Latest News from: Iowa State University

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Released: 25-Sep-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Biofeedback Newest Stress-buster for Iowa State Students
Iowa State University

Test anxiety … social angst … money woes. Stressed-out college students are nothing new. But at Iowa State University, they have a new option for dealing with stress: Biofeedback.

Released: 21-Sep-2009 1:00 PM EDT
First Year of Center for Biorenewable Chemicals Builds Bridges to Science, Industry
Iowa State University

A five-year, $18.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation one year ago established the NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals at Iowa State University. The center's 24 researchers from nine academic institutions are working toward a goal of transforming the chemical industry from one based on petroleum to one based on biorenewable resources.

Released: 10-Sep-2009 4:00 PM EDT
Identical Twins Come from Inner City to Iowa State on Gates Millennium Scholarships
Iowa State University

When Iowa State's Derrick Rollins visited the inner-city home of two talented brothers and their family in Kansas City, Mo., he talked with them about the school's great facilities, supportive environment and dedication to success. But Rollins wasn't recruiting athletes. He was recruiting engineering students.

Released: 10-Sep-2009 3:45 PM EDT
Iowa Power Fund helps Iowa State establish Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers are working with TPI Composites Inc. and the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories to study and improve the process used to manufacture wind turbine blades. The researchers' work is supported, in part, by a $2.1 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund.

Released: 20-Aug-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Personal Finance Professor Takes Students Back to School to Manage Their Money
Iowa State University

An Iowa State professor of personal finance and consumer economics would like to see fewer college students experience financial distress. She offers them some no-nonsense tips to help them manage their money better.

Released: 5-Aug-2009 5:00 PM EDT
State Fund Advances Swine Vaccine Research, Six Other Iowa State Projects
Iowa State University

A grant from a state economic development fund will help Iowa State University researchers develop and evaluate a vaccine designed to protect swine from novel H1N1 and other strains of influenza.

Released: 25-Jun-2009 8:00 PM EDT
Researchers Contribute Climate Model to Study That Finds Some Winds Decreasing
Iowa State University

A team of three Iowa State University researchers contributed to a study that found average wind speeds across the country have decreased by an average of .5 percent to 1 percent per year since 1973.

Released: 12-Jun-2009 4:00 PM EDT
Intensive Program in Biorenewables Shows Students the Action
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's first Intensive Program in Biorenewables attracted 46 students from across the country and around the world. They're spending two weeks in talks, tours, demonstrations and tests that cover the science, the opportunities and the challenges of developing a bioeconomy.

Released: 8-Jun-2009 12:00 PM EDT
Physicists Discuss the Science of 'Angels & Demons'
Iowa State University

Two Iowa State physicists say there's some science fiction in "Angels & Demons." But they're not quibbling because the movie is introducing millions to particle physics.

Released: 3-Jun-2009 8:45 PM EDT
Lean Manufacturing Researcher Assesses 'Big 3' Carmakers' Woes
Iowa State University

The country's economic woes are forcing many companies to become lean and mean in their business practices -- most notably Detroit's "Big 3" automakers. In the current economic climate, "lean manufacturing" has now become all the rage within industry according to Danny Johnson, an Iowa State University associate professor of operations and supply chain management.

Released: 27-Apr-2009 3:30 PM EDT
Swine Flu Experts
Iowa State University

Iowa State University has swine flu experts available, including the current president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, which includes veterinarians from Mexico.

Released: 14-Apr-2009 1:20 PM EDT
High Schoolers Learn IT by Defending Networks, Fighting Robots, Designing Games
Iowa State University

Teams of high school students from all over Iowa will compete in the second annual IT-Olympics at Iowa State University. They'll do their best to defend computer networks from hackers, build LEGO robots capable of sumo-style moves and design educational computer games.

Released: 1-Apr-2009 3:55 PM EDT
Chemist Synthesizes Carbohydrates, Launches Startup Company
Iowa State University

Nikki Pohl, an associate professor of chemistry at Iowa State University, and Beatrice Collet, the principal scientist for LuCELLa Biosciences Inc. in Ames, Iowa, have developed a process for synthesizing custom-order carbohydrates. They're launching LuCELLa to produce and market the carbohydrates to researchers.

