Newswise — Arizona State University’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering has an extensive roster of civil engineering experts who can provide insight on President Joe Biden’s infrastructure proposal, known as the American Jobs Plan.

Expert profiles, along with pull quotes relevant to each professor's specific areas of expertise, can be accessed via links provided in the roster, below. The entire package can be accessed through ASU Infrastructure Expert Dropbox.

Ram Pendyala

Narayanan Neithalath

Anthony Lamanna

Braden Allenby

Margaret Garcia

Samuel Ariaratnam

  • Professor, Beavers-Ames Chair in Heavy Construction, SSEBE
  • Expertise: Infrastructure management and rehabilitation; trenchless construction methods; urban infrastructure renewal
  • Co-author of the book, Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices Guidelines; best practices of installing underground utilities using this technology
  • Samuel Ariaratnam Profile & Quotes Dropbox Folder

Matthew Fraser

Mounir El Asmar

Braden Allenby and Mikhail Chester are co-authors of the book:


Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers publishes a Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. This comprehensive assessment evaluates the performance and capacity of our national road network, rail system, bridges, ports, drinking water, wastewater and other key resources.

Results are consistently gloomy. For more than two decades, the United States has averaged “D” grades on these engineering report cards. The 2021 report shows a “C-minus,” which indicates improvement. But the ASCE notes that our national infrastructure still suffers grave shortcomings that represent risks to America’s economy, security and public health.

“Funding infrastructure is a significant problem in part because we’ve let deficiencies accumulate over time. We spend only when we have to fix something,” said Brad Allenby, a President’s Professor of civil, environmental and sustainable engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. “Of course, that is a very expensive way to manage infrastructure. It means that we’re always tackling significant problems, whether it’s roads that become essentially impassable because of potholes or fragmentation of the power grid, the consequences of which Texas suffered very recently. We continually ‘fix’ our infrastructure systems, but we don’t invest to bring them up to necessary standards. That needs to change.”

Read the full article.

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