The DOE Science News Source is a Newswise initiative to promote research news from the Office of Science of the DOE to the public and news media.
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Newswise: Tiny Cavitation Bubbles Enhance Energy Conversion in Fuel Injectors’ Jets
Released: 20-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Tiny Cavitation Bubbles Enhance Energy Conversion in Fuel Injectors’ Jets
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists have a limited understanding of the effects of cavitation in microscopic devices. In this research, scientists took high-speed images of microscale cavitating fuel jets to understand the motion of liquid jets from high-pressure fuel injectors like those used in vehicle engines. Analysis of the results showed that cavitation enhances the energy conversion efficiency of the fuel injection.

Newswise: California Streamin’: Jefferson Lab, ESnet Achieve Coast-to-Coast Feed of Real-Time Physics Data
Released: 19-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
California Streamin’: Jefferson Lab, ESnet Achieve Coast-to-Coast Feed of Real-Time Physics Data
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The test represented the culmination of nearly three years of collaboration between Jefferson Lab and ESnet to develop a novel networking hardware prototype that can connect scientific instruments to computing clusters over a wide-area network such as ESnet’s in real time.

Newswise: Smoother Surfaces Make for Better Particle Accelerators
Released: 18-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Smoother Surfaces Make for Better Particle Accelerators
Department of Energy, Office of Science

A new toolkit helps researchers build optimal superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities that form the backbone of advanced particle accelerators. The cavities’ cleanliness, shape, and roughness of their inner surfaces contribute to their efficiency. In tests of the toolkit, scientists found that smoother cavities function more efficiently.

Newswise: Flexible Circuits Made with Silk and Graphene on the Horizon
16-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Flexible Circuits Made with Silk and Graphene on the Horizon
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ultra-thin layers of silk deposited on graphene in perfect alignment represent a key advance for the control needed in microelectronics and advanced neural network development.

Newswise: Magnifying Deep Space Through the “Carousel Lens”
Released: 18-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Magnifying Deep Space Through the “Carousel Lens”
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A newly discovered cluster-scale strong gravitational lens, with a rare alignment of seven background lensed galaxies, provides a unique opportunity to study cosmology.

Newswise: Constriction Junction, Do You Function?
Released: 18-Sep-2024 5:00 AM EDT
Constriction Junction, Do You Function?
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have shown that a type of qubit whose architecture is more amenable to mass production can perform comparably to qubits currently dominating the field.

Newswise: Mapping Out Matter’s Building Blocks in 3D
Released: 17-Sep-2024 3:30 PM EDT
Mapping Out Matter’s Building Blocks in 3D
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks of the atom’s nucleus — particles called hadrons that most of us would recognize as protons and neutrons — are made up of a seething mixture of interacting quarks and gluons, known collectively as partons. The HadStruc collaboration has now come together to map out these partons and disentangle how they interact to form hadrons. Their latest findings were recently published in the Journal of High Energy Physics.

Newswise: AI Enhances Plasma Plume Analysis
Released: 17-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
AI Enhances Plasma Plume Analysis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

In a game-changing study, Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists developed a deep learning model — a type of artificial intelligence that mimics human brain function — to analyze high-speed videos of plasma plumes during a process called pulsed laser deposition, or PLD.

Newswise: New Mechanism Explains Rapid Energy Sharing Across Atomic Semiconductor Junctions
Released: 16-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
New Mechanism Explains Rapid Energy Sharing Across Atomic Semiconductor Junctions
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Understanding and controlling heat flow is critical for many applications, especially for electronics. As these devices become smaller, the interfaces between materials often become the bottleneck to removing heat.

Newswise: New Mechanism Explains Rapid Energy Sharing Across Atomic Semiconductor Junctions
Released: 16-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
New Mechanism Explains Rapid Energy Sharing Across Atomic Semiconductor Junctions
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Understanding and controlling heat flow is critical for many applications, especially for electronics. As these devices become smaller, the interfaces between materials often become the bottleneck to removing heat.

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