Released: 1-Apr-2009 3:50 PM EDT
Researchers Examine Bacterial Rice Diseases, Search for Genetic Solutions
Iowa State University

Some types of rice are naturally resistant to the Xanthomonas bacteria. In those varieties the team is exposing the plants to the two bacteria. They then check to see which plant genes are activated, and to what extent.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Researchers Developing Renewable Energy for Ethanol Industry
Iowa State University

Researchers from Iowa State University, Frontline BioEnergy and Hawkeye Energy Holdings are using a $2.37 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund to develop new burner and catalyst technologies. The technologies will use gas made from biomass to efficiently produce ethanol and provide clean, renewable power for heating and drying equipment.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 11:05 AM EDT
2009 FAPRI Outlook Shows Impacts of Economic Slowdown but Projects Higher Commodity Prices over the Next Decade
Iowa State University

After dramatic increases in the prices of most commodities in the last three years, prices retreat in 2009/10, but growing demand for food, feed, and fuel is expected to return them to historically high levels over the rest of the decade, according to analysts with the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI).

Released: 5-Mar-2009 4:25 PM EST
College Student Is Passionate About Dancing with the Bulls
Iowa State University

When Lucas Moore talks about nimble footwork and all the right moves, he's not talking tango. He's talking bull. The Iowa State freshman is a bullfighter"”a type of rodeo clown that protects bull riders who dismount or are bucked off. This summer, he will earn cash for college in rodeos around the Midwest.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 4:00 PM EST
Iowa Power Fund Advances Researcher's Long Quest for Efficient Solar Power
Iowa State University

Vikram Dalal and a team of Iowa State University researchers are trying to improve thin film solar cells. A $1.69 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund is allowing the researchers to look for efficiencies in new materials, new structures and organic semiconductors.

Released: 9-Feb-2009 1:50 PM EST
Astronomer to Study Stars with Data from NASA’s Kepler Mission
Iowa State University

NASA's Kepler Mission will do more than look for earth-like planets. Steve Kawaler, an Iowa State University professor of physics and astronomy, is part of a research team that will use the mission's space telescope to study the interiors of stars.

Released: 2-Feb-2009 4:50 PM EST
Report to UN Conference Says Drug Prevention Programs Return $10 Per Dollar Invested
Iowa State University

Two Iowa State University researchers have given communities worldwide good reason to implement substance abuse prevention programs. They're economically beneficial, with a nearly $10 return for every dollar invested in prevention.

Released: 28-Jan-2009 4:30 PM EST
Communication Prof, FCC Scholar Sees Consumer Drawbacks to Digital TV Conversion
Iowa State University

As the country prepares for the mandated digital broadcast conversion of television airwaves on Feb. 17, an Iowa State University communication professor questions its benefit to consumers and the government's involvement in the conversion process.

Released: 5-Jan-2009 8:00 AM EST
Astrophysicist Helps Map the Milky Way’s Four Spiral Arms
Iowa State University

Martin Pohl, an Iowa State University associate professor of physics and astronomy, is part of a research team that developed the first complete map of the Milky Way galaxy's spiral arms. The map shows two prominent, symmetric spiral arms in the inner part of the galaxy. The arms extend into the outer galaxy where they branch into four spiral arms.

Released: 20-Nov-2008 12:00 PM EST
Researchers to Develop National Energy/Transportation Model and Plan
Iowa State University

James McCalley, an Iowa State University professor in electrical and computer engineering, is leading a research team that's developing new and better infrastructure designs for the country's energy and transportation systems. The research team will consider all of America's energy options, including biofuels, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, nuclear, coal, hydrogen, solar, biomass, natural gas and petroleum, together with new and old freight and passenger transportation technologies.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 11:05 AM EDT
Consumers Using More Media, New and Old, According to Four-year Study
Iowa State University

Reports of traditional media's demise -- in favor of newer, high-tech forms -- have been greatly exaggerated. That's according to a four-year study led by an Iowa State University , who found large gains in the use of new media (like the Internet and e-mail), but also a slight increase in the use of traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio and television).

Released: 14-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Economists Assess Recessionary Conditions, Provide Tips for Tough Economic Times Ahead
Iowa State University

While the United States economy has yet to hit the official benchmark of a recession, two Iowa State University economists agree that it appears headed there fast, particularly in the wake of the financial crisis. And they warn that businesses and consumers should make plans for tougher economic times ahead.

Released: 18-Sep-2008 3:25 PM EDT
Iowa State Researchers Part of $208 Million Supercomputer Project
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers will be part of a large consortium working to develop and use the world's most powerful supercomputer. The new machine will be capable of sustained performance of a quadrillion calculations per second. It will be based at the University of Illinois' National Center for Supercomputing Applications and is expected to go online in 2011.

