Breaking News: European Union News

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Newswise: Data Governance Mapping Project Finds Most Countries Struggle to Govern Data
Released: 13-Jul-2022 9:55 AM EDT
Data Governance Mapping Project Finds Most Countries Struggle to Govern Data
George Washington University

A new report from the George Washington University’s Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub finds that some 68 countries and the European Union struggle to govern various types of data in a comprehensive, democratic and accountable manner. The researchers argue that this failure has huge implications for governance of technologies — such as artificial intelligence and augmented/virtual reality — which comprise the next phase of the internet.

Released: 28-Apr-2022 5:45 PM EDT
Import tariffs: an alternative to a European energy embargo against Russia
University of Cologne

Tariffs on Russian energy imports could provide the EU with a lever to reduce Russia’s financial gains from its oil and gas exports and allow it to flexibly react to Moscow’s actions in Ukraine, a team of economists from the European think tank Bruegel, Harvard, and the University of Cologne propose in a letter to Science and in a working paper.

Released: 24-Feb-2022 1:55 PM EST
Expert sources for your Ukraine-Russia conflict stories

Expert sources for your Ukraine-Russia conflict stories

Released: 20-Aug-2021 12:25 PM EDT
How well did the EU respond to the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic? Experts now give their verdict

A new study in Frontiers in Public Health presents a review of expert opinions on the achievements and shortcomings of the European Union’s (EU) COVID-19 response.

Released: 19-Aug-2021 3:00 PM EDT
VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE: Breakthrough Cases and COVID Boosters: Live Expert Panel for August 18, 2021

Expert Q&A: Do breakthrough cases mean we will soon need COVID boosters? The extremely contagious Delta variant continues to spread, prompting mask mandates, proof of vaccination, and other measures. Media invited to ask the experts about these and related topics.

Released: 21-Jul-2021 11:25 AM EDT
In Wake of European Commission Fines on Carmakers, Economists Assess the Societal Cost of Corporate Collusion on Emissions Technology
University at Albany, State University of New York

There are several ways for a business to make a dollar, and an often illegal one is collusion among corporations. But the usual practice is an agreement to keep prices high or quantities low. Less investigated, however, is collusion on non-compliance of regulations — and in the auto industry, those often mean environmental regulations.

Released: 18-Mar-2021 1:25 PM EDT
COVID-19 denial depends on a population's trust in social institutions
National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)

An international team of scholars studied how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Europeans' stress levels and their trust in their national governments and the healthcare systems.

Released: 25-Feb-2021 11:10 AM EST
European unions’ support varies for precarious workers
Cornell University

In many cases, unions in Europe have helped nonunionized workers whose jobs are precarious, according to new Cornell University research.

Released: 14-Oct-2020 12:45 PM EDT
Endocrine Society welcomes European Commission’s chemical strategy
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society welcomed the European Commission’s new Chemical Strategy for Sustainability and its measures to protect the public from endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The communication was released Wednesday as part of the European Green Deal.
