Latest News from: Wake Forest University

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Released: 27-Sep-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Three Materials Could Hold the Key to Future Hydrogen Cars
Wake Forest University

New research funded by the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award looks at how to safely and efficiently store hydrogen – one of the key problems preventing hydrogen from being used as an alternative fuel. Award recipient Timo Thonhauser of Wake Forest University explores whether magnesium borohydride, ammonia borane, and alkanes could be used to create a safe and efficient hydrogen storage solution.

Released: 14-Sep-2012 7:00 AM EDT
Social Media ‘Narbs’ May Have Predicted Violence in Libya
Wake Forest University

Social media expert Ananda Mitra coined the word "narbs" to describe the small pieces of information floating in the digital sphere. His research shows that using social media to spread hate messages is a trend, not a fad, and that narb patterns may have predicted the violence in Libya.

Released: 9-Aug-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Hormone in Fruit Flies Sheds Light on Diabetes Cure, Weight-Loss Drug for Humans
Wake Forest University

In a paper published in Genetics, neurobiologists at Wake Forest University examine how fruit flies (Drosophila) react when given a decreased diet. Since fruit flies and humans share 30% of the same genes and their brains are wired similarly, the findings could be key to developing new treatments for diabetes and aiding in all sorts of metabolic research, including weight-loss drugs.

Released: 1-Aug-2012 1:30 PM EDT
Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch Elected Chair of NCAA Board of Directors
Wake Forest University

Today the NCAA Division I Board of Directors has elected Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch as chair of the board. Effective immediately, the position is a two-year term that will run through August 2014.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 4:30 PM EDT
Now's the Time to Create High Performing Teams
Wake Forest University

Our workforce depends on teams more and more as employees perform additional work without the level of hiring seen a few years ago. Wake Forest University’s Evelyn Williams says it’s critical to create high performing teams and this is actually the time of year to do it.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 2:15 PM EDT
Encouraging College Women Into STEM Studies
Wake Forest University

Higher education is stepping up efforts to increase gender diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) studies and a number of initiatives build on the belief that if the number of women faculty in sciences increases, women in college will be inspired by mentors to earn degrees in these fields.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Making the Transition From Middle to High School
Wake Forest University

Higher academic expectations and worries about connecting socially can make the transition from middle school to high school challenging. But, parents can play an important role in helping young teens move smoothly into the more complex world of high school, says Jose Villalba, associate professor of counseling at Wake Forest University.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 9:00 AM EDT
College Roommates Can Help Spur Academic Performance, Especially for Men
Wake Forest University

Does having a smart roommate help you do better in college? Wake Forest University economics professor Amanda Griffith’s research shows the answer may be yes. Griffith’s study suggests it might be possible to increase overall achievement by sorting certain students into their housing assignments by ability level.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 8:00 AM EDT
College Admissions Dean Answers the Top 10 FAQ
Wake Forest University

With many high school students in the thick of visiting colleges, the voicemail and e-mail boxes of admissions officers are filling up with urgent questions. Wake Forest University’s Dean of Admissions has compiled her top ten list of FAQs to provide clarity for prospective students and their parents.

Released: 30-Jul-2012 3:30 PM EDT
What I Wish I Knew When I Was a Freshman
Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University rising seniors offer the advice they wish they'd received when they were moving in. Everything from getting along with roommates to handling schoolwork.

Released: 30-Jul-2012 3:00 PM EDT
How to Get Along with Your College Roommate
Wake Forest University

When it comes to your first college roommate remember to keep communication open and honest. You might even want to consider a roommate agreement, although it doesn't have to be as specific as the one Sheldon and Leonard use on The Big Bang Theory sitcom.

Released: 27-Jul-2012 3:00 PM EDT
New School Year Resolutions for Families
Wake Forest University

For families with school-aged children, New Year’s really comes in August, says counseling professor Samuel T. Gladding. “Why not make new school year resolutions that set the family up for success?” He offers 10 tips for how to decrease stress and strengthen family relationships.

Released: 26-Jul-2012 2:00 PM EDT
Cell Phone Financial Identity Theft
Wake Forest University

While the cell phone is an amazingly useful device, using it for banking — and consumers are increasingly using mobile phones as banking tools — can lead to identity theft and other financial crimes, if reasonable precautions aren’t taken. “Anyone who has access to your cell phone has access to your identity in a few clicks,” says Elizabeth Baker, an assistant professor at Wake Forest University and an expert in information system security issues.

