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Released: 30-Apr-2009 11:20 AM EDT
Do 'Babyfaceness' and Warmth Benefit Black CEOs?
Association for Psychological Science

Babyface features had a clear influence on professional achievement, both perceived and real. Black CEOs were rated as being more babyfaced, and having warmer personalities, than whites. The more babyfaced the black CEO, the more he was also thought to earn.

Released: 28-Apr-2009 1:45 PM EDT
Study Suggests Left-Side Bias in Visual Expertise
Association for Psychological Science

The left-side bias exhibited by the native Chinese reader volunteers in the second experiment suggests that since this effect does not appear to be face-specific, it may be a marker of general visual expertise.

Released: 27-Apr-2009 12:25 PM EDT
Meditation May Temporarily Improve Visuospatial Skills
Association for Psychological Science

The results indicate that DY meditation allows practitioners to access greater levels of visuospatial memory resources, compared to when they are not meditating.

Released: 23-Apr-2009 12:30 PM EDT
How Some Historical Events Shape Our Memory
Association for Psychological Science

The results, reported in Psychological Science, show that "historically-defined autobiographical periods" (H-DAPs; e.g., "during the war") do exist, although H-DAP formation depends on the intensity, duration, and novelty of the public event, as well as how close it is to a population.

Released: 23-Apr-2009 9:45 AM EDT
Why You May Lose Loving Feeling After Tying the Knot
Association for Psychological Science

Believing a partner is there to help you grow into the person you aspire to be predicted higher relationship satisfaction for both dating and married couples, a new study shows.

Released: 22-Apr-2009 4:50 PM EDT
The Price of Pain and the Value of Suffering
Association for Psychological Science

A new study reveals that demand for pain relief is almost completely dependent on pain experienced in the recent past and the available cash on hand. That is, the participants were willing to pay more money to avoid pain if that pain was more intense compared to previous trials.

Released: 22-Apr-2009 4:40 PM EDT
Academic Goals Affected by Expectations for College
Association for Psychological Science

If a student thinks they won't be able to afford a higher education, they may conclude that studying and homework are a waste of time. According to new research in Psychological Science, this mentality and lack of motivation towards school occurs in children as young as 11 years of age.

Released: 15-Apr-2009 2:15 PM EDT
Eyes Seek New Targets During Visual Search
Association for Psychological Science

The results indicate that inhibition of return occurs during visual search tasks, but not during other visual tasks. That is, volunteers in the search group were slower to shift their eyes to previously fixated locations than to new locations, consistent with earlier findings of inhibition of return.

Released: 14-Apr-2009 3:25 PM EDT
Study Suggests Link Between Feelings, Culture, and Our Behavior
Association for Psychological Science

The results showed that feeling good encouraged the volunteers to explore values that are inconsistent with their cultural norms. The researchers surmise that positive feelings may send a signal that it's safe to broaden one's view of the world and to explore novel notions of one's self.

Released: 14-Apr-2009 3:15 PM EDT
Study Suggests Power of Imagination is More Than a Metaphor
Association for Psychological Science

The results of a new study show that simply imagining a posture may have effects that are similar to actually assuming the pose, suggesting that our "peripersonal space" (the space around our body) can be extended into a space where an imagined posture would take us.

Released: 6-Apr-2009 3:50 PM EDT
Thinking of Others Causes Lapses in Our Self-Control
Association for Psychological Science

Exerting self-control is exhausting. What about thinking of other people exerting self-control? A new study in Psychological Science suggests that our own self-control can be worn out simply by mentally simulating another person acting with self-control.

Released: 1-Apr-2009 1:50 PM EDT
Study Suggests Acute Stress Affects Financial Decision Making
Association for Psychological Science

This study suggests that stress exaggerates the reflection effect; while exposed to stress volunteers were more conservative when choosing between potentially positive outcomes and were riskier when choosing between gambles that could result in a loss, compared to volunteers who were not stressed.

Released: 13-Mar-2009 1:10 PM EDT
Young Children Prefer Majority Opinion
Association for Psychological Science

When we are faced with a decision, and we're not sure what to do, usually we'll just go with the majority opinion. When do we begin adopting this strategy of "following the crowd"? A new report in Psychological Science suggests that this tendency starts very early on, around preschool age.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:50 PM EDT
Study Reveals Method For Improving Individual Decisions
Association for Psychological Science

The findings indicate that the dialectical bootstrapping method (that is, thinking about why your own answer might be incorrect and then averaging across estimates) resulted in more accurate answers compared to simply making a second guess without considering why the first answer may be wrong.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:20 PM EDT
The Perils of Ageism
Association for Psychological Science

The researchers discovered that there was a link between ageism early in life and poor heart health later on. That is, study volunteers who viewed old age in negative terms were much more likely to experience some kind of cardiovascular disorder over the next four decades.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:00 PM EDT
The Genetics of Fear
Association for Psychological Science

These findings may indicate that individuals with specific polymorphisms may be more susceptible to anxiety disorders by being more prone to developing fear and being less likely to overcome that fear by common cognitive behavioral treatments which are based on the extinction principle.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 11:45 AM EDT
How Verb Aspect Influences Memory and Behavior
Association for Psychological Science

If you want to perform at your peak, you should carefully consider how you discuss your past actions. A new study reveals that the way a statement is phrased (and specifically, how the verbs are used), affects our memory of an event being described and may also influence our behavior.

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