Feature Channels: Race and Ethnicity

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Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Civil Liberties Experts Available
Grinnell College

Grinnell College faculty with expertise in civil liberties and social justice, including Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. foreign policy and "despotic" regimes, immigration issues, the Darfur, and inequalities based on gender, race, and sexuality.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Racial Equality and Understanding Still Eludes Our Nation After the Civil Rights Movement
Halstead Communications

Why do racial equality and understanding elude our nation almost half a century after the civil rights movement was supposed to solve the problems? Leaders of the National Coalition Building Institute, Facing History and Ourselves and Rhodes College"” three national organizations dedicated to erasing prejudice"”believe that progress begins with bringing people together for meaningful conversations.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Civil Liberties and Social Justice Expert List
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

University of Arkansas at Little Rock experts are available for interviews focused topics, including reparations for African American descendants, First Amendment issues, the rights of immigrants, criminal justice topics, and other inequalities present in the legal system and workplace.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Giving Patients a Personal Stake in Genetics Research
Boston Children's Hospital

The current way of doing genetic research -- with completely anonymized data to protect patient privacy -- is paternalistic and detrimental to patients, who could otherwise be getting back vital health information, argue researchers at Children's Hospital Boston. They've devised a mechanism for allowing patients -- if they wish -- to be alerted to discoveries that may affect them, while still remaining anonymous.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Social Justice, Civil Liberties Experts Available
Central Michigan University

Issues related to social justice and civil liberties are at the forefront of many current-events discussions. Several Central Michigan University faculty experts are available to comment on these types of topics, including international social change, the current political climate for freedom of the press and freedom of speech, HIPAA and patient privacy, and U.S. international relations.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Experts on Race Relations, Gender Issues, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Spelman College

The Spelman College administration and faculty consists of some of the country's most well-versed experts in the areas of race relations, gender issues, and insight on the late Martin Luther King Jr.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Immigration Reform Needed for Sake of Economy, Ford Says
Middle Tennessee State University

Dr. William F. Ford says that the economic issues related to the immigration debate are largely ignored in favor of focusing on the legal, political, social and cultural aspects of the issue. However, it's vital that economic considerations related to immigration"”including the major roles that both legal and illegal immigrants contribute to the labor force and production and spending"”be factored into the discourse, he says.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Open Government Requires Participation, Says First Amendment Scholar
Middle Tennessee State University

Although U.S. citizens can't vote on each individual issue or dilemma facing this nation, that's no excuse for Americans to refrain from participating in their own governance, declares Dr. Larry Burris, a First Amendment scholar and journalism professor, who adds that "the public's business should be conducted in public; not in smoke-filled rooms, restaurants or sports facilities."

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Citizen Lab Develops New Guide to Bypass Internet Censorship
University of Toronto

University of Toronto has created a new guide to by-pass internet censorship called "Everyone's guide to by-passing Internet censorship for citizens worldwide."

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Civil Liberties Question Still Surround Death Penalty in U.S.
Dick Jones Communications

Allan D. Sobel, director of the Arlin M. Adams Center for Law and Society at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pa., argues that inmate executions in the U.S. should be stopped while institutional problems with the justice system are addressed.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Tulane University Civil Liberties & Social Justice Sources
Tulane University

Looking for an expert on civil liberties and social justice issues? Tulane University faculty are available to comment.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Expert in African American History Including Black Freedom Struggles
Sarah Lawrence College

Sarah Lawrence College Professor of American History, Public Policy & Africana Studies, Komozi Woodard, is an expert in African American History, and the Black Power movement, including Black freedom struggles, and is available for comment.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Shield Laws Crucial to Free, Effective Press, Says Media Scholar
Middle Tennessee State University

Members of the House of Representatives recently passed legislation giving reporters the right to protect confidential sources in most federal cases, but the shield-law legislation's future is unsure and President Bush says he'll veto it. One First Amendment scholar says the legislation is more about the public's right to know than the reporter's right to protection.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Web-based Dataset Explores Government Respect for Human Rights
Binghamton University, State University of New York

As one of the largest human rights datasets in the world, the Cingranelli and Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Project shines a global spotlight on government respect for a wide range of human rights. Headed up by David Cingranelli, professor of political science at Binghamton University, and David Richards, assistant professor of political science at the University of Memphis, CIRI tracks data from 195 countries over a 26-year period.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Professor Calls Gender Violence Terrorism
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB political scientist says gender violence should be relabeled as terrorism.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
New Book Explores How Financial Institutions Can Spread Democracy
Binghamton University, State University of New York

The widely criticized structural adjustment policies of international financial institutions can help spread democracy around the world, according to a new book co-authored by a researcher at the Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Berea College Still the Kind of School MLK Jr. "Admired and Longed to Visit"
Berea College

It's no wonder Berea College in Kentucky is a school Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to visit, but never got the chance. Founded by abolitionists in 1855, Berea was the first interracial and co-educational college in the South, is the alma mater of distinguished African Americans, including Carter G. Woodson, and continues a commitment to interracial education and equality by charging no tuition and admitting only students high in ability but low in financial resources.

