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Newswise: Nobel Laureate Barry Barish Appointed Stony Brook University President’s Distinguished Endowed Chair in Physics
2-Sep-2022 3:55 PM EDT
Nobel Laureate Barry Barish Appointed Stony Brook University President’s Distinguished Endowed Chair in Physics
Stony Brook University

World renowned experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate Barry Barish, PhD, will be joining Stony Brook University to serve as the inaugural President’s Distinguished Endowed Chair in Physics beginning in the fall semester of 2023. Professor Barish shared the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for the observation of gravitational waves with the historic Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) experiment. This research proved the ripples in the fabric of space and time that were predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years earlier. Professor Barish is also the Ronald and Maxine Linde Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

Newswise: Scientists Recover Collapsed Clam Population and Water Quality in Shinnecock Bay
Released: 30-Aug-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Scientists Recover Collapsed Clam Population and Water Quality in Shinnecock Bay
Stony Brook University

Today scientists from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) announced the culmination of a decade of science in a paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science, an international peer-reviewed journal, which describes a novel restoration approach used in Shinnecock Bay that has led to a 1,700 percent increase in the landings and densities of hard clams in that estuary, along with the expansion of seagrass meadows and the end of harmful brown tides – a result that brings the Shinnecock Bay back to its 20th Century glory for shellfishing and the result may serve as a shining example of a process to restore other estuaries around the country and world.

Newswise: Do WTC Responders With Cognitive Impairment Show Signs of a New Form of Dementia?
Released: 22-Aug-2022 12:45 PM EDT
Do WTC Responders With Cognitive Impairment Show Signs of a New Form of Dementia?
Stony Brook University

A study that assessed the brains of 99 World Trade Center (WTC) responders showed that WTC responders with cognitive impairment (CI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a different presentation of the white matter in their brains compared to responders with CI without PTSD.

Newswise: Scientists Take Another Theoretical Step to Uncovering the Mystery of Dark Matter, Black Holes
Released: 16-Aug-2022 12:25 PM EDT
Scientists Take Another Theoretical Step to Uncovering the Mystery of Dark Matter, Black Holes
Stony Brook University

A study by a team of scientists including three from Stony Brook University proposes a novel method to search for new particles not currently contained in the standard model of particle physics. Their method, published in Nature Communications, could shed light on the nature of dark matter.

Newswise: Getting the Fossil Record Right on Human Evolution
Released: 11-Jul-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Getting the Fossil Record Right on Human Evolution
Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University scientists provide researchers investigating the evolutionary past of ancient hominins an important and foundational message in a paper published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. That is – conclusions drawn from evolutionary models are only as good as the data upon which they are based.

Newswise: Study Reveals Cancer Screening Decreased Worldwide During Height of Pandemic
Released: 7-Jul-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Study Reveals Cancer Screening Decreased Worldwide During Height of Pandemic
Stony Brook University

A study that surveyed cancer screening data included in medical journals worldwide from January 2020 into December 2021 showed significant decreases in the number of screenings for breast, colorectal and cervical cancers during the early phase of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Newswise: New Functional Protein Measuring Technology Could Advance Drug Discovery Research
Released: 29-Jun-2022 10:05 AM EDT
New Functional Protein Measuring Technology Could Advance Drug Discovery Research
Stony Brook University

A new biomedical research tool that enables scientists to measure hundreds of functional proteins in a single cell could offer new insights into cell machinery. Details about the cyclic microchip assay method are published in the journal Nature Communications.

Newswise: Research Centered on Single Cells May Open Doors to New Discoveries on Disease Processes
Released: 22-Jun-2022 2:15 PM EDT
Research Centered on Single Cells May Open Doors to New Discoveries on Disease Processes
Stony Brook University

Gábor Balázsi, PhD, and his research team in the Laufer Center and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stony Brook University are embarking upon a new way to research cells, the building blocks of life and often triggers to disease when their behavior changes.

Newswise: Computer Simulations of Proteins Help Unravel Why Chemotherapy Resistance Occurs
Released: 21-Jun-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Computer Simulations of Proteins Help Unravel Why Chemotherapy Resistance Occurs
Stony Brook University

Understanding why and how chemotherapy resistance occurs is a major step toward optimizing treatments for cancer. A team of scientists including Markus Seeliger, PhD, of the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, believe they have found a new process through which drug resistance happens.

Released: 16-Jun-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Leading Experts, Officials to Discuss Threats and Solutions for Clean Water
Stony Brook University

A full day of dialogue and scientific presentations by national experts concerning problems and solutions associated with wastewater, nitrogen pollution, PFAS forever chemicals, treatment of drinking water, next generation clean water technologies and other topics will take place during the Clean Water Symposium.

Newswise: Patients With Chronic Illnesses From WTC Exposures More Likely to Suffer “Long-Term” Covid
Released: 13-Jun-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Patients With Chronic Illnesses From WTC Exposures More Likely to Suffer “Long-Term” Covid
Stony Brook University

A study of 1,280 patients treated and monitored at the Stony Brook World Trade Center Health and Wellness Program who also contracted Covid-19 reveals that responders who have suffered from chronic conditions from WTC exposures more often have "Long-Covid" than those responders without chronic illnesses.

Newswise: Study of Anti-Cancer Mitochondrial Drug Shows Additional Clinical Promise
Released: 9-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Study of Anti-Cancer Mitochondrial Drug Shows Additional Clinical Promise
Stony Brook University

A study of the lead agent (CPI-613) in a class of anticancer drugs undergoing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved clinical trials reveals that CPI-613 is effective against most carcinoma cell lines, and, used in combination, could have efficacy against reducing some tumors.

Newswise: Shinnecock Bay Recognized as A New Global “Hope Spot”
3-Jun-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Shinnecock Bay Recognized as A New Global “Hope Spot”
Stony Brook University

Shinnecock Bay on the south shore of Long Island, New York, is being named a new “Hope Spot” by Mission Blue, an international organization that supports the protection of oceans worldwide. This distinction is the result of a decade of restorative work led by Stony Brook University scientists.

Newswise: Kelp Mitigates Ocean Acidification, a Key to the Health and Abundance of Important Shellfish
Released: 25-May-2022 9:35 AM EDT
Kelp Mitigates Ocean Acidification, a Key to the Health and Abundance of Important Shellfish
Stony Brook University

A new study led by Christopher Gobler, PhD, and a team of scientists at the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) shows that the presence of kelp significantly reduces ocean acidification, a result of climate change.

Newswise: Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Released: 19-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Stony Brook University

In a newly published study, co-author H. Andrew Schwartz, PhD, of the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, and colleagues determined that the language people used in Facebook posts can identify those at risk for hazardous drinking habits and alcohol use disorders.

Newswise: U.S. Must Ramp up Ocean Conservation to Meet Global MPA Standards
17-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
U.S. Must Ramp up Ocean Conservation to Meet Global MPA Standards
Stony Brook University

A new analysis of marine protected areas (MPAs) reveals that many important ocean regions off mainland United States are significantly unprotected – with large portions of the coast having only five percent or less of its area conserved and a vast majority of the Mid-Atlantic coast unprotected.

Newswise: Novel Course on Medical Device Innovation Adds to Skills of Future Physicians
Released: 9-May-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Novel Course on Medical Device Innovation Adds to Skills of Future Physicians
Stony Brook University

In a paper in Academic Medicine, educators at the Renaissance School of Medicine (RSOM) at Stony Brook University highlighted the success of their three-year, elective course in biodesign that has enabled students to expand their abilities as medical device innovators.