Released: 26-Jul-2012 10:15 AM EDT
Applying to College? Think Before You Tweet
Wake Forest University

Today, 93 percent of teens online use Facebook, and nearly a quarter of college admissions officers use it to help evaluate applicants. Because social media are so prevalent, Wake Forest University’s Dean of Admissions offers tips to help prospective students balance their “digital personae.”

Released: 24-Jul-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Ending the Homework Battle
Wake Forest University

A Wake Forest University professor offers strategies to help your child develop good habits and end the nightly homework battles.

Released: 18-Jul-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Married to Your Major? Not Necessarily
Wake Forest University

According to a recent report by Michigan State University and the Collegiate Employment Research Institute, internships are now organizations’ primary source of talent recruitment. An inside look into the summer internships of three Wake Forest University seniors shows that when it comes to their career aspirations, their passions matter much more than their majors.

Released: 17-Jul-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Make the Most of a College Campus Visit This Summer
Wake Forest University

Each summer, thousands of high school students and their families hit the road to tour and learn more about colleges and universities that interest them. Because a two-hour experience on campus can make or break the decision to apply, Wake Forest University Assistant Dean of Admissions Jennie Harris offers her top 10 Do’s and Don’ts for campus visitors.

Released: 16-Jul-2012 11:55 AM EDT
Religion and Politics in Election 2012: Statement of Current Law
Wake Forest University

As candidates and campaigns reach out to people of faith and religious organizations join the fray over hot topics such as same-sex marriage and contraception coverage, a 32-page document drafted by national religious leaders (“Religious Expression in American Public Life: A Joint Statement of Current Law) answers election-relevant questions about the separation of church and state.

Released: 21-Jun-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Can Beliefs Make Us Brave?
Wake Forest University

Pixar’s new animated movie, simply titled “Brave,” opens in theaters this week. But, what makes someone brave or honest or compassionate or encourages any of the other virtues we tend to admire in fictional characters and real people?

Released: 7-Jun-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Back to Basics: Celebrating Father’s Day for What It Is
Wake Forest University

With so many assumptions and stereotypes surrounding Father’s Day, it is easy to lose touch with what the holiday is really about – honoring fathers for their contributions to the lives of their children. Three men remind us why Father’s Day is an important holiday and why we honor our fathers.

Released: 26-Apr-2012 8:45 AM EDT
How to Rock That Summer Internship
Wake Forest University

Forget summer slackers. These 10 tips will help students maximize their summer internship experiences and distinguish themselves among a sea of new faces.

Released: 20-Apr-2012 7:00 AM EDT
New Classes Take Students from College to Careers
Wake Forest University

With everyone from parents to politicians trumpeting more “practical” courses of study, the “College to Career” class series at Wake Forest University has made personal and career development a mission-critical component of the college experience.

27-Mar-2012 4:35 PM EDT
Weight Loss and Exercise Help Overweight Adults Retain Mobility
Wake Forest University

Weight loss and increased physical fitness nearly halved the decline in mobility in overweight or obese adults with type 2 diabetes, according to four-year results of the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial funded by the National Institutes of Health. The research could lead to lower health care costs for people with type 2 diabetes.

Released: 27-Mar-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Rethinking Success: Preparing Students for Today’s Workforce
Wake Forest University

How can higher ed prepare students for life after college and what can be done to ensure success? From April 11-13, Wake Forest University will host Rethinking Success, a national conference to examine issues related to the relevance and value of a liberal arts education to the workforce today.

Released: 9-Mar-2012 10:30 AM EST
Kony 2012: A College Student’s Firsthand Experience
Wake Forest University

Hunter DeKoninck, a senior at Wake Forest University, traveled to Northern Uganda last summer. There, he helped rehabilitate soldiers abducted into the guerilla leader’s rebel forces in the early 2000s – most of whom were children at the time of their abduction. Before “Kony 2012” generated international news attention and more than 50 million views, DeKoninck created his own YouTube video about his experience in Uganda, the struggles of people he met, and their attempts to move on with their lives. In “Post Conflict Reconciliation,” he aims to capture the essence of forgiveness.

Released: 29-Feb-2012 5:00 PM EST
Morbid Curiosity Explained
Wake Forest University

What draws us to the darker side? What compels us to look whenever we pass a grisly accident on the highway and drives us to watch horror movies and television coverage of disasters? Eric G. Wilson, a literature professor and a lifelong student of the macabre, set out to discover the source of people’s attraction to the morbid, drawing on the perspectives of biologists, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, philosophers, theologians and artists.