Released: 11-Dec-2007 9:00 AM EST
Rhodes College Helping Memphis Heal by Creating Conversations About Race
Halstead Communications

In Memphis, Rhodes College, a top private liberal arts college, has for years brought diverse peoople with different perspectives together for meaningful dialogues about race. Its latest effort, Crossroads to Freedom, is among the most ambitious efforts to help Memphis heal and move forward.

Released: 10-Dec-2007 11:25 AM EST
People's Reactions to Government Censorship Depend on Views of Bush
Ohio State University

How people respond to the U.S. government's attempts to censor some war-related images comes down to whether or not they are supporters of President Bush, a new study suggests.

Released: 7-Dec-2007 11:10 AM EST
Is It Torture Yet? U.S. Helsinki Commission Field Hearing
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland will host a field hearing by the U.S. Helsinki Commission that asks: "Is it Torture Yet?" U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), co-chair of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, is convening the hearing to gather expert testimony on torture and other forms of banned treatment.

Released: 3-Dec-2007 4:10 PM EST
University Legal Experts Comment on Guantanamo Detainee Case
Indiana University

Indiana University School of Law professors comment on Wednesday's Supreme Court hearing regarding whether federal judges have jurisdiction to hear cases brought by detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Released: 3-Dec-2007 12:00 PM EST
Wake Forest to Explore Government Secrets, Free Speech, National Security
Wake Forest University

In January, Wake Forest University will present "Secrets vs. Security," an opportunity for people to examine the issues of government secrets, free speech and national security.

Released: 30-Nov-2007 1:00 PM EST
Beyond Gandhi: Other Philosophical Influences On Martin Luther King, Jr.
Saint Joseph's University

The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. "“ his name and personality instantly identify him as one of the world leaders of Civil Rights reform. His cultural legacy conjures many iconic American sights and sounds: images from the Montgomery bus boycott; 1963's March on Washington; the "I Have a Dream" and "Mountain Top" speeches; the tragic photos of his assassination in Memphis, and his funeral procession in Atlanta.

Released: 15-Nov-2007 6:00 PM EST
Nations Embracing Jury System as Part of 'Wave of Judicial Reform'
University of California, Santa Cruz

Countries around the world are embracing the jury system in a wave of judicial reform that is democratizing jurisprudence in nations as diverse as South Korea, Mexico, and Japan, according to UC Santa Cruz jury expert Hiroshi Fukurai.

Released: 7-Nov-2007 11:25 AM EST
Why Poor Kids May Make Sicker Adults
Cornell University

Scientists have known for years that people living in poverty have poorer health and shorter life spans than the more affluent. Now, Cornell University researchers have identified several key mechanisms in 13-year-olds that may help explain how low socio-economic status takes its toll on health.

Released: 7-Nov-2007 9:30 AM EST
"Kurds Ascending" Despite Conflich Says U.S. Professor
Tennessee Technological University

As Turkey threatens to invade Northern Iraq, an American professor is launching the first strikingly positive look at the Kurdish problem in Iraq and Turkey.

Released: 6-Nov-2007 8:50 AM EST
Professor Publishes Sam Ervin Biography
Appalachian State University

Karl E. Campbell, an associate professor of history at Appalachian State University, has written a biography about the late Sam Ervin so that a new generation can be introduced to "Senator Sam."

Released: 5-Nov-2007 3:45 PM EST
New Book Explores Internet Use and Society
University of Illinois Chicago

Low levels of Internet use among minorities and the poor will limit their earning ability and participation in society if public policy does not promote technological access and skills, according to a new book co-authored by a researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Released: 2-Nov-2007 4:30 PM EDT
Sexist Humor No Laughing Matter, Researcher Says
Western Carolina University

A research project led by a Western Carolina University psychology professor indicates that jokes about blondes and women drivers are not just harmless fun and games; instead, exposure to sexist humor can lead to toleration of hostile feelings and discrimination against women.

Released: 2-Nov-2007 10:20 AM EDT
Animal Rights Advocated In Book By Prof
St. Lawrence University

A new book by a St. Lawrence University sociology professor explores the intersections between human and animal oppressions in relation to "the exploitative dynamics of capitalism."

Released: 31-Oct-2007 3:00 PM EDT
Working “In the Closet” Hurts Both Employee and Employer
Alliant International University

A questionnaire study of more than 500 gay, lesbian and bisexual employees across the U.S. has found that "fears about disclosing a gay identity at work had an overwhelmingly negative relationship with their career and workplace experiences and with their psychological well-being."

