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Released: 28-Jan-2014 5:00 PM EST
Iowa State Students in Unusual Major Have Communicated Science Through Art for 30 Years
Iowa State University

A month before starting at Iowa State, Caitlin Mock planned to study biology. Then she discovered a major that was under the radar but combined her interests in science and art—biological and pre-medical illustration. The unusual major (fewer than 10 programs exist in the U.S.) turns 30 this year at Iowa State.

Released: 28-Jan-2014 4:30 PM EST
Iowa State Engineers Upgrade Pilot Plant for Better Studies of Advanced Biofuels
Iowa State University

Iowa State University engineers have upgraded a biofuels pilot plant to improve its efficiency, instrumentation, data collection, reliability and maintenance. The upgrades will help engineers develop the art of thermochemically converting biomass to fuels.

Released: 22-Jan-2014 9:20 AM EST
Iowa State College of Business Launches New CyBIZ Lab
Iowa State University

An initiative to expand experiential learning for Iowa State University students will also provide businesses with access to research and consulting services. ISU’s College of Business created CyBIZ Lab as a way for students to gain work experience.

Released: 17-Dec-2013 10:00 AM EST
Iowa State Professors Weigh Impact of Dodd-Frank on Banking and Business
Iowa State University

U.S. banking regulators recently approved rules for a key component of the Dodd-Frank Act more than three years after the law was initially enacted. Iowa State professors look at the impact of the law on banking and business.

Released: 12-Dec-2013 10:25 AM EST
Cultural Differences? Iowa State Researchers Examine Media Impact in Multiple Countries
Iowa State University

A cross-cultural study, led by Iowa State University researchers, shows prosocial media positively influence behavior regardless of culture. The study, a first-of-its-kind, tested empathy and helpfulness of thousands of children in seven countries.

Released: 9-Dec-2013 3:30 PM EST
Iowa State-Led Team Wins Supercomputer Time to Study Nuclear Structures, Reactions
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's James Vary is leading a team of physicists in a study of the structure and reactions of rare and exotic nuclei. The team's findings could have applications in nuclear energy, nuclear security and nuclear astrophysics.

Released: 5-Dec-2013 9:40 AM EST
Iowa State University Professor Challenges Students to Start Business Venture with Just $5
Iowa State University

The rules of the challenge were simple. Students had four weeks to develop a concept to make as much money as possible and avoid bankruptcy. But there was a catch; each team had only a $5 initial investment to get started.

Released: 3-Dec-2013 8:00 AM EST
Iowa State Researchers Setting Up ‘Dream Team’ to Research, Develop Nanovaccines
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Balaji Narasimhan thinks nanovaccines can revolutionize the prevention and treatment of diseases. And so he's using an Iowa State presidential research grant to assemble a "dream team" to research and develop nanovaccines.

Released: 19-Nov-2013 11:00 AM EST
ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Offers Accelerated Degree Program for Pre-Law Students
Iowa State University

Iowa State University students can now earn a bachelor’s degree and law degree in just six years through a new partnership the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has with Drake University and the University of Iowa.

Released: 19-Nov-2013 10:00 AM EST
Iowa State Engineers Use Keyboard, Mouse and Mobile Device ‘Fingerprints’ to Protect Data
Iowa State University

Iowa State engineers are working to protect computer networks and data by using unique keyboard, computer mouse and mobile device "fingerprints." The research is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense.

Released: 14-Nov-2013 10:00 AM EST
Math + Juggling = Better Problem-Solving Tools for Iowa State Students
Iowa State University

Steve Butler casually tosses a ball from his left hand to his right to demonstrate his point that anyone can juggle. The assistant professor of mathematics at Iowa State University says the secret to juggling is simple – it’s all about patterns.

Released: 12-Nov-2013 11:00 AM EST
Iowa State Professor Testifies to the Societal Costs of Cutting Costs in Federal Prison System
Iowa State University

Matt DeLisi says it would be a mistake to change federal sentencing guidelines to reduce prison overcrowding. The Iowa State University professor told the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee that cutting prison sentences would increase the crime rate.

