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Released: 13-Nov-2006 4:05 PM EST
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Living Well for November discusses the sexual health educational opportunities that can be available when buying sex toys, the benefits of small groups working with a personal trainer, and how the fitness industry is turning the tables on technology.

Released: 2-Nov-2006 3:20 PM EST
Condom, Erection-loss Study Identifies Possible Path to Risky Behavior
Indiana University

Researchers at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute found that men who reported erection loss in association with condom use also reported more unprotected intercourse with women and were less likely to use condoms consistently compared with men without condom-associated erection loss.

20-Oct-2006 1:00 AM EDT
Good Information -- It’s Not All About the Brain
Indiana University

Researchers have created a new way to objectively quantify an idea that philosophers, educators and psychologists have discussed for decades -- that the many ways in which our bodies interact with our environment produces better information that helps the brain. The findings could provide insight into how the brain operates and shed light on how it may have evolved.

17-Oct-2006 3:00 PM EDT
Bacteria That Use Radiated Water for Food
Indiana University

Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington and eight collaborating institutions report in this week's Science a self-sustaining community of bacteria that live in rocks 2.8 kilometers below Earth's surface. Think that's weird? The bacteria rely on radioactive uranium to convert water molecules to useable energy.

Released: 17-Oct-2006 4:50 PM EDT
Holiday Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Indiana University experts discuss a color-blind yuletide, survival tips for family get-togethers, passing holiday stress to the next generation and charitable giving 101.

10-Oct-2006 3:30 PM EDT
Embryo Fossils Reveal Animal Complexity 10 Million Years Before Cambrian Explosion
Indiana University

Fossilized embryos predating the Cambrian Explosion by 10 million years provide evidence that early animals had already begun to adopt some of the structures and processes seen in today's embryos, say researchers from Indiana University Bloomington and nine other institutions in this week's Science.

Released: 9-Oct-2006 6:50 PM EDT
Living Well: the Holiday Issue
Indiana University

Living Well for October discusses disordered eating concerns over the holidays, cool gift ideas for older friends and relatives, enjoying holiday food fare without blowing the diet, a do-it-yourself low-tech holiday fitness plan and food preparation safety tips.

Released: 4-Oct-2006 6:00 AM EDT
Museum Director Cracks the Domenico Code
Indiana University

A museum director's detective work is restoring a visionary 18th century Venetian artist to his rightful place in the history of art.

Released: 28-Sep-2006 12:10 PM EDT
New Study Reports on Attacks Against U.S. Abortion Clinics
Indiana University

Crime and violence against abortion clinics are no longer in the headlines, but that doesn't mean they no longer happen. A new study reports on the ongoing vandalism and harassment that are part of the job for those who work in many abortion clinics across the United States. Surprisingly, the researchers found that state legislation designed to protect abortion clinics has had no effect on anti-abortion violence.

20-Sep-2006 3:10 PM EDT
Dinosaurs' Climate Shifted Too
Indiana University

Ancient rocks from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean suggest dramatic climate changes during the dinosaur-dominated Mesozoic Era, a time once thought to have been monotonously hot and humid.

Released: 21-Sep-2006 4:25 PM EDT
"I Think Audiences Are Ready for This:" Motion Capture and Modern Dance
Indiana University

Ben Munisteri of the New York-based Ben Munisteri Dance Projects is in the midst of creating a potentially groundbreaking modern dance piece. His organic, progressive vision for Terra Nova requires an executive director, a computer animator, and expertise in motion capture technology.

Released: 20-Sep-2006 7:00 PM EDT
Guilin Artists Seek an Authentic Voice for Contemporary China
Indiana University

The artists of the Guilin Chinese Painting Academy, who will stage a historic exhibition at the Indiana University Art Museum from Sept. 30 to Dec. 17, are devoted to carrying on the more than 300-year tradition in China of influential Guilin painting.

Released: 20-Sep-2006 6:50 PM EDT
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Turn Your Cell Phones ON
Indiana University

They're intrusive, annoying and, quite often, infuriating. But whether we like them or not, cellular phones are a fact of life, says Indiana University music professor David Baker. Baker's "Concertino for Cellular Phones and Orchestra," which will ring in the 20th anniversary season of the Chicago Sinfonietta, will incorporate audience members' cell phones in order to create a shared participatory performance experience.

Released: 13-Sep-2006 4:25 PM EDT
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Living Well for September topics discuss how poor vision can bench athletes, the benefits of strength training for Baby Boomers, making friends in a high tech culture, and steroid use by adolescents.

Released: 6-Sep-2006 1:00 AM EDT
Lowering Blood Pressure: Take a Walk -- Or Better, Four
Indiana University

Three or four short, brisk walks throughout the day can be more helpful to people watching their blood pressure than one continuous bout of exercise, Indiana University researchers report.

Released: 3-Sep-2006 9:00 PM EDT
Tips on Campaign 2006
Indiana University

Indiana University Bloomington professors are available to discuss key issues expected to shape the 2006 midterm elections and the battle for control of Congress. They can also comment on Indiana's highly competitive congressional races and their impact on the battle to control the House of Representatives.

Released: 28-Aug-2006 1:00 AM EDT
A Serving of Exercise After That Saturated Fat
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers found that physical activity two hours after a high-fat meal not only reverses the arterial dysfunction caused by fatty foods but improves the function of these same arteries compared to before the meal.

21-Aug-2006 3:30 PM EDT
Suspicion Lingers Over Bisphenol A and Breast Cancer
Indiana University

Bisphenol A, a common industrial chemical claimed to speed the growth of human breast and ovarian cancers, retains its carcinogenic properties even after being modified by body processes. Defenders of bisphenol A's use have argued that its natural modification inside the human body renders the estrogen-like chemical harmless.

Released: 3-Aug-2006 4:50 PM EDT
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Living Well for August discusses why youth abandon youth sports in such great numbers, how to beat the stress of law and medical schools, and how it's a good time for parents of children with disabilities to begin looking for a summer camp for next year.

Released: 27-Jul-2006 4:30 PM EDT
Archaeologists Hot on the Trail of Columbus' Sunken Ships
Indiana University

Indiana University archaeologists say they are closer to discovering some of Christopher Columbus' lost ships -- and the answer to a 500-year-old mystery, "What was on those ships?"

Released: 25-Jul-2006 9:10 AM EDT
U.S. Adults Losing Ground in the Battle of the Bulge
Indiana University

The study found increasing rates of overweight, obesity and diabetes among U.S. adults and more direct links between excess weight and serious health conditions. When the statistics were adjusted for a variety of factors, adults who were obese or severely obese were, respectively, 26 percent and 50 percent more likely to report a serious health condition such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Living Well for July has a back-to-school theme and features tips on school readiness, transitioning to high school, gambling as a top priority for youth substance abuse prevention and undiagnosed vision problems leading to difficulties in early education.

Released: 18-Jul-2006 5:20 PM EDT
Figuring Out Function from Bacteria's Bewildering Forms
Indiana University

The constellation of shapes and sizes among bacteria is as remarkable as it is mysterious. Why should Spirochaeta halophila resemble a bedspring coil, Stella a star and Clostridium cocleatum a partly eaten donut? A new report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Indiana University Bloomington scientists answers that form-and-function question for one bacterium.

Released: 26-Jun-2006 10:00 AM EDT
Filling the Gap in Homeland Security; Study Proposes a New Framework
Indiana University

The federal response after Hurricane Katrina suggests a new organizational climate is needed, according to an article in the current issue of Public Administration Review. Professor Charles Wise believes agencies need to take a more adaptive management approach.

