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Released: 17-Feb-2011 2:30 PM EST
Even with Solar Flares, Cornell GPS Expert Says Humanity Need Not Resort to Compass and Map … Yet
Cornell University

Brady O'Hanlon is a Cornell University doctoral student in electrical and computer engineering. He conducts research on GPS software receivers and the study of space weather. O’Hanlon comments on the increase in solar flare activity over the last two days, which may affect GPS and other electronics on Earth and in space.

Released: 16-Feb-2011 12:40 PM EST
Service Providers Slow to Adopt Solutions as Internet Exhausts IP Addresses
Cornell University

Robbert van Renesse, a professor of Computer Science at Cornell University, comments on why a solution hasn’t been implemented as the Internet runs out of IP addresses.

Released: 16-Feb-2011 9:00 AM EST
What We Learned from Watson’s “Toronto” Answer on Jeopardy
Cornell University

Trevor Pinch, a professor of Science and Technology Studies and a professor of Sociology at Cornell University, comments on the performance of IBM’s Watson computer on Jeopardy.

Released: 11-Feb-2011 12:15 PM EST
Questions Remain After Mubarak’s Resignation as President of Egypt
Cornell University

David Patel, Cornell University professor of government, teaches comparative politics with a focus on Middle Eastern politics, Islamic institutions and political culture. He has conducted research in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon. He comments on Hosni Mubarak's resignation as president of Egypt.

Released: 11-Feb-2011 7:00 AM EST
Cornell University Sports Labor Law Expert Available to Discuss Potential NFL Lockout
Cornell University

Cornell ILR School sports labor law expert is available to discuss an NFL lockout with the media.

Released: 10-Feb-2011 2:45 PM EST
Cornell University: Egypt and Middle East Experts
Cornell University

In light of Hosni Mubarak’s reported resignation as president of Egypt, the Cornell University Press Office has assembled experts who can discuss issues related to this political change.

Released: 3-Feb-2011 2:00 PM EST
Cornell University: Egypt and Middle East Experts
Cornell University

In light of the uprising in Egypt, the Cornell University Press Office has assembled professors who can discuss a variety of issues related to the unrest.

Released: 3-Feb-2011 12:25 PM EST
Mubarak Regime’s Attempt to Sustain Chaos Is Ploy to Remain in Power, Says Cornell Expert on Middle East
Cornell University

David Patel, Cornell University professor of government, comments on the current uprising in Egypt. He has conducted research in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon. He teaches comparative politics with a focus on Middle Eastern politics, Islamic institutions and political culture.

Released: 28-Jan-2011 8:00 AM EST
Egyptian Protests Sparked by Social Networks Mimic Revolutions of the Past
Cornell University

Sidney Tarrow, professor of government at Cornell University and expert on revolutions and social movements, comments on the political unrest in Egypt.

Released: 28-Jan-2011 8:00 AM EST
Women Playing Critical Role as Political Unrest Boils in Egypt
Cornell University

N’Dri Assie-Lumumba, a professor of Africana Studies at Cornell University who was born and raised in Ivory Coast, comments on the role of women as political tensions grow in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen.

Released: 13-Aug-2010 8:30 AM EDT
GOP Bush-Era Tax Cut Defenders Creating a Cycle of Fiscal Ruin
Cornell University

Steven Kyle, professor of economics at Cornell University’s Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, and an expert on U.S. macroeconomic policy, compares extending the Bush-era tax cuts for upper income earners to failed Hoover-era policies.

Released: 9-Aug-2010 4:00 PM EDT
Expiration of Tax Cuts for Wealthy Would Reduce National Debt
Cornell University

Robert Frank, professor of economics at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, comments on Obama Administration plans to allow Bush Administration tax cuts to expire on Dec. 31.

Released: 14-Jul-2010 7:00 AM EDT
Scientists Find Oil Devastation at Major Gulf Breeding Site
Cornell University

A Cornell Lab of Ornithology team working in the Gulf has documented what may be the worst oil spill devastation of a major bird colony in the Gulf so far, on Louisiana's Raccoon Island.

Released: 21-May-2010 4:25 PM EDT
Toyota’s $50 Million Investment in Tesla a Good Move, but Requires Zero-Emission Legislation for Long-Term Success
Cornell University

The long-term viability of a Tesla plant is almost entirely dependent on legislation to force people to drive zero-emission vehicles. Art Wheaton, senior extension associate in workforce, industry and economic development in Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, comments on Toyota’s $50 million investment in Tesla Motors.

Released: 7-May-2010 12:25 PM EDT
Cornell Experts Ready to Help Media with Gulf Oil Spill Coverage
Cornell University

As a world-class research institution and New York’s Land Grant university, Cornell University has a broad range of faculty members with expertise relevant to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf. These experts are up-to-date on the issue and ready to talk with the media.

