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Released: 30-Apr-2019 8:30 AM EDT
Vanderbilt Poll: Nashville residents uneasy about growth
Vanderbilt University

Three-quarters of residents of the South's "It City" are souring on the rapid pace of growth and say they want their tax dollars to go toward something other than business development.

Released: 19-Apr-2019 4:20 PM EDT
Vanderbilt University to Develop and Test "Safe Harbor" Standards of Care
Vanderbilt University

A team of researchers from Vanderbilt University’s schools of law, medicine and management has received a five-year research grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality of the Department of Health and Human Services to develop and test “safe harbor” standards of care based on scientific evidence.

Released: 15-Apr-2019 4:25 PM EDT
Indicators of Despair Rising Among Gen X-ers Entering Middle Age
Vanderbilt University

In 2016, a surprising decline in life expectancy was ascribed to "deaths of despair" among working-class middle-aged white men displaced by a changing economy. However, new research shows indicators of despair are rising among Americans approaching middle age regardless of race, education and gender.

Released: 2-Apr-2019 11:05 AM EDT
When ‘Sorry’ Makes Things Worse
Vanderbilt University

Laws intended to reduce malpractice litigation by protecting doctors who want to apologize don’t work, according to a new analysis of proprietary insurance data. This provides the most detailed look yet at the impact of apology legislation on such claims.

Released: 27-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
How to cross-examine a machine in court
Vanderbilt University

As society becomes more automated, our trial system needs to identify new ways to cross-examine evidence generated by processes and machines, without requiring human witnesses to vouch for it.

Released: 26-Mar-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Depoliticizing the Supreme Court may mean radically overhauling it
Vanderbilt University

To minimize the influence of partisanship on the Supreme Court, Vanderbilt law professor Ganesh Sitaraman suggests tapping judges on the federal court of appeals for temporary service on the Supreme Court.

Released: 18-Mar-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Robot-guided video game gets older adults out of comfort zone, learning and working together
Vanderbilt University

The game isn’t about talking robots or colorful books. It’s about getting seniors in the early stages of dementia out of their rooms, moving their bodies and, most importantly, working together.

Released: 15-Mar-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Current sexual harassment penalties are too low: Study
Vanderbilt University

The existing federal cap on monetary damages for workplace sexual harassment don't reflect the true cost of harassment and is far too low to incentivize firms to take stronger measures to prevent the behavior, finds Vanderbilt economist and law professor Joni Hersch.

Released: 12-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
They call it puppy love, but what is it really?
Vanderbilt University

Even if animals have ulterior motives for teaming up, they teach humans a lot about love.

Released: 29-Jan-2019 12:05 PM EST
How making an accusation at work makes you seem more trustworthy
Vanderbilt University

Making an accusation about unethical business practices undermines trust in the accused and enhances trust in the accuser, but only if the accusation is made in good faith, according to new research led by Vanderbilt business professor Jessica Kennedy.

Released: 29-Jan-2019 11:05 AM EST
Creating space within law for nonbinary genders
Vanderbilt University

In order to make our policies and regulations more inclusive of nonbinary gender identities, we need to rethink the role of sex and gender in our laws.

Released: 23-Jan-2019 5:05 PM EST
Vanderbilt School of Nursing celebrates grand opening of revolutionary building expansion
Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing opened a new $23.6 million building expansion containing a state-of-the-art simulation lab and technologically advanced classrooms with a grand opening and ribbon cutting event on Jan. 22. The building was designed to be both LEED- and WELL-certified.

Released: 18-Jan-2019 11:05 AM EST
Pioneering Vanderbilt School of Nursing building designed with health in mind
Vanderbilt University

Once certified, the Vanderbilt School of Nursing's new expansion is expected to be the first complete building in Nashville to meet the WELL Building Standard, developed to support the health and well-being of a building's occupants.

Released: 10-Jan-2019 11:05 AM EST
New analysis suggests lepers may not have been pariahs in Jesus’ time
Vanderbilt University

New insights into how disease and impurity were viewed in first-century Jewish society suggests scholars may need to reevaluate how they interpret Jesus' interaction with people affected by leprosy.

Released: 27-Nov-2018 5:00 PM EST
The ‘Clean Plate’ Mentality Drives US to Overeat--So Much That We Lie to Ourselves About How Unhealthy It Is. ‘to-Go’ Bags Can Help
Vanderbilt University

We’re more likely to overeat when we only have a little bit of food left over, and we justify it by convincing ourselves it’s not as unhealthy as it is, according to new research by Vanderbilt's Kelly Haws.