Released: 22-Feb-2012 12:15 AM EST
New Nanotechnology Converts Heat into Power When It’s Needed Most
Wake Forest University

Never get stranded with a dead cell phone again. A promising new technology called Power Felt, a thermoelectric device that converts body heat into an electrical current, soon could create enough juice to make another call simply by touching it.

Released: 16-Feb-2012 6:00 AM EST
Video Games Lead to New Paths to Treat Cancer, Other Diseases
Wake Forest University

Samuel Cho, a researcher at Wake Forest University, uses graphics processing units (GPUs), the technology that makes video game images so realistic, to simulate the inner workings of human cells. His research points to new paths for tumor-killing drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

Released: 14-Feb-2012 11:00 AM EST
Genetics Inspired Research Prevents Cyber Attacks
Wake Forest University

Leveraging the concept of “survival of the fittest,” Wake Forest University researchers are fighting the continual evolution of computer viruses, worms and malware with evolution by developing the first-ever automated computer configurations that adjust as quickly as the threats.

Released: 1-Feb-2012 10:20 AM EST
Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch Elected Chair of National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Wake Forest University

Today, members of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) elected Wake Forest University President Nathan O. Hatch as chair of its board of directors. NAICU represents private, nonprofit colleges and universities on policy issues with the federal government, such as those affecting student aid, taxation, and government regulation.

Released: 23-Jan-2012 2:30 PM EST
Wake Forest University and United Nations Team for Special Documentary Screening
Wake Forest University

A new documentary from Wake Forest University’s Documentary Film Program and The Documentary Institute at the University of Florida will teach teens around the world about the Holocaust through the imagination and real life experiences of a boy from Prague who died in Auschwitz at age 16.

Released: 10-Jan-2012 11:25 AM EST
Finding a Way Around the Rules
Wake Forest University

New research by Wake Forest University sports economist Todd McFall shows restricting improving technology does not always have the expected outcome. His study suggests that understanding how people react to regulations can aid in policy-making.

Released: 4-Jan-2012 11:45 AM EST
With Just One iPad, Teachers Improve Classroom Lessons
Wake Forest University

While K-12 schools around the country search for funding to provide iPads to every student, an education researcher in North Carolina has found that even a single iPad can make a huge difference in the classroom. The results of her experience with student teachers at Wake Forest University appear in the December/January issue of Learning & Leading With Technology.

Released: 26-Dec-2011 7:00 AM EST
12 Ways to Get Fit with Your Kids in 2012
Wake Forest University

This year, make sure your New Year’s fitness resolution includes your kids. Doing so could make working out and losing weight a lot more fun, according to fitness expert Michael Berry. Berry, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Wake Forest University, said fitness with the kids must include more than a predictable schedule.

Released: 16-Dec-2011 11:50 AM EST
Resolution Solution: How Making a Plan Can Help You Meet New Year’s Goals
Wake Forest University

When making New Year’s resolutions this year, committing to a specific plan for when and where you are going to accomplish each goal will make you more likely to succeed, says psychologist E.J. Masicampo. In a recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, he found that committing to a specific plan to accomplish a goal not only makes it more likely to be done, but also gets it off your mind so you can think about other things.

Released: 14-Dec-2011 2:50 PM EST
Toys for Girls, Toys for Boys: Psychologist Gives Developmental Dos and Don'ts
Wake Forest University

Preschool girls are more likely to head toward the play kitchen and boys are more likely to pick up the toy trucks, says Deborah Best, professor of psychology at Wake Forest University. So, is it a mistake to buy “girl” toys for girls and “boy” toys for boys? “Yes and no,” says Best, a developmental psychologist who studies gender roles and young children.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 10:55 AM EST
In ‘I Want It, I Buy It’ World, What Makes a Great Gift?
Wake Forest University

In a culture that’s growing accustomed to immediate gratification – “If I want it, I buy it” – picking out the perfect present for someone who buys what they want when they want it can bring stress rather than happiness to the holiday season.

Released: 29-Nov-2011 12:35 PM EST
Digital Downtime
Wake Forest University

During the holidays, you might look forward to the time away from work – unless you feel connected by the nagging need to check emails and voice mails. You wouldn’t be alