Latest News from: South Dakota State University

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Released: 20-Apr-2021 12:45 PM EDT
Evaluating integrity of highway base layer
South Dakota State University

Working with the S.D. DOT, researchers are evaluating a cost-effective method of determining quality of the base layer in the field.

Released: 16-Apr-2021 10:25 AM EDT
Hansen named dean of the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions
South Dakota State University

Dan Hansen has been chosen the dean of SDSU’s College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions after a national search.

Released: 15-Apr-2021 11:40 AM EDT
Merkt named Director of the South Dakota Art Museum
South Dakota State University

Donna Merkt has been named the director of the South Dakota Art Museum

Released: 25-Mar-2021 10:45 AM EDT
Sweet potatoes increase vitamin A, fiber in bread
South Dakota State University

Incorporating sweet potato puree into bread not only adds vitamin A, but also changes the starch composition by increasing the fiber content. That can be beneficial for diabetics.

Released: 23-Mar-2021 1:20 PM EDT
Aerosol modeling detects SARS-CoV-2 infectious dose, droplets
South Dakota State University

Fluid mechanics-based transport modeling in the human respiratory tract and research data were used to determine which droplet sizes are most like to reach the dominant infection site and the number of virus particles needed to trigger infection.

Released: 18-Mar-2021 11:25 AM EDT
Researchers evaluate material for NASA rocket engines
South Dakota State University

Two South Dakota State University professors are evaluating a printable copper alloy NASA is developing for combustion chambers of next-generation rocket engines used for space travel.

Released: 1-Mar-2021 5:15 PM EST
Increasing digestibility of soybean meal
South Dakota State University

Three microbes are used to break down antinutritional factors and increase digestibility of soybean meal, an important source of protein for animal feed.

Released: 17-Feb-2021 12:50 PM EST
So, what’s all the hubbub with the electric power grid?
South Dakota State University

Based on 20 years of power grid research, professor Sid Suryanarayanan describes balancing supply and demand on the power grid and Texas's unique situation.

Released: 11-Feb-2021 1:05 PM EST
Helping older adults exercise during pandemic
South Dakota State University

Students leading an exercise class for older adults put together take-home kits, including a DVD and tools, to keep them on track during the pandemic.

Released: 2-Feb-2021 1:00 PM EST
Restoring genetic diversity to isolated populations
South Dakota State University

Bringing in individuals from other populations can help maintain genetic diversity--and an isolated population's ability to reproduce and survive.

Released: 1-Feb-2021 12:30 PM EST
Using fungicides to fight stem canker in sunflower
South Dakota State University

Research evaluating the effectiveness of fungicides against Phomopsis stem canker has earned a SDSU doctoral student 2nd place in the Northeastern Plant, Pest and Soil Conference oral competition.

Released: 20-Jan-2021 4:35 PM EST
Bridge research earns graduate student transportation center award
South Dakota State University

Research that could change the bridge construction industry has led to South Dakota State University graduate student Ted Sjurseth becoming the University Transportation Center Outstanding Student of the Year.

Released: 14-Jan-2021 2:25 PM EST
NASA product tracks global growing seasons
South Dakota State University

Scientists can track the growing season globally for free through the NASA land surface phenology project.

Released: 8-Jan-2021 11:35 AM EST
Science matters in policy decision-making
South Dakota State University

Science plays an essential role in policy formulation within a strong democracy--and should guide decision-making.

Released: 4-Jan-2021 1:05 PM EST
Increasing opioid knowledge in rural America
South Dakota State University

Strengthening the Heartland, an SDSU Extension program that provides free seminars to increase awareness and knowledge about opioids among youth and adults in rural South Dakota, will be expanding its programming.

Released: 10-Dec-2020 12:45 PM EST
Rotational grazing--why adoption rates have stagnated?
South Dakota State University

A survey of ranchers shows that those who do not use rotational grazing see water and labor as major barriers to adopting the conservation practice.

Released: 19-Nov-2020 6:05 PM EST
Prairie AquaTech exporting high-protein feed ingredient
South Dakota State University

A highly digestible fish, shrimp and young terrestrial animal feed ingredient produced from South Dakota soybeans is reaching a worldwide market.

Released: 10-Nov-2020 5:10 PM EST
Improving indoor ventilation to mitigate COVID-19
South Dakota State University

Businesses can learn how to be proactive in reducing the spread of COVID-19 by improving indoor ventilation and mitigation strategies through South Dakota State University’s Economic Development Administration Center.

Released: 4-Nov-2020 12:55 PM EST
Improving genomic analysis website
South Dakota State University

A website used by more than 20,000 scientists to analyze their genomic data is getting an upgrade, thanks to a four-year, nearly $870,000 National Institutes of Health grant.

Released: 2-Nov-2020 11:50 AM EST
Masks can help block coronavirus-carrying droplets
South Dakota State University

Aerosol modeling shows masks can block the inhaled droplet sizes that are most likely to reach key infection site, nasopharynx.

