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Released: 11-Feb-2019 1:05 PM EST
Why Mr. Nice could be Mr. Right
Michigan State University

The key to relationship happiness could be as simple as finding a nice person. And, despite popular belief, sharing similar personalities may not be as important as most people think, according to new research from Michigan State University.

Released: 11-Feb-2019 8:05 AM EST
Bias may affect providers’ knowledge of transgender health
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Transphobia, not education, predicts provider knowledge of transgender health care.

Released: 11-Feb-2019 7:00 AM EST
With gene therapy, University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center targets rare form of childhood blindness.
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Newly approved gene therapy is offering a hopeful outlook to some patients with inherited eye disease including a 7-year-old who received treatment at Michigan Medicine.

Released: 10-Feb-2019 1:05 PM EST
How genetic counselors provide clarity on eye disease
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

For people with inherited eye disease, genetic findings can often guide patients toward applicable clinical trials. or sight-preserving gene therapy.

Released: 10-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
7 Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Macular Degeneration
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

During Macular Degeneration Awareness Month, learn the risk factors for the No. 1 cause of blindness among people over age 50.

Released: 7-Feb-2019 2:05 PM EST
Relationship counseling encourages couples HIV testing
University of Michigan

It's long been known that couples HIV testing and counseling is an effective way to mutually disclose HIV status and link to health care––unfortunately, couples don't use it even though it's widely available.

4-Feb-2019 3:05 PM EST
Circular RNA Holds Promise as Cancer Biomarker
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have cataloged circular RNA in multiple cancers and conducted initial research that suggests these stable structures could serve as cancer biomarkers in blood or urine.

6-Feb-2019 7:05 AM EST
Fewer Deaths Seen Among Young Adults Who Got Extra Adult Support as Suicidal Teens
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Building a circle of trusted adults around a suicidal teen, to support them during vulnerable times, may have long-term effects that reduce their risk of dying young, a new study suggests. About 12 years after the teens were hospitalized for suicidal behaviors, far more of the young people who got standard care had died, compared with young adults in the group that had received the extra adult support.

Released: 6-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
U-M to unveil new home for Museum of Natural History April 14
University of Michigan

The University of Michigan Museum of Natural History announced today it will re-open to the public Sunday, April 14, in a brand-new building.

Released: 5-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
To Cut Down Prescription Drug Prices, We Need a Non Partisan Entity to Craft Evidence-Based Policy, #Umich Expert Says
University of Michigan

Minal Patel, assistant professor at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, discusses prescription drug affordability

31-Jan-2019 2:05 PM EST
What Drives Patients to Use Medical Marijuana: Mostly Chronic Pain
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

New U-M study seeks to understand whether people are using cannabis for evidence-based reasons.

Released: 4-Feb-2019 10:30 AM EST
U-M Launches Carbon Neutrality Commission: Names Members, Lays Out Commission Charge, Priorities, Deadlines
University of Michigan

The University of Michigan has taken an important step toward its goal of carbon neutrality with the selection of the core team that will recommend how to get there, as well as develop scalable and transferable strategies that can be used by other institutions and larger communities to achieve the same goal.

29-Jan-2019 1:05 PM EST
Cell lines deserve unique considerations when creating research protections, authors say
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

New rules recently went into effect, seeking to protect patients who donate tissue samples for research in the age of genetic sequencing. But this rule could have unintended consequences for certain critical types of biospecimens.

Released: 30-Jan-2019 7:00 AM EST
Many Women Get Unnecessary Mammograms Before Breast Reduction Surgery
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Getting a mammogram before breast reduction surgery is not required or recommended. But thousands of young women with no known breast cancer risk still get them, a Michigan Medicine study shows.

Released: 29-Jan-2019 9:40 AM EST
Innovative Ice-Free Scalp Cooling During Chemotherapy Prevents, Reduces Hair Loss for Breast Cancer Patients
Henry Ford Health

Breast cancer patient Laura Carey returned to work one week after beginning chemotherapy, but without a demoralizing side-effect indicative of this type of cancer treatment – hair loss. Carey is among the first breast cancer patients at the Henry Ford Cancer Institute to successfully prevent and reduce hair loss during chemotherapy by using an ice-free cooling cap system, called Paxman. Dr. Haythem Ali explains more about this innovative treatment option, and what it means for breast cancer patients like Laura.

Released: 25-Jan-2019 12:05 PM EST
Putting Understudied Terrorists Under a Microscope
Michigan State University

According to MSU research, the terror attacks we don't often see on the news – cyberattacks by far-left extremists – are causing more widespread destruction than we know.

Released: 24-Jan-2019 11:05 AM EST
Keloids Linked to Early Onset and Late Stage Breast Cancer
Henry Ford Health

Findings from a new study conducted by researchers at Henry Ford Health System suggest a link between keloids and increased risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer, particularly among African Americans. Keloids are benign fibroproliferative tumors, which can result in excessive growths of scar-like tissue on the skin. Keloids have been reported to affect some 11 million people worldwide. Despite this prevalence, the exact cause of keloid formation is unknown.