Released: 7-Nov-2013 5:00 PM EST
Creating Accountable Anonymity Online
Iowa State University

Researchers at Iowa State University are working to add some accountability to online anonymity. They've developed a technology that offers anonymity for honest users and accountability for dishonest users.

Released: 31-Oct-2013 11:45 AM EDT
Iowa State, Ames Lab Engineers Develop Real-Time, 3-D Teleconferencing Technology
Iowa State University

Iowa State engineers have developed 3-D teleconferencing technology that's live, real-time and streaming at 30 frames per second. They say the technology could be ready for smart phones in a few years.

Released: 30-Oct-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Prices and Family Interactions Influence Eating Behaviors
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers looked at how prices, parents and peers affect fruit and vegetable consumption among African-American youths. Researchers say understanding these factors can help design more effective policy interventions.

Released: 23-Oct-2013 11:10 AM EDT
Iowa State Students to Travel to China to Study Target’s Supply Chain
Iowa State University

A group of Iowa State University students will get a rare, behind-the-scenes look at how products get from a factory to the store shelves. Students will travel to every point on the Target supply chain, something few company executives have experienced.

17-Oct-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Astronomer Helps Research Team See Misaligned Planets in Distant System
Iowa State University

NASA's Kepler space telescope has helped astronomers see a distant planetary system featuring multiple planets orbiting their host star at a severe tilt. The discovery is described in the Oct. 18 issue of the journal Science.

Released: 15-Oct-2013 12:00 PM EDT
No Joke: Iowa State University Students Learning the Tricks of Standup Comedy
Iowa State University

There is a science to crafting a good bit and delivering a funny one-liner. And like any skill, Peter Orazem and Gavin Jerome believe it’s one students in their Comedy College course at Iowa State University can learn – no joke, they can learn to be funny.

Released: 9-Oct-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Iowa State University Researchers Use Video Games to Get Older Adults Moving
Iowa State University

People are living longer, but not necessarily living healthier, and that is something Iowa State University researchers want to change. They hope to accomplish that goal by using video games to promote fitness and encouraging older adults to get active.

Released: 8-Oct-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Iowa State Building Research and Development Program for Bioplastics
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Biopolymers and Biocomposites Research Team is working toward two long-term goals: Helping bioplastics capture at least 20 percent of the plastics market and transferring bioplastic technologies from the university to startup companies.

Released: 27-Sep-2013 7:30 AM EDT
Over the Limit
Iowa State University

Most people think of a glass of wine as one serving, but in reality it could be two or three. Just how much one pours is influenced by a variety of factors, researchers at Iowa State and Cornell discovered, and that could lead to overconsumption.

Released: 24-Sep-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Iowa State, Ames Lab Chemists Help Find Binding Site of Protein That Allows Plant Growth
Iowa State University

Chemists from Iowa State and the Ames Laboratory are part of a research team that discovered where a protein binds to plant cell walls, a process that makes it possible for plants to grow. The discovery could lead to bigger harvests for bioenergy.

Released: 19-Sep-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Iowa State University Professor Identifies Oldest and Youngest Stag-Moose in North America
Iowa State University

Matthew Hill has identified countless bones. Most turn out to be from deer, bison, horses or cows. But some discoveries turn out to be highly unusual, as was the case with an antler from an extinct Ice Age animal known as a stag-moose or elk-moose.

Released: 11-Sep-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Iowa State, IBM Astronomers Explain Why Disk Galaxies Eventually Look Alike
Iowa State University

Astronomers from Iowa State University and IBM have discovered the fundamental process responsible for the smooth, steady fade of older disk galaxies. They say the key is the clumps of interstellar gases and new stars within young galaxy disks.

Released: 11-Sep-2013 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Examine How Stress May Lead to False Confessions
Iowa State University

Imagine if you were wrongly accused of a crime. Would you be stressed? Iowa State University researchers found the innocent are often less stressed than the guilty. And that could put them at greater risk to admit to a crime they didn’t commit.