Released: 8-Oct-2007 12:30 PM EDT
Achieving Constitutional Democracy in Burma: Experts Available to Comment
Indiana University

Officials at the Center for Constitutional Democracy in Plural Societies at the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington have worked for six years with pro-democracy forces in Burma (Myanmar). They are available to comment on the need for a constitutional approach to Burma's future.

Released: 8-Oct-2007 11:40 AM EDT
Study Shows Impact of Social Protests on Stock Prices
Cornell University

A new study led by Sarah Soule, professor of sociology at Cornell, and Brayden King, assistant professor of sociology at Brigham Young University, examines how organized public protest affects "abnormal stock price returns."

Released: 5-Oct-2007 3:00 PM EDT
Human Rights Violations Widespread in Eastern Burma
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Gross human rights violations, including forced displacement, forced labor, attacks by soldiers on civilians, injury from landmines and destruction or theft of food supplies, have been widespread in eastern Burma (also known as Myanmar), with over half of households in displaced areas reporting incidents in the 12 months prior to a 2004 survey.

Released: 2-Oct-2007 4:45 PM EDT
Social Threats And Their Influence On Court Outcomes
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University graduate student's paper that examines how social threat may influence individual criminal court outcomes has been honored as the best in a competition sponsored by the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association.

Released: 2-Oct-2007 10:35 AM EDT
Book Reveals Jackie Robinson’s Role in Civil Rights Movement
Elizabethtown College

A religious studies professor has collected and edited the letters of Jackie Robinson in a new book that reveals how the baseball legend sought to use his fame to further the civil rights cause.

Released: 21-Aug-2007 2:50 PM EDT
Prof Writes Textbook on Global Social Problems
Elizabethtown College

An Elizabethtown College professor has written a textbook to introduce students to the current global social problems they may face.

Released: 30-Jul-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Scholar Examines Record of a “Color-Blind” Constitution
American Educational Research Association (AERA)

James D. Anderson, noted historian of education, examines issues of equality and diversity in the context of the Fourteenth Amendment and in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision prohibiting race-conscious school assignment. His article, Race-Conscious Educational Policies Versus a "Color-Blind Constitution": A Historical Perspective, appears in the current issue of Educational Researcher.

Released: 28-Jun-2007 5:10 PM EDT
Campaign for Educational Equity Denounces Supreme Court Ruling
Columbia University, Teachers College

The Campaign for Educational Equity, based at Teachers College, Columbia University, has denounced today's decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court in the school diversity cases, Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education (Louisville, KY.) and Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District.

Released: 14-Jun-2007 2:50 PM EDT
White-collar Crime - Are Constitutional Rights Being Violated?
Saint Joseph's University

If you're sitting underneath a tree and a branch falls on your head, do you burn the tree? Most people wouldn't take the time to ponder this question, but for those involved in the criminal prosecution of white-collar crime, it's the critical argument.

Released: 6-Jun-2007 3:10 PM EDT
Experts Comment on Legacy of Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court Ruling
Indiana University

June 12 marks the 40th anniversary of the landmark Loving v. Virginia U.S. Supreme Court ruling, which overturned a ban in Virginia that had prohibited whites from marrying non-whites. The ruling invalidated similar bans in more than a dozen other states. Four Indiana University scholars with expertise in the family, history and law, discuss the continuing impact of the ruling on American society.

Released: 2-May-2007 8:20 AM EDT
Privacy Law Professor Concludes Forwarding of Private Email Without Permission Violates Rights
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In a major article examining the strength of legal arguments to protect private e-mail expression, a University of Arkansas law professor concludes that, based on the historical common law, today's Federal Copyright Act does not protect someone from copying and distributing another person's private expression, which means that forwarding e-mail without permission of the sender may be against the law.

Released: 25-Apr-2007 1:10 PM EDT
Experts Available To Discuss New Hampshire Civil Unions
University of New Hampshire

Two experts from the University of New Hampshire are available to discuss New Hampshire's proposed civil union's law, HB437. On Thursday, April 26, 2007, the New Hampshire Senate is expected to pass the bill, and Gov. John Lynch has said he will sign it. New Hampshire would become only the fourth state to permit civil unions and the second to do so voluntarily.

Released: 12-Apr-2007 8:55 AM EDT
Gender and Ethnicity Effect Court Rulings and Prison Terms
University of Haifa

New research in the Department of Sociology at the University of Haifa found that the gender and ethnicity of judges, defendants and victims effect court rulings and prison terms.

Released: 3-Apr-2007 8:45 AM EDT
Maya Communities Take Action to Claim Constitutional Rights
University of Arizona

Maya leaders will announce the filing of claims by the two villages in the Supreme Court against the government of Belize for its failure to recognize, protect and respect Maya customary land rights.

Released: 20-Feb-2007 2:00 AM EST
Dred Scott Legacy; Stereotypes Still Felt in the Courts
Washington University in St. Louis

Experts say the anniversary should be an opportunity for deep national reflection on enduring issues of race and justice.
