Latest News from: Newswise

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18-Apr-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Aging and Genes: Meet and Question Researchers Live on Newswise

Newswise is offering reporters a behind-the-scenes look at the state of the research and the impact it might have on global public health by interacting with two leading scientists in the field and an author who has investigated the research for over a decade. With all the elements of a great story, the search for healthful human longevity sheds light on discoveries that could fundamentally reshape human life.

Released: 16-Apr-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Non-Vaccine Measles Treatment Identified: UPDATE - Watch Pre-Recorded Q&A with Researchers

A novel antiviral drug may reduce the spread and severity of measles without a vaccination. Dr. Richard Plemper from the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State University and Dr. Michael Natchus of the Emory Institute for Drug Discovery (EIDD) will be available to answer questions from the media at a live virtual press conference at 1 PM EDT, Wednesday, April 16th.

11-Apr-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Bio-Engineered Vaginas, How Do They Work? UPDATE: Watch Pre-Recorded Q&A

Newswise hosts the first live, interactive virtual event for major research finding for journalists. Newswise and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center are collaborating to offer direct access to the investigator via Newswise Live, an interactive virtual event.

Released: 31-Mar-2014 5:00 PM EDT
New Test Offers Genetic Confirmation for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in 48 Hours

/PRNewswire/ -- Machaon Diagnostics today announced the availability of its "aHUS Genetic Panelâ„¢" (patent pending) to genetically confirm atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS) with a turnaround time of 48 hours. The 48 hour timeframe is a dramatic advancement over other approaches which offer results in 4-13 weeks. The speed of the aHUS Genetic Panelâ„¢ allows the test to impact patient care in acute settings, enabling doctors to better serve those suffering with this life-threatening disease when it matters most.

Released: 4-Mar-2014 8:55 AM EST
Best of Life News: Call for Nominations

Submit links to your clips on Life News topics in Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Economics, Politics, and Pop Culture for inclusion in the Best of Life News Wire special edition on Monday, March 10

Released: 20-Jan-2014 12:20 PM EST
Media Clip Tracking on Newswise Member Release

Media clips resulting from news release issued by Columbia University, Teachers College titled, "Spirituality and Religion May Protect Against Major Depression By Thickening Brain Cortex"

Released: 13-Dec-2013 10:00 AM EST
Cholesterol Could Counteract Breast Cancer Treatment

Common breast cancer treatments target tumors by blocking or reducing the levels of estrogen in the body. These treatments may be rendered ineffective in patients with high cholesterol, where tumors can rely on the estrogen-mimicking molecule 27HC as an alternative fuel source.

11-Dec-2013 11:00 AM EST
Should Women Take Statins to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk?

Research findings suggest there may be a simple way to reduce the risk of breast cancer by keeping cholesterol in check, either with statins or a healthy diet. Additionally, for women who have breast cancer and high cholesterol, taking statins may delay or prevent resistance to endocrine therapies such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors.

Released: 10-Dec-2013 3:40 PM EST
High Cholesterol May Make Breast Cancer Worse

Researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute have found that a byproduct of cholesterol functions like the hormone estrogen, fueling the growth and spread of the most common types of breast cancers.

9-Sep-2013 9:05 AM EDT
Obesity News Source Offers Experts and Resources for the Media, Consumers

Newswise has recently partnered with the University of Alabama at Birmingham to create a comprehensive site for obesity news and experts, and containing the most up-to-date information directly from the source.

23-Apr-2013 9:00 AM EDT
National Cancer Institute (NCI) at NIH Creates Comprehensive Cancer News Source with Newswise

The Cancer News Source, made possible through a collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Newswise, provides up-to-date, comprehensive, quality content on the latest developments in cancer research, patient care, treatment innovations, and scientific advances. The Cancer News Source, and the weekly Cancer News Wire sent by email each Tuesday, serves as a resource for journalists, communicators, and members of the public interested in cancer news.

Released: 21-Feb-2013 9:00 AM EST
Reporters Access More Than 400 Institutions' News with Newswise Newsrooms

For the first time, Newswise has compiled all of the news, experts, multimedia, and social media into customized virtual Newsrooms for more than 400 participating member institutions. These virtual Newsrooms give journalists a complete picture of the breaking research, events, and experts available from the most credible organizations around the world.

Released: 21-Feb-2013 9:00 AM EST
Reporters Access More Than 400 Institutions' News with Newswise Newsrooms

For the first time, Newswise has compiled all of the news, experts, multimedia, and social media into customized virtual Newsrooms for more than 400 participating member institutions. These virtual Newsrooms give journalists a complete picture of the breaking research, events, and experts available from the most credible organizations around the world.

15-Feb-2013 9:00 AM EST
Cancer Research, Environment and Climate Change, Nutrition, and Mental Health - Upcoming Newswise Theme Wires

Newswise invites press release submissions from new and current members for inclusion in our Theme Wires on a variety of topics, including; Cancer Research, Environment and Climate Change, Nutrition, and Mental Health. Each wire is also open for sponsorships to promote your organization’s campaign, product, service, or news.

Released: 6-Dec-2012 3:00 PM EST

24-Sep-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Twenty Years of Innovation Connecting Journalists and Trusted News Sources

Twenty years ago this month, Newswise began with the goal to provide more effective communication between journalists and their sources. As the first online news service for journalists, the original vision for Newswise was to build a comprehensive database of news releases about research news, and to deliver it with state-of-the-art technology.

17-Sep-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Journalists Get the Scoop on Breaking News Commentary with Newswise Expert Pitch

The recently launched Expert Pitch service from Newswise allows journalists to access sources to comment on breaking news events through an online portal, an email newsletter provided by Newswise, and the @Expert_Pitch Twitter feed. With multiple experts posted rapidly each day in response to breaking news, Newswise journalist subscribers have the advantage of seeing quality sources from the top organizations around the world, all in one place.

6-Sep-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Journalists Attitude Toward LinkedIn Related to Level of Participation

Journalists who participate more actively on LinkedIn have more positive attitudes toward the network.

10-Aug-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Obese Americans May Be Pushed Toward Unhealthy Decisions, According to Public Health Expert

Although most Americans would choose to be healthy if that option were easier, obesity is expected to increase in the coming years, largely due to the negative influence of environmental factors of unhealthy food choices and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Possible solutions to these issues include an emphasis on education and increased transparency in nutritional information labels for consumers.

20-Sep-2011 11:30 AM EDT
Majority of Journalists Use LinkedIn, though Many Ask, “What's the Value?”

Findings of a recent study conducted by Newswise indicate that as many as 70% of media professionals have profiles on the popular social networking site LinkedIn. Further investigation reveals that their attitudes toward LinkedIn, and social networking in general, remain somewhat ambivalent. An informative report on the study provides a sampling of survey responses, and an assessment of perceptions about the value of social networking from a professional media perspective.

Released: 7-Apr-2011 9:00 AM EDT
News Release Effectiveness Study Shows 93% of Research Gets Covered

The first of its kind, an effectiveness study by Newswise has shown that 93% of research news releases and 77% of feature news releases get at least 5 news clips in major media outlets. The study also explored the reach and relevance of web search results duplicating the original news release.

Released: 1-Jan-2011 9:05 AM EST
Reporters, Freelancers, Journalists, Members of the Media

If you are journalist getting the PUBLIC version of the Newswise wires, you are not getting the full benefit of Newswise services. As a member of the media, you are eligible to receive exclusive, REPORTERS only content with a full Press Pass from Newswise. Click the link above or click the headline for more information.