Released: 17-Sep-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Engineer Works to Clean and Improve Engine Performance
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's Song-Charng Kong and his students are working to reduce emissions in diesel engines, develop a computer model of a gasoline engine and optimize new engine technologies. The results could be cleaner, more efficient engines in our cars and trucks.

Released: 8-Sep-2008 7:00 PM EDT
Sociologist Studies Social Construction of 9/11 and Its Use as Political, Social Resource
Iowa State University

Last year, a USA Today story on the sixth anniversary of 9/11 said it was "unlikely to pack the same emotional clout, generate the same media attention or command the same public focus as the fifth anniversary." We should expect a similar reaction this year according to Brian Monahan, an assistant professor of sociology at Iowa State University who has been researching the social construction of 9/11.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 2:30 PM EDT
Iowa State Wins $18.5 Million Grant to Create NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals
Iowa State University

The National Science Foundation has awarded Iowa State University and its research partners an $18.5 million grant to establish the NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals based at Iowa State. The center's focus will be to develop catalysts that promote the chemical reactions that can efficiently produce biorenewable chemicals.

Released: 27-Aug-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Financial Counseling Clinic Director Offers Students Tips on Avoiding Credit Card Debt
Iowa State University

New students find the whole experience of college to be educational, and some learn the hard way about the dangers of credit cards.Doug Borkowski -- director of Iowa State University's Financial Counseling Clinic, which provides credit management counseling among its services -- says students should do a little prudent planning before using a credit card.

Released: 22-Aug-2008 6:00 PM EDT
Experts Can Discuss New FDA Produce Irradiation Rule
Iowa State University

Iowa State University faculty members Dennis Olson and Sam Beattie are available for interviews on the new FDA regulation that will allow fresh spinach and iceberg lettuce to be irradiated to kill illness-causing bacteria.

Released: 22-Aug-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Party Conventions Provide More Real Drama This Year, Say Experts
Iowa State University

With their party's nominations for president long since decided and roll-call votes mere formalities, the political conventions have largely become like infomercials to many Americans over the past two decades. Yet some Iowa State University political experts say this year's conventions may play a more important role in the tight presidential race.

Released: 15-Aug-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Hurricane Katrina Survivor Turns Anger Into Art
Iowa State University

Three years after Michael Stanley lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, he earned his MFA at Iowa State and begins teaching there in the fall. "Katrina's Crescendo," comprises two kinetic sculptures that are made from Katrina refuse and express his experiences before, during and after the hurricane. It's an emotional and artistic journey that has carried him from a place of anger to a sense of purpose.

Released: 28-Jul-2008 2:50 PM EDT
Designer Teams with Mayo Clinic to Study Medical Decision Aids
Iowa State University

An Iowa State University design researcher is teaming up with the Mayo Clinic to transform her personal experiences with health care environments and information into more satisfying interactions for others. They will examine how design variables influence the decision-making process of diabetes patients using medical decision aids.

Released: 9-Jul-2008 8:30 AM EDT
Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Ethanol Project
Iowa State University

A research team led by Hans van Leeuwen, an Iowa State University professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering, has been awarded a 2008 R&D 100 Award from R&D Magazine. The researchers are using fungi to clean up and improve the dry-grind ethanol production process. This is the 30th R&D 100 Award presented to researchers affiliated with Iowa State.

Released: 27-Jun-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Students Prep $400,000 Solar Car for Cross-continental Race
Iowa State University

Sol Invictus, Iowa State University's latest student-designed and student-built solar race car, will compete in the North American Solar Challenge July 13-22. The challenge will take 24 university and college teams 2,400 miles from Plano, Texas, to Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Released: 25-Jun-2008 10:25 AM EDT
Economists Prepare Report on Economic Impact of 2008 Floods in Iowa
Iowa State University

A report by Iowa State University's Regional Capacity Analysis Program how the economic impact of this year's flooding across Iowa will be calculated. Once all of the official losses are reported, ISU economists say the total may approach or exceed the $1.45 billion in losses to crops, livestock, and personal property/income reported in the state's 1993 floods.

Released: 23-Jun-2008 11:35 AM EDT
Students Join Science Team to Chase and Capture Tornado Data
Iowa State University

Iowa State University students are spending May and June chasing tornadoes. Yes, there's some adrenaline involved. But what they're really after is some data about the weather conditions near a tornado.