Released: 28-Aug-2013 5:00 PM EDT
What Corporations Can Learn From Microsoft
Iowa State University

A failure to adapt to changes in mobile computing ultimately led to the most recent change at the top of Microsoft. An Iowa State University professor explains how the problems at Microsoft can serve as a lesson for all businesses.

Released: 19-Aug-2013 3:00 PM EDT
New Study Shows Pregnant Women Need to Move More
Iowa State University

It may not be enough for women to spend just 30 minutes a day on a treadmill or elliptical if they want to manage their weight during pregnancy. A new Iowa State University study found staying active throughout the day is more beneficial.

Released: 9-Aug-2013 11:20 AM EDT
Iowa State Students Design and Build Therapeutic Prison Landscape to Rehabilitate Offenders
Iowa State University

Iowa State landscape architecture students are creating a humane landscape in a restrictive environment—a prison. They've developed a landscape master plan for the new Iowa Correctional Institution for Women. They're working alongside offenders on phase one—multipurpose outdoor classrooms for classes, counseling, vocational training and theater.

Released: 2-Aug-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Iowa State Engineers Develop New Tests to Cool Turbine Blades, Improve Engines
Iowa State University

Manufacturers of gas turbine engines are experimenting with higher operating temperatures to improve engine efficiency. Working with the support of GE, Iowa State engineers are developing new tests and technologies to find cooling solutions.

Released: 22-Jul-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Companies Spin Off From Center for Biorenewable Chemicals, ‘De-Risk’ Their Technologies
Iowa State University

Two startup companies based on research by the Center for Biorenewable Chemicals based at Iowa State University have won grants to develop their technologies for potential commercialization.

Released: 18-Jul-2013 5:55 PM EDT
Want Kids to Eat Healthier? Don’t Tell Them, Show Them
Iowa State University

If given the choice between eating a salad or a burger and fries most kids would likely pick the less healthful option. But instead of telling kids to eat better, Iowa State University researchers found the trick may be to convince them visually.

Released: 9-Jul-2013 5:30 PM EDT
Iowa State’s Iverson Leads International Team to Study Hills Exposed by Shrinking Glacier
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Neal Iverson and a team of researchers are heading to Iceland to study long, narrow hills formed underneath glaciers. The hills are of particular interest these days because they could affect how quickly ice sheets move and shed ice into the oceans.

Released: 24-Jun-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Changing the Way Businesses Defend Against Cyber Attacks
Iowa State University

Hackers have attacked various corporations, but still most organizations do not prioritize cybersecurity as a strategic competency. A group of Iowa State University researchers says it is time for that philosophy to change.

Released: 17-Jun-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Improving Overall Employee Wellness Could Yield Multiple Benefits
Iowa State University

Controlling health care costs is crucial for manufacturers to remain competitive. That's why a team of Iowa State University researchers is working with manufacturers to determine if employee wellness programs will cut costs and improve productivity.

Released: 4-Jun-2013 6:00 PM EDT
New Book Reveals the Backstory of Early Chicago Skyscrapers
Iowa State University

Landmark Chicago skyscrapers like the Wrigley Building defined the city and inspired a nation during an era of prosperity and progress. Between Chicago's Great Fire of 1871 and the country's Great Depression, Chicago was an epicenter for architecture's modernization and urbanization. And it was a political hotbed of corruption, muckraking, unions and reform. Those worlds collide in a new book by Iowa State's Thomas Leslie.

Released: 4-Jun-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Mental Block: Iowa State Professor Discovers Way to Alter Memory
Iowa State University

A series of studies conducted by an Iowa State University research team shows it is possible to manipulate an existing memory simply by suggesting new or different information. The key is timing and recall of that memory.

Released: 20-May-2013 4:25 PM EDT
Iowa State Design Prof Leads Team in Autism Research, Outreach
Iowa State University

What started as a school project for a cognitively disabled son turned into a career focus for an Iowa State graphic design professor. Since Debra Satterfield discovered her son's talents as a painter, she has led a team who design educational, social inclusion and play experiences for kids with cognitive disabilities, including ASD.

