Latest News from: Iowa State University

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Newswise: Novel atlas shows vast urban infrastructure divide between Global South and Global North
Released: 8-Nov-2022 4:25 PM EST
Novel atlas shows vast urban infrastructure divide between Global South and Global North
Iowa State University

New data from an international research team adds another dimension – literally – to understanding the economic and environmental impacts of how cities are built. Using satellite mapping, researchers measured the height of built-up infrastructure in urban areas across the globe, which could improve projections of energy use and emissions and inform city planning and economic development efforts, including progression toward the United Nations sustainable development goals.

Newswise: Engineers Spin Off Tech, Company to Market Soy Oil for Better Roads, Pavements
Released: 2-Nov-2022 3:30 PM EDT
Engineers Spin Off Tech, Company to Market Soy Oil for Better Roads, Pavements
Iowa State University

Iowa State researchers have launched a company that's manufacturing and marketing a soy-based additive that extends the life of asphalt pavements and allows contractors to use more recycled asphalt in pavements.

Newswise: Trade, Migration Will Affect How States, Countries Adapt to Climate Change
Released: 1-Nov-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Trade, Migration Will Affect How States, Countries Adapt to Climate Change
Iowa State University

Researchers say shifts in trade, migration and job options over the next 100 years will play a big role in how states and countries adapt to climate change.

Newswise: High-End Hotels Manipulate Reviews When Competing with Airbnb
Released: 27-Oct-2022 2:50 PM EDT
High-End Hotels Manipulate Reviews When Competing with Airbnb
Iowa State University

Researchers found high-end hotels often post more fake, positive reviews about themselves and less negative reviews about other hotels when they face greater competition from Airbnb. This shift toward “co-opetition instead of tit-for-tat" creates inflated ratings.

Newswise: Forgetting is natural, but learning how to learn can slow it down
Released: 19-Oct-2022 12:15 PM EDT
Forgetting is natural, but learning how to learn can slow it down
Iowa State University

After reviewing more than 100 years of research on learning, authors of a new paper say combining two strategies – spacing and retrieval practice – is key to success.

Newswise: Global Hunger, Carbon Emissions Could Both Spike if War Limits Grain Exports
Released: 13-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Global Hunger, Carbon Emissions Could Both Spike if War Limits Grain Exports
Iowa State University

If Russia's war in Ukraine significantly reduces grain exports, surging prices could worsen food insecurity, with increases up to 4.6% for corn and 7.2% for wheat. That also would have an environmental impact, with carbon emissions rising as additional land is used to grow crops.

Newswise: Designing a Plant Cuticle in the Lab Could Yield Many Benefits
Released: 10-Oct-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Designing a Plant Cuticle in the Lab Could Yield Many Benefits
Iowa State University

Scientists are working to bioengineer a defense mechanism that most plants develop naturally to protect against drought, insects and other environmental stresses. The goal is to create a roadmap for breeding plants with designer cuticles to respond to changing climates.

Newswise: Researchers recommend future pandemic responses account for ethnicity, social factors
Released: 7-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers recommend future pandemic responses account for ethnicity, social factors
Iowa State University

Building a disease model they created last year, researchers at ISU find accounting for ethnicity and social factors may improve strategies for future pandemics.

Newswise: CDC grant spurs research for fall prevention
Released: 4-Oct-2022 8:05 AM EDT
CDC grant spurs research for fall prevention
Iowa State University

With a $1 million grant from the CDC, ISU researchers and community partners will be the first to directly evaluate a walking program’s potential for reducing the risk and incidence of falling, which is the leading cause of injuries among people ages 65 and older in the U.S.

Newswise: $80 million grant aims to make regenerative farming practice a moneymaker for farmers
Released: 30-Sep-2022 11:05 AM EDT
$80 million grant aims to make regenerative farming practice a moneymaker for farmers
Iowa State University

An Iowa State University research team is part of an $80 million federal grant to show how generating renewable natural gas from cover crops and prairie grass could give farmers a market-based motivation to use conservation practices that sequester carbon dioxide and improve water quality.

