Kansas City, Mo. - With a commitment to advancing education that enables investigators to become effective and productive leaders, the Stowers Institute for Medical Research is pleased to announce open registration for the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Lab Leadership Course held in Kansas City from July 26-29, 2022.  

The four-day course introduces key concepts that can empower individuals to become more effective leaders. Attendees will learn responsibilities expected from a group leader including how best to provide feedback and criticism, team motivation, and conflict management in addition to methods for running meetings, interviewing, and hiring. Through interactive role playing, attendees will evaluate leadership style and improve their interpersonal communications skills.  

“We build on the strengths that most scientists already have—critical thinking, the ability to make careful observations, the ability to plan and be strategic, the ability to consider and communicate complex ideas—and help them deepen their understanding and application of those skills in their leadership roles,” says Samuel Krahl, project coordinator and trainer for the EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course. 

The American Society for Cell Biology has partnered with the Stowers Institute to offer its members a $200 discount off the registration fee. For more information about the upcoming EMBO course at Stowers and to register, please visit:  https://lab-management.embo.org/dates/stowers-leadership-2022.

Meeting Link: EMBO Lab Leadership Course