Released: 8-Jun-2006 8:00 AM EDT
For "Sin" Companies, Diversification May Make Sense
Indiana University

Diversification, long derided as a poor strategy for companies seeking to maximize shareholder return, can actually help firms preserve their assets -- at least those companies threatened by litigation or regulation, according to a new study of tobacco company diversification activity led by Professor Messod Daniel Beneish of Indiana University's Kelley School of Business.

Released: 7-Jun-2006 5:55 PM EDT
AIDS: Cultural, Social and Mental Health Challenges Substantial
Indiana University

Sexual health experts at Indiana University reflect on the successes and challenges encountered in the battle against AIDS.

Released: 18-May-2006 3:15 PM EDT
Even When Faint, Ovary Scent Draws Sperm Cells
Indiana University

Mice are known to have a keen sense of smell, but it's not just their noses that are adept at picking up a scent, a new study shows. Scientists at Indiana University Bloomington report biochemical machinery that allows mouse sperm cells to follow the weakest of scents. Even when ovary extracts were diluted 100,000 times, some sperm cells still found their mark.

Released: 3-May-2006 4:15 PM EDT
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips
Indiana University

Living Well for May talks with gardening and fitness experts about gardening in tight spaces and enjoying vacations without sabotaging fitness efforts.

Released: 24-Apr-2006 3:00 AM EDT
Helping Middle-Aged Caregivers Keep Their Jobs
Indiana University

The study sought to determine whether midlife women were more likely to leave the labor force once they began care work -- answer: they were -- and whether workplace policies made any difference. While access to family-friendly benefits such as flexible hours and paid vacation and sick days helped middle-aged women in general, only unpaid leave made a significant difference for caregivers.

Released: 20-Apr-2006 3:40 PM EDT
New Computer Model of Football Can Help NFL Coaches Call the Next Play
Indiana University

An Indiana University scientist has created a computer model of football as it's played in the National Football League. ZEUS runs on a laptop, perfect for a football sideline, and it's designed to do what a coach can't -- calculate the consequences of a decision before he calls the next play. Another application can convert a player's performance to net wins per season.

Released: 7-Apr-2006 2:35 PM EDT
Nature's Strongest Glue Could be Used as a Medical Adhesive
Indiana University

A bacterium that lives in rivers, streams and human aqueducts uses nature's strongest glue to stay in one place, according to new research by Indiana University Bloomington and Brown University scientists reported in next week's (April 11) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 3:50 PM EDT
Immigration: Insights from Indiana University
Indiana University

In this media tip sheet, Indiana University experts in law, education and history offer insights into the immigration debate.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 3:40 PM EDT
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Living Well for April discusses: 1) Why kids should not eat candy tobacco,2) PFOA exposure and non-stick cookware, and 3) How joggers can try to avoid knee pain.

Released: 31-Mar-2006 4:30 PM EST
Birdsong Sounds Sweeter Because Throats Filter Out Messy Overtones
Indiana University

The purity of birdsong is owed in large part to rapid, controlled changes in the shape of the birds' upper vocal tracts, according to a new study of Northern Cardinals by scientists. Their report will appear in next week's (April 4) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 29-Mar-2006 5:15 PM EST
Embryos Tell Story of Earth's Earliest Animals
Indiana University

Much of what scientists learn about the evolution of Earth's first animals will have to be gleaned from spherical embryos fossilized under very specific conditions.

17-Mar-2006 10:20 AM EST
Do Plant Species Really Exist? Why, Yes, Scientists Say
Indiana University

Notoriously "promiscuous" plants like oaks and dandelions have led some biologists to conclude plants cannot be divided into species the same way animals are. That perception is wrong, say Indiana University Bloomington scientists in this week's Nature.

Released: 15-Mar-2006 6:15 PM EST
Exiled Jewish Authors to Tell Their Stories at Landmark Conference
Indiana University

What does it mean to be uprooted and re-routed? What was it like to live through the tyrannies of both Nazism and communism? Eleven exiled Jewish authors and scholars now living and writing in the United States will address those questions at a landmark conference at Indiana University.

