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Released: 26-Oct-2021 5:05 PM EDT
Making Martian Rocket BioFuel on Mars
Georgia Institute of Technology

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a concept that would make Martian rocket fuel, on Mars, that could be used to launch future astronauts back to Earth.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 5:05 PM EDT
Multi-Algorithm Approach Helps Deliver Personalized Medicine for Cancer Patients
Georgia Institute of Technology

John F. McDonald and his research team have created a ‘multi-algorithm’ machine learning approach to boost accuracy in predicting drug responses for ovarian cancer patients.

Newswise: Building a Better Dipstick Test
Released: 21-Oct-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Building a Better Dipstick Test
Georgia Institute of Technology

Lateral flow assays often called ‘dipsticks’ have been a popular point-of-care testing platform for decades (think, pregnancy tests, glucose tests, even coronavirus tests). But they have limitations. A team of researchers is overcoming those limitations with development of a flow control technology, turning these simple tests into complex biomedical assays.

Released: 21-Oct-2021 2:35 PM EDT
AI Tool Pairs Protein Pathways with Clinical Side Effects, Patient Comorbidities to Suggest Targeted Covid-19 Treatments
Georgia Institute of Technology

Researchers led by Jeffrey Skolnick have designed a new AI-based “decision prioritization tool” that combines data on protein pathways with common Covid-19 side effects and known patient comorbidities. The tool offers possible targeted treatment options with existing FDA-approved drugs to foster better health outcomes for individuals fighting Covid-19.

Newswise:Video Embedded bbq-lighter-combined-with-microneedles-sparks-breakthrough-in-covid-19-vaccine-delivery
Released: 20-Oct-2021 4:50 PM EDT
BBQ Lighter, Combined With Microneedles, Sparks Breakthrough in Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery
Georgia Institute of Technology

Future vaccine delivery may rely on everyday items like BBQ lighters and microneedles, thanks to the ingenuity of a team of Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University researchers.

Released: 15-Oct-2021 2:20 PM EDT
How to Make an Exosuit that Helps with Awkward Lifts
Georgia Institute of Technology

New exosuit invented by Georgia Tech researchers reduces muscular exertion required for rotating and twisting motions.

Released: 15-Oct-2021 2:15 PM EDT
Biomolecular Engineer Wins Grant to Make Microorganism-Inspired Machines
Georgia Institute of Technology

To make a micro-robot that moves, look to what nature does, first.

Released: 13-Oct-2021 3:15 PM EDT
Study Finds Use of Anger in Online Reviews Simultaneously Unhelpful but Influential in Purchase Decisions
Georgia Institute of Technology

The paper, “Anger in Consumer Reviews: Unhelpful but Persuasive?” published in the September 2021 issue of MIS Quarterly, challenges a well-accepted assumption by both researchers and practitioners that more helpful reviews are ultimately more influential. Specifically, their research examines how emotional expressions of anger in a negative review influence the way the review is perceived by its readers.

Newswise: Underwater Gardens Boost Coral Diversity to Stave Off ‘Biodiversity Meltdown’
Released: 13-Oct-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Underwater Gardens Boost Coral Diversity to Stave Off ‘Biodiversity Meltdown’
Georgia Institute of Technology

A new study from two researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology provides both hope and a potentially grim future for damaged coral reefs. In their research paper, "Biodiversity has a positive but saturating effect on imperiled coral reefs," published October 13 in Science Advances, Cody Clements and Mark Hay found that increasing coral richness by ‘outplanting’ a diverse group of coral species together improves coral growth and survivorship.

Released: 12-Oct-2021 1:25 PM EDT
Rooftop Solar Increases Electricity Use, Raising Questions for Utilities and Policymakers, Georgia Tech Study Finds
Georgia Institute of Technology

According to a new analysis by researchers at Georgia Tech’s Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, homeowners who install solar panels wind up using more electricity than before going green, a finding that could have implications for energy planning and climate change mitigation efforts.

Released: 8-Oct-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Georgia Tech Researcher Earns $12 Million NSF Grant to Establish Atmospheric Measurement Network
Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Nga Lee “Sally” Ng has earned a $12 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure program to provide high time-resolution (every 1 to 15 minutes), long-term measurements of the properties of atmospheric particulates known as aerosols, which have significant effects on health and climate change.

Released: 7-Oct-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Innovative IV Safety Sensor Moves Closer to Clinical Trial
Georgia Institute of Technology

Newly developed device shows the potential to automate the critical task of detecting IV infiltration

Released: 5-Oct-2021 3:00 PM EDT
Department of Defense Funds Georgia Tech to Enhance U.S. Hypersonics Capabilities
Georgia Institute of Technology

Awards draw on Georgia Tech and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) expertise across advanced, high-temperature materials science and aerospace and mechanical engineering research — areas critical for future advances of hypersonic vehicles.

Newswise:Video Embedded researchers-discover-new-side-channel-attack-on-low-end-phones
Released: 28-Sep-2021 12:35 PM EDT
Researchers Discover New Side Channel Attack on Low-End Phones
Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Tech researchers have recently discovered a new side channel attack that is effective on a wide range of low-end phones. All that's needed for the attack to work is to place a sensor close to the phone, for example, under the coffee table where the phone is sitting. If the sensor bears witness to a single secure transaction, like a bank login, then the attacker can immediately break the user's encryption and forge their digital signature.

Newswise: Peachy Robot: A Glimpse into the Peach Orchard of the Future
Released: 14-Sep-2021 1:10 PM EDT
Peachy Robot: A Glimpse into the Peach Orchard of the Future
Georgia Institute of Technology

Researchers are developing a robot that utilizes deep learning to automate certain aspects of the peach cultivation process, which could be a boon for many Georgia peach farms grappling with a shortage of workers. The self-navigating robot uses an embedded 3D camera to determine which trees need to be pruned or thinned, and removes the branches or peaches using a claw-like device attached to its arm.

Released: 8-Sep-2021 5:40 AM EDT
Efficiency Leap in Separating Para-xylene Using New Carbon Membranes
Georgia Institute of Technology

.Researchers at Georgia Tech have uncovered new insights into the fabrication of carbon membranes that have the potential to drive significant cost savings once the solution for xylene isolation separation is scaled for industrial use.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 1:45 PM EDT
Exploring the Role of Gender in Scholarly Authorship Disputes
Georgia Institute of Technology

A new paper co-authored by Georgia Tech found that women — as compared to their male counterparts — receive less credit for the work they put into academic publications, more frequently experience authorship disputes, and often end up losing out on opportunities for future collaboration as a result.

Released: 18-Aug-2021 1:40 PM EDT
Heat-Controllable CAR T Cells Destroy Tumors and Prevent Relapse in New Study
Georgia Institute of Technology

In a study published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech researchers build on the lab’s body of work exploring remotely controlled cell therapies, in which the researchers can precisely target tumors, wherever they are in the body, with a local deposition of heat. The latest study shows the system cured cancer in mice, and the team’s approach not only shrunk tumors but prevented relapse – critical for long-term survival. Further studies will delve into additional tailoring of T-cells, as well as how heat will be deposited at the tumor site.

Released: 29-Jul-2021 4:55 PM EDT
Georgia Tech Joins the U.S. National Science Foundation to Advance AI Research and Education
Georgia Institute of Technology

Today, Georgia Tech received two National Science Foundation (NSF) Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes awards, totaling $40 million. A third award for $20 million was granted to the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA), with Georgia Tech serving as one of the leading academic institutions.
