single network core, or hub, that may be key to the workings of both hemispheres of the brain.

Released: 30-Jun-2008 12:20 PM EDT
Health & Wellness: Research and Insights from Indiana University
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers and health and fitness experts discuss the relationship between creativity and happiness, hot weather exercise safety and the importance of choosing a good personal trainer.

Released: 23-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Teachers Come to Indiana University to Learn How to Teach Chinese to U.S. School Children
Indiana University

In response to China's growing economic importance and other factors, Mandarin Chinese is becoming one of the fastest growing languages for students in secondary schools and colleges nationwide. At Indiana University, middle and high school teachers are immersed in an intensive, two-and-a-half-week course on teaching Mandarin Chinese.

Released: 23-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Clear Regulations Needed for Cyber Schools to Support Success, Help Avoid Litigation
Indiana University

A report by Indiana U.'s Center for Evaluation and Education Policy examines the emergence of virtual education as a potentially viable public education tool and notes its value in reaching both low- and high-achieving students that schools may overlook because of the focus on meeting state and federal accountability requirements. It also points to a critical need for clear state level regulations.

17-Jun-2008 10:15 AM EDT
Microscopic "Clutch" Puts Flagellum in Neutral
Indiana University

A tiny but powerful engine that propels the bacterium Bacillus subtilis through liquids is disengaged from the corkscrew-like flagellum by a protein clutch, Indiana University Bloomington and Harvard University scientists have learned. Their report appears in this week's Science. Scientists have long known what drives the flagellum to spin, but what causes the flagellum to stop spinning -- temporarily or permanently -- was unknown.

Released: 18-Jun-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Olympics 2008: Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Indiana University professors discuss and predict winning swim times at the U.S. Olympic trials later this month, Tibetan history, China's record protecting endangered species, a race start system that can cost athletes meters and medals and sports law.

Released: 17-Jun-2008 2:45 PM EDT
Book Examines Legacy of Rachel Carson
Indiana University

Rachel Carson: Legacy and Challenge, co-edited by Lisa H. Sideris, assistant professor of religious studies at Indiana University Bloomington, examines the contested influence of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring along with her earlier work, such as The Sea Around Us and The Sense of Wonder.

Released: 11-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
IU's Matching the Promise Campaign Has Raised More than $60 Million for Graduate Fellowships
Indiana University

Indiana University and its fundraising partner, the IU Foundation, announced today (June 11) that IU Bloomington's "Matching the Promise" campaign has raised more than $60 million for graduate fellowships.

Released: 10-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
IU's Kelley School Hopes to Attract More Women Into Business Careers
Indiana University

The Kelley School of Business' Young Women's Institute provides women who have just completed their junior year in high school with a sample of what it's like to attend a world-class business school and, in the process, build their confidence in pursuing a career in business.

Released: 9-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Students Put Web 2.0 Through a Test in Virtual Classroom with Far-Flung Cohorts at Another College
Indiana University

Students from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business worked in synch -- virtually -- with cohorts at North Carolina State University's Jenkins Graduate School of Management this past spring to learn about service innovation without ever leaving their campuses. Instead, they used a collection of Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis and the 3D virtual world Second Life, to hold meetings and collaborate on team projects.

Released: 2-Jun-2008 11:30 AM EDT
Bloomington Man Who Lived Simply, Caring for the Land Leaves $650,000 to IU
Indiana University

A Bloomington man who died last year at age 100, never married or had children, lived simply and supported himself by caring for other people's lawns and property has left his entire $650,000 estate to Indiana University's Hilltop Garden and Nature Center.

29-May-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Research at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference
Indiana University

This media tip sheet discusses several studies that Indiana University researchers have taken to the American College of Sports Medicine annual conference. The studies discuss heart disease risk factors found in college freshmen, the impact of physical activity on mood and the impact of personal contact by health care professionals on patients' weight loss.

28-May-2008 5:20 PM EDT
Screening for the Risk of Life-threatening Falls
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers found that a questionnaire that could be administered by a physician or health care professional was effective at predicting balance troubles in elderly study participants.

Released: 19-May-2008 12:45 PM EDT
Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers discuss a study involving firefighters' health, iodine deficiencies, and the importance of regular eye exams.

Released: 5-May-2008 12:15 PM EDT
65-Million-Year-Old Asteroid Impact Triggered a Global Hail of Carbon Beads
Indiana University

The asteroid presumed to have wiped out the dinosaurs struck the Earth with such force that carbon deep in the Earth's crust liquefied, rocketed skyward, and formed tiny airborne beads that blanketed the planet, say scientists from the U.S., U.K., Italy, and New Zealand in this month's Geology.

Released: 1-May-2008 8:35 AM EDT
SNAAP: New National Project to Examine Impact of Arts Training
Indiana University

The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) was launched today (May 1) to examine the impact of arts training. SNAAP will provide a first-ever in-depth look at the factors that help or hinder the careers of graduates of arts high schools, arts colleges and conservatories, and arts schools and departments within universities, whether the alumni work as artists or pursue other paths.

Released: 30-Apr-2008 2:30 PM EDT
Indiana Primary Election: More Media Tips from Indiana University Faculty Experts
Indiana University

Indiana University experts discuss legal, economic and cultural issues influencing the Democratic presidential primary campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as Indiana's influential primary election approaches.

Released: 25-Apr-2008 8:30 AM EDT
Indiana Primary Election: Media Tips from Indiana University Faculty Members
Indiana University

Faculty members at Indiana University offer media tips on Indiana politics, the impact of the Indiana voter ID law, broadcast media coverage of the Indiana primary and the relationship between presidential and congressional races.
