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Released: 8-Aug-2023 10:15 AM EDT
A New Weapon in the War on Robocall Scams
North Carolina State University

The latest weapon in the war on robocalls is an automated system that analyzes the content of unsolicited bulk calls to shed light on the type of scams being perpetuated by robocalls. The tool is designed to help stakeholders monitor robocall trends – and take action against criminal activity.

Released: 25-Jul-2023 10:55 AM EDT
Why Computer Security Advice Is More Confusing Than It Should Be
North Carolina State University

If you find the computer security guidelines you get at work confusing and not very useful, you’re not alone. A new study highlights a key problem with how these guidelines are created, and outlines simple steps that would improve them – and probably make your computer safer.

Released: 28-Jun-2023 3:05 PM EDT
A Dog’s Breed Can Affect Pain Sensitivity, But Not Necessarily The Way Your Vet May Think
North Carolina State University

Dog breeds differ in pain sensitivity, but these differences don’t always match up with the beliefs people – including veterinarians – hold about breed-specific pain sensitivity.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 11:30 AM EDT
Slow Walking Could Be Sign of Dementia in Older Dogs
North Carolina State University

Dogs who slow down physically also slow down mentally, according to a new study from North Carolina State University. Measuring gait speed in senior dogs could be a simple way to monitor their health and to document decline in their neurological function as they age.

Released: 12-Jun-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Ukraine Refugees Could Boost Europe’s GDP
North Carolina State University

New research suggests the influx of Ukrainian refugees across Europe will improve long-term GDP for European countries that invest in infrastructure and other capital improvements. However, countries receiving Ukrainian refugees will likely face significant costs in the short term.

Newswise: New Dino, ‘Iani,’ Was Face of a Changing Planet
Released: 7-Jun-2023 2:35 PM EDT
New Dino, ‘Iani,’ Was Face of a Changing Planet
North Carolina State University

A newly discovered plant-eating dinosaur may have been a species’ “last gasp” during a period when Earth’s warming climate forced massive changes to global dinosaur populations.

Released: 7-Jun-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Fitness App Loophole Allows Access to Home Addresses
North Carolina State University

Despite attempts to anonymize user data, the fitness app Strava allows anyone to find personal information – including home addresses – about some users. The finding, which is detailed in a new study, raises significant privacy concerns.

Released: 31-May-2023 9:40 AM EDT
Chemical Found in Common Sweetener Damages DNA
North Carolina State University

A new study finds a chemical formed when we digest a widely used sweetener is “genotoxic,” meaning it breaks up DNA. The finding raises questions about how the sweetener may contribute to health problems.

Newswise: New Study Looks at Role of Sleep Disruption in Dogs With Dementia
Released: 28-Apr-2023 10:30 AM EDT
New Study Looks at Role of Sleep Disruption in Dogs With Dementia
North Carolina State University

Dogs with dementia suffer the same sleep disruptions that humans with dementia do.

Released: 25-Apr-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers Identify a New Genetic Culprit in Canine Bladder Cancers
North Carolina State University

Researchers have identified new genetic mutations linked to a subset of canine bladder cancers. Their findings have implications both for early cancer detection and for targeted treatments in dogs and humans.

Released: 3-Apr-2023 2:20 PM EDT
Can Investigators Use Household Dust as a Forensic Tool?
North Carolina State University

A new study found it is possible to retrieve forensically relevant information from human DNA in household dust.

Released: 22-Mar-2023 9:20 AM EDT
Worrying About Election Stress Can Harm Your Health – Here’s What You Can Do About It
North Carolina State University

New research finds that simply anticipating stress related to political elections causes adverse physical health effects. However, the study also finds there is something people can do to mitigate those negative health effects.

Released: 16-Mar-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Forensic Study Sheds Light on the Remains of Infants, Children
North Carolina State University

A forensic science study sheds light on how the bones of infants and juveniles decay. The findings will help forensic scientists determine how long a young person’s remains were at a particular location, as well as which bones are best suited for collecting tissue samples to help ID the deceased.

Released: 13-Mar-2023 2:20 PM EDT
The Right Cocktail of Gut Enzymes Can Stop C. diff in its Tracks
North Carolina State University

Certain enzymes within a class known as bile salt hydrolases (BSHs) can restrict Clostridioides difficile (C. diff.) colonization by both altering existing bile acids and by creating a new class of bile acids within the gut’s microbial environment. The work could lead to “designer” probiotics that protect against disease.

Released: 15-Feb-2023 11:05 AM EST
PFAS Can Suppress White Blood Cell’s Ability to Destroy Invaders
North Carolina State University

In a new study, researchers found that the PFAS chemical GenX suppresses the neutrophil respiratory burst – the method white blood cells known as neutrophils use to kill invading pathogens.

Released: 9-Feb-2023 12:25 PM EST
Inhalable ‘SHIELD’ Protects Lungs Against COVID-19, Flu Viruses
North Carolina State University

Researchers have developed an inhalable powder that could protect lungs and airways from viral invasion by reinforcing the body’s own mucosal layer.

Released: 8-Feb-2023 8:05 AM EST
Study: Abortion Views Closely Tied to Views on Race, Religion
North Carolina State University

A new study finds public attitudes about abortion are closely tied to both religious beliefs and attitudes about race. The study provides the first empirical evidence of the strong relationship between racial attitudes and beliefs about abortion rights.

Released: 7-Feb-2023 7:05 AM EST
Researchers Propose a Fourth Light on Traffic Signals – For Self-Driving Cars
North Carolina State University

At a traffic light, red means stop and green means go. But transportation engineers are now proposing a “white light,” which would enable autonomous vehicles to help control traffic flow – and let human drivers know what’s going on.

Released: 1-Feb-2023 11:05 AM EST
Study Finds Lack of Diversity in Stock Photography Sites, Challenging Health Outreach Efforts
North Carolina State University

A new study finds that the majority of images related to health topics on stock photography sites are of light-skinned people within a fairly narrow age range, making it more difficult – and expensive – for organizations to create health education materials aimed at reaching other groups.

Released: 1-Feb-2023 9:40 AM EST
Communities That Suffered Rapid Manufacturing Job Losses Fare Worse on Sustainability
North Carolina State University

A new study finds communities that have experienced significant job losses in manufacturing are also less likely to engage in sustainability planning, less likely to develop sustainability-related capabilities, and have made less progress towards meeting sustainability-related goals.