Released: 15-May-2013 7:00 AM EDT
Iowa State Engineers Design, Test Taller, High-Strength Concrete Towers for Wind Turbines
Iowa State University

Iowa State engineers have designed and tested a concept for concrete towers to replace the steel towers used for wind turbines. The concrete towers could be a practical way to raise turbine towers from today's 80 meters to the better winds at 100 meters or higher.

Released: 8-May-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Professor Weighs Benefit vs. Risk of Facial Recognition Technology
Iowa State University

Law enforcement agencies are using facial recognition software as a crime-fighting tool. Now businesses are looking to use the technology to reach customers. But an Iowa State University professor questions whether customers are ready for it.

Released: 7-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Iowa State, Ames Lab Researcher to Study the Effects of Cell Adhesion on Spread of Cancer
Iowa State University

Sanjeevi Sivasankar of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory has studied how healthy cells stick to each other. Now he's turning his attention to cancer cells. A four-year, $715,000 grant from the American Cancer Society will support his work.

Released: 25-Apr-2013 10:00 AM EDT
PROSPER Prevention Programs Dramatically Cut Substance Abuse Among Teens
Iowa State University

Young adults reduce their overall prescription drug misuse up to 65 percent if they are part of a community-based prevention effort while still in middle school, according to researchers at Iowa State University.

Released: 23-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Improving Mental Health Starts with Early Childhood Relationships
Iowa State University

Iowa State researchers want to improve effectiveness as well as access for families to prevention and intervention programs. The work is critical to the mental and emotional development of children.

Released: 18-Apr-2013 4:30 PM EDT
Engineer Working to Put More Science Behind Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Iowa State University

Daniel Attinger of Iowa State University is working to put more fluid dynamics behind the bloodstain pattern analysis used at crime scenes. His research team is developing instruments and methods to produce, study and analyze bloodstains.

Released: 16-Apr-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Optimism Can Lead to Unrealistic Voter Expectations in Elections
Iowa State University

An Iowa State psychology professor looks at optimism and knowledge influence voter expectations in the weeks leading up to an election.

Released: 11-Apr-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Iowa State, Argonne Physicist Preparing for First Neutrino Data From NOvA Experiment
Iowa State University

When the NOvA experiment begins sending a beam of neutrinos on a 500-mile journey this summer, Iowa State University physicists will be in the middle of the research action. The results could offer clues to the early universe and to the hard-to-study particles.

Released: 8-Apr-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Industrial Design Professor Leads Team to Improve Engineering Education
Iowa State University

An Iowa State industrial design professor will collaborate with University of Michigan and Penn State researchers to improve engineering students' ability to generate ideas. The NSF-funded will provide instructional methods and materials to help guide the teaching and learning of deliberate approaches to creative problem solving in design.

Released: 26-Mar-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Violent Video Games Are a Risk Factor for Criminal Behavior and Aggression
Iowa State University

New evidence from Iowa State researchers demonstrates a link between video games and youth violence and delinquency. The research shows a strong connection even when controlling for a history of violence and psychopathic traits among juvenile offenders.

Released: 25-Mar-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Researchers Find Parent-Child Violence Leads to Teen Dating Violence
Iowa State University

Teen dating violence is all too common and according to researchers at Iowa State it is a reflection of the relationships teens have with their parents or their parent’s partner.

Released: 6-Mar-2013 4:15 PM EST
Iowa State Engineers Developing Ideas, Technologies to Save the Earth From Asteroids
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Bong Wie is leading a team that's developing a system to protect the planet from asteroids. The work has attracted $600,000 in NASA support. NASA has also asked Wie to show off his studies at NASA's April 17 Technology Day on the Hill.

Released: 5-Mar-2013 6:00 PM EST
Multi-Lingual Advertising Course Helps International Students Engage, Understand Material
Iowa State University

Jay Newell is working to break down the language barriers in his classroom to help Iowa State students connect and engage in the material. He's doing that by providing course materials in both English and Chinese.