Released: 19-Jun-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Flood Experts at Iowa State University
Iowa State University

Iowa State University faculty and staff members are available to share their insight and expertise on numerous flood-related topics as the devastating Midwest flooding continues this week along the Mississippi River.

Released: 6-Jun-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Authors Detail What You Need to Know About Identity Theft in New Book
Iowa State University

Steffen Schmidt and Michael McCoy -- both researchers in Iowa State University's Center for Information Protection -- provide information on how identity theft may be perpetrated and protection tips in a new book, "The Silent Crime: What You Need to Know About Identity Theft" (Twin Lakes Press, 2008).

Released: 3-Jun-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Technological Fun Can Keep Kids Learning This Summer
Iowa State University

Through his award-winning blog, "Dangerously Irrelevant," (, Iowa State University professor Scott McLeod asked K-12 educators to suggest ways that parents could use technology to facilitate active learning for their kids this summer. He then compiled a list of the top 10 ideas.

Released: 27-May-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Researchers Use Fungus to Improve Corn-to-ethanol Process
Iowa State University

A team of researchers from Iowa State University and the University of Hawai'i are developing a process that cleans up and improves the dry-grind ethanol production process. The process uses fungus to reduce energy costs, allow more water recycling and improve a co-product that's used as livestock feed. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers recently awarded the project its 2008 Grand Prize for University Research.

Released: 1-May-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Iowa State-ConocoPhillips Collaboration Advances 26 Research Projects in First Year
Iowa State University

A little moe than one year ago ConocoPhillips and Iowa State University announced an eight-year, $22.5 million research program. That collaboration began 14 research projects in 2007 and another 12 in 2008. Those projects include studies of various biofuel production technologies, technical and economic analyses of different types of biorefineries and production of biofuels crops.

Released: 17-Apr-2008 2:40 PM EDT
Robots, Games, Hackers: First IT-Olympics at Iowa State Celebrates Computer Smarts
Iowa State University

The first IT-Olympics at Iowa State will bring about 200 students from 25 high schools to Hilton Coliseum April 25-26. They'll compete in robotics, game design and cyber defense. They'll also learn there's a future in information technology.

Released: 14-Apr-2008 5:10 PM EDT
Virginia Tech Anniversary Following "Public Drama" Script, Says Sociologist
Iowa State University

Brian Monahan, an assistant professor of sociology at Iowa State University, says coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting falls under his definition of a "public drama." His research on how media constructed the events of Sept. 11, 2001 into the iconic public drama "9/11" will be the topic of a book he's publishing next year.

Released: 2-Apr-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Two Weeks Until Tax Deadline; Iowa State Professor Provides Last-Minute Filing Tips
Iowa State University

With the April 15 tax deadline just two weeks away, an Iowa State University accounting professor says last-minute filers can still find tax savings. But his best tip this year is simply to make sure you file on time to receive full benefit from the government's recently-announced tax rebate.

Released: 31-Mar-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Iowa State, ConocoPhillips and National Renewable Energy Lab to Cooperate on Biofuels Research
Iowa State University

Iowa State University, ConocoPhillips and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have agreed to cooperate on research projects designed to advance the conversion of cellulosic biomass into biofuels. The collaboration is expected to produce an initial report by next January.

Released: 20-Mar-2008 3:40 PM EDT
Researchers Developing System to Efficiently Convert Biomass to Ethanol
Iowa State University

A team of Iowa State University researchers led by Victor Lin, a professor of chemistry and director of the Center for Catalysis, is developing a system of thermochemical and catalytic technologies to produce ethanol from plant biomass. Lin has already worked on his catalyst for a year and has filed a patent application.

Released: 5-Mar-2008 3:00 PM EST
2008 FAPRI Outlook Shows New Bioenergy Mandates Sustain Historically High Commodity Prices
Iowa State University

Continuing high crude-oil prices and new bioenergy mandates are expected to sustain prices at historic highs across all agricultural commodities over the next decade, according to the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI).

Released: 25-Feb-2008 11:30 AM EST
Researchers Help Piece Together the Corn Genome's First Draft
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's Patrick Schnable, left, and Srinivas Aluru contributed their expertise in corn genetics and supercomputing to a $32 million, three-year project to assemble the corn genome sequence. The first draft of the corn genome sequence will be announced Thursday, Feb. 28, at the 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference in Washington, D.C.