Released: 6-May-2010 7:00 AM EDT
Cornell Expert to Discuss NYC’s Urban Wildlife Boom
Cornell University

Already this year, six wild coyotes have been spotted in Manhattan. Area residents also are witnessing a surge in raccoon, deer and Canada geese populations. Why are urban wildlife populations exploding? Cornell natural resources professor Paul Curtis will talk with the media about the latest research, and help sort fact from fiction.

Released: 5-May-2010 12:30 PM EDT
Oil Company Faces Massive Environmental Liability in Wake of Spill: Cornell University Expert
Cornell University

Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Cornell University Professor of Law and an expert in environmental law, comments on the liability facing BP as a result of the ongoing Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Released: 3-May-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Greek Debt Crisis is Potential ‘Contagion’ for Global Financial Markets: Cornell Expert
Cornell University

The current Greek debt crisis looks to be a classic case of potential 'contagion' in global financial markets. Things can turn more ominous, however, when speculators in the financial markets begin betting en masse against a country like Greece, for in these cases the fears of some investors can become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Released: 30-Apr-2010 5:00 PM EDT
Danger in Gulf 'Unfathomable,' says Cornell Ornithologist
Cornell University

Ken Rosenberg, director of conservation science at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and a specialist on the conservation of birds throughout the Western Hemisphere, comments on the ecological threat posed by the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Released: 9-Apr-2010 3:50 PM EDT
Implications of the Impending Retirement of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: Cornell Expert
Cornell University

Michael C. Dorf, constitutional law scholar, former Supreme Court law clerk and professor at Cornell University Law School, discusses the implications of the impending retirement of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

Released: 6-Apr-2010 10:30 AM EDT
TARP Payback, Profit Was Expected, Says Expert
Cornell University

Steven C. Kyle, Cornell University associate professor of Applied Economics and Management, comments on reports that the Treasury Department is already earning an 8.5 percent profit on its investments in bailed out banks.

Released: 22-Mar-2010 12:45 PM EDT
Constitutional Objections to Federal Health Reform Are Unsound, Says Law Expert
Cornell University

Michael C. Dorf, professor, Cornell University Law School, discusses potential constitutional issues raised by Sunday’s passage of health reform legislation in the House of Representatives.

Released: 19-Mar-2010 10:40 AM EDT
Transportation Unionization Rule Is Unfair and Should Change, Says Labor Expert
Cornell University

Kate Bronfenbrenner, Cornell University senior lecturer at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, comments on the pending National Mediation Board rule change that could reduce the threshold for creating unions in the airline industry -- from a majority of all workers in any class to a majority of all votes cast in the union election.

Released: 18-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Reigning in Risk: Dodd’s Financial Overhaul Bill Is Long Overdue, Says Cornell Law Expert
Cornell University

Robert C. Hockett, professor, Cornell University Law School, says: "Sen. Christopher Dodd's bill is a tentative step forward toward long-awaited improvements to our presently hole-riddled system of financial regulation." Hocket explains the bill's attributes.

Released: 11-Feb-2010 9:00 AM EST
Expert on Snow Loads from Blizzards
Cornell University

For the “Snowmageddon” event of 2010 or the Blizzard of ’96 – which was a double-whammy snowstorm, too – the memories of digging out won’t easily melt away. Cornell expert Art DeGaetano, an expert on snow loads and climatology, explains.

Released: 3-Feb-2010 4:00 PM EST
Expert: Censoring Controversial Super Bowl Commercials Could Backfire into ‘Chilling Effect’
Cornell University

Sahara Byrne, Cornell University assistant professor of communications, comments on the controversial commercials scheduled to air during the Super Bowl, specifically the possible impact of the Focus on the Family (Tim Tebow) commercial.

Released: 27-Jan-2010 2:15 PM EST
Expert: Toyota’s Shutdown of Eight Popular Vehicles Could Impact Company’s Long-term Sales
Cornell University

Art Wheaton, Cornell University automotive industry expert, comments on the impact of accelerator-part problems in several Toyota cars and trucks.

Released: 18-Jan-2010 5:00 AM EST
Cornell Earthquake Expert: Tom O'Rourke
Cornell University

Thomas D. O’Rourke is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. O’Rourke is a recognized authority on earthquake engineering and the impact on infrastructure.

Released: 12-Nov-2009 2:10 PM EST
Cornell expert on the Mayan Calendar / 2012 Hoax
Cornell University

Ann Martin, Cornell doctoral student in astronomy, is an expert on the Mayan Calendar / 2012 Hoax.

Released: 29-Sep-2009 4:35 PM EDT
Cornell Tsunami Expert: Philip Liu
Cornell University

Philip Liu, Cornell professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is an expert on tsunamis, ocean waves and their impact on coastlines. He led the NSF-sponsored group of U.S. scientists who investigated the aftermath of the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Released: 29-Jan-2009 2:00 PM EST
Food Safety / Food Science Experts
Cornell University

Cornell University offers food safety / food science experts in light of the recent salmonella scare.
