Research Alert

Article title: Dual blockade of protease-activated receptor 1 and 2 additively ameliorates diabetic kidney disease

Authors: Shohei Mitsui, Yuji Oe, Akiyo Sekimoto, Emiko Sato, Yamato Hashizume, Shu Yamakage, Satoshi Kumakura, Hiroshi Sato, Sadayoshi Ito, Nobuyuki Takahashi

From the authors: “These findings suggest that PAR1 and PAR2 additively contribute to [diabetes-related kidney disease] pathogenesis and that dual blockade of both could be a novel therapeutic option for treatment of patients with [diabetes-related kidney disease].” 

This study is highlighted as one of May's "best of the best" as part of the American Physiological Society's APSselect program.

Journal Link: American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology

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American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology