Newswise — The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) is honored to announce its 2018 award winners. All awards will be presented during the Closing Awards Ceremony at AAA's 2018 annual meeting at Experimental Biology (EB) in San Diego, CA on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at 7:30pm.

The 2018 award winners are:

Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Award

Valerie D. O’Loughlin, Ph.D, FAAA, Indiana University School of Medicine

Dr. O’Loughlin will receive AAA’s highest education award. She is being recognized for her distinguished work in human anatomy education. She will present a lecture, “Authentic Anatomy Education: Leave your Ego at the Door to Create Memorable Learning Experiences,” at EB. Her talk will discuss how educators can design lessons to have a power impact and how small memorable moments in the classroom can stick with students long after the class has ended.

Henry Gray Scientific Achievement Award

Kurt Albertine, Ph.D., FAAA University of Utah School of Medicine

Dr. Albertine will receive AAA’s highest scientific award for his unique meritorious contributions and achievements in the anatomical sciences. Dr. Albertine will give a lecture titled, “Pathogenesis of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: An Unanticipated Journey,” which highlights his scientific career story, which was one he didn’t anticipate. It highlights the importance of multiple variables in one’s scientific career paths including chance, luck of being at the right place at the right time, risk-taking, and passion and perseverance.

A.J. Ladman Exemplary Service Award

Jeffrey Laitman, Ph.D., FAAA, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Dr. Laitman is being recognized for his exceptional service to the society and mentorship and outreach in the field of anatomy. He will present a lecture, "For of those to whom much is given...," at EB. His talk title was taken from a speech President John F. Kennedy gave a few weeks before he was inaugurated, that included the words, “For of those to whom much is given, much is required,” and will highlight one’s obligation of to give back to others.

Basmajian Award

The Basmajian Award honors members who showcase excellence in teaching gross anatomy and her accomplishments in biomedical research and scholarship in education.

  • Jason Organ., Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Postdoctoral Fellows are awarded with a fellowship of $20,000. This fellowship is intended to provide salary support for recipients in their pursuit of postdoctoral research.

  • Angie Serrano, Ph.D., University of Utah
  • Emily Gilbert, Ph.D., University of Toronto
  • Gabriel McKinsey, Ph.D., Stanford University

Young Anatomist Publications Award

This award recognizes the best manuscript by a young anatomist in each of the Association’s three journals: Anatomical Sciences Education, Developmental Dynamics, and The Anatomical Record

  • Andrew Thompson, Ph.D., of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, for his manuascript in Anatomical Sciences Education, “An Evaluation of Outcomes Following the Replacement of Traditional Histology Laboratories with Self-Study Modules.” 
  • Karyn Jourdeuil, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland, for her manuscript in Developmental Dynamics, “A Wide Temporal Window for Conjunctival Papillae Development Ensures the Formation of a Complete Sclerotic Ring.”
  • Brooke Dubansky, Ph.D, of Tarleton University, for her manuscript in The Anatomical Record titled, “Natural Development of Dermal Ectopic Bone in the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Resembles Heterotopic Ossification Disorders in Humans.”

Education Research Scholarship

The Education Research Scholarship supports a member who is a graduate student in a mentored project, or a postdoctoral fellow or junior faculty member who wishes to develop a project that shows promise as a model for improving the quality of teaching and learning in anatomical education

  • Madeleine Norris, M.Sc., Ph.D. candidate, University of Western Ontario

Fellows Grant Award Program

The Fellows Grant Award Program supports research proposals submitted to national or international funding agencies that were scored, and generally well received, but did not receive funding. It is assumed that most of these proposals will have been NIH in nature, but proposals to the NSF, other federal agencies, and international granting organizations also qualify.

  • Sumitra Miriyala, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center, Shreveport

About AAA: The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) was founded by Joseph Leidy in Washington, D.C. in 1888 for the “advancement of anatomical science.” Today, via research, education and professional development activities, AAA serves as the professional home for an international community of biomedical researchers and educators focusing on the structural foundation of health and disease.

About Experimental Biology (EB): EB is an annual meeting comprised of over 14,000 scientists representing six sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies. Primary focus areas include anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, nutrition and pharmacology. EB is open to all members of the sponsoring and guest societies and nonmembers interested in the latest research impacting life sciences. Attendees represent scientists, academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and private corporations.