Newswise: Major USDA grant supports pioneering agricultural genome to phenome collaboration led by Iowa State University
Released: 29-Sep-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Major USDA grant supports pioneering agricultural genome to phenome collaboration led by Iowa State University
Iowa State University

The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture is awarding more than $1.8 million to the Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative led by Iowa State University, which aims to foster research collaborations to improve the long-term efficiency and resilience of U.S. agriculture.

Newswise: ISU lab aims to repair severed nerves, foster undergraduate research
Released: 27-Sep-2022 8:05 AM EDT
ISU lab aims to repair severed nerves, foster undergraduate research
Iowa State University

Undergraduate students at ISU are part of a research team testing different structures that could be used to help patients recover from traumatic nerve injuries.

Newswise: Search for clues may explain the collapse of ancient city in Mexico
Released: 21-Sep-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Search for clues may explain the collapse of ancient city in Mexico
Iowa State University

Faculty and students from ISU joined an international team of archaeologists this summer to begin excavating one of Teotihuacan’s suburbs. The four-year project could help unlock clues about the ancient city’s mysterious collapse and what happened in the hundreds of years before Spanish conquistadors arrived in central America.

Newswise: Researchers test hybrid, soft/hard nanocarriers to deliver drugs to the brain
Released: 20-Sep-2022 11:25 AM EDT
Researchers test hybrid, soft/hard nanocarriers to deliver drugs to the brain
Iowa State University

Researchers are working to develop nanocarriers that deliver drugs across the blood brain barrier. Successful nanocarriers could lead to treatments for brain disorders including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, ischemic stroke, epilepsy and seizures.

Newswise: Researchers find rare and endangered bumble bees in Iowa
Released: 6-Sep-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Researchers find rare and endangered bumble bees in Iowa
Iowa State University

A team of researchers at Iowa State University are part of a multi-state effort to map out where the federally endangered rusty patched bumble bee lives, identify what habitat it prefers and collect clues about the population’s genetic diversity and overall health. The findings, along with data about the threatened American bumble bee, could help wildlife managers and land stewards reverse their decline and support other pollinators more broadly.

Newswise: Behind the uptick in women’s alcohol consumption: stress, stereotypes, marketing
Released: 30-Aug-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Behind the uptick in women’s alcohol consumption: stress, stereotypes, marketing
Iowa State University

Pulling from extensive interviews, the latest research and national data, Sociology Professor Susan Stewart says women are drinking more alcohol to cope with stress, move up at work, feel confident and have fun – or be perceived as having fun – in her new book “On the Rocks: Straight talk about women and drinking.”

Released: 29-Aug-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Finding solutions to the Mississippi River basin’s biggest challenges
Iowa State University

A team of researchers received a National Science Foundation grant to study the Mississippi River basin's challenges and how these issues connect to affect the environmental conditions of cities, suburban areas and rural areas — and the people living there.

Released: 23-Aug-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Transforming Data to Solve Community Problems
Iowa State University

This summer, Iowa State University students worked on projects addressing local and state government challenges across Iowa, including employment for people with disabilities, analyzing local housing needs, wholesale local food price benchmarking and more.

Newswise: Researchers working to help Ukrainian refugees find housing, integrate into the Midwest
Released: 18-Aug-2022 4:15 PM EDT
Researchers working to help Ukrainian refugees find housing, integrate into the Midwest
Iowa State University

Iowa State researchers will study which factors determine successful integration of Ukrainian refugees into Midwestern communities. Their work will focus on improving housing conditions for the refugees. The project is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Civic Innovation Challenge.

Newswise:Video Embedded researchers-studying-leaf-angle-aim-to-improve-yields-inspire-young-scientists
Released: 16-Aug-2022 4:10 PM EDT
Researchers studying leaf angle aim to improve yields, inspire young scientists
Iowa State University

Researchers are using a robot developed at Iowa State University to capture 3D images of corn in the field to better understand leaf angle. The research has the potential to boost yields and aid in the engineering of new hybrids to adapt to changes in climate.