Released: 7-Mar-2006 8:15 PM EST
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Living Well tips for March discuss the benefits of using a heart rate monitor while exercising, preventing inhalant abuse and how to help children develop an appreciation for the outdoors.

24-Feb-2006 6:35 PM EST
Psychiatric Medications Effective, but Majority of Americans Refuse to Take Them
Indiana University

A majority of Americans believe in the effectiveness of psychiatric medications, but most are reluctant to use these drugs for the treatment of their personal problems. Experts fear this discourages Americans from seeking treatment for depression, schizophrenia and other mental health problems.

13-Feb-2006 1:40 PM EST
Sex, Cleaner of Genomes
Indiana University

When sexual species reproduce asexually, they accumulate bad mutations at an increased rate, report two evolutionary biologists. The finding supports a hypothesis that sex is an evolutionary housekeeper that adeptly reorders genes and efficiently removes deleterious gene mutations.

Released: 14-Feb-2006 3:30 PM EST
IU Researchers Address "Brokeback Mountain" Phenomenon
Indiana University

As the Oscars approach, several researchers are available to address issues related to the film Brokeback Mountain, including the politics of sexuality, challenges facing gay youth living in rural America, and the heterosexual male's attitudes toward gay concerns.

Released: 2-Feb-2006 1:15 PM EST
IU Law Experts Comment on Legality of NSA Spying Program
Indiana University

Several experts believe that neither the Authorization to Use Military Force passed by Congress after 9/11 nor the president's inherent constitutional authority provides sufficient legal grounds to justify the statutory violation.

Released: 1-Feb-2006 11:55 AM EST
Learning Matters: Education Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Controversy involving Intelligent design and public schools, classroom discussions -- or the lack thereof -- about the war in Iraq, and the Underground Railroad are discussed by Indiana University education experts this month.

Released: 18-Jan-2006 1:30 PM EST
Genome Sequencing Is for Ecology, Too
Indiana University

An organism widely used for genetics-versus-environment studies has joined the panoply of mice, rats, dogs, humans and other species whose entire genomes have been sequenced.

Released: 13-Jan-2006 1:35 PM EST
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Looking ahead to Valentine's Day, this month's tips discuss how couples can restore their sex life, love-handle hormones, giving intimate gifts for Valentine's Day and sugar's impact beyond calories and cavities.

9-Jan-2006 1:05 PM EST
Fish Oil Reduces Airway Inflammation Caused by Exercise-Induced Asthma
Indiana University

The item discusses Indiana University research that demonstrated that people suffering from exercise-induced asthma were able to reduce their symptoms to below the threshold used to diagnose the disease by eating a diet supplemented with fish oil.

Released: 5-Jan-2006 2:45 PM EST
Ned Rorem’s Opera “Our Town” to Receive World Premiere at IU
Indiana University

American composer Ned Rorem has accomplished what many of his predecessors could only dream of: the transformation of the classic play "Our Town" into an opera. On Feb. 24, Indiana University Opera Theater will present the world premiere of Rorem's "Our Town," with libretto by renowned American poet and writer J.D. McClatchy.

Released: 20-Dec-2005 2:05 PM EST
Getting a Handle on Minimal Surfaces
Indiana University

A twisted soap bubble with a handle? Experts had thought for more than 200 years that such a structure was not even mathematically possible. But mathematician Matthias Weber and two colleagues have published a proof of the existence of a new minimal surface they call a genus one helicoid.

Released: 12-Dec-2005 1:55 PM EST
Employee-Led Effort Dramatically Reduces Rates of Hospital Super Bug
Indiana University

A staff-driven, organizational behavior management intervention focusing on hand washing, patient charts and effective documentation reduced the incidence of potentially deadly staph infections by 70 percent in two intensive care units over a six-month study period.

Released: 7-Dec-2005 1:00 AM EST
Living Well: Health and Wellness Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

December's Living Well tips offer information on quitting smoking, returning to school as an adult, eating before exercise and accessing local health care information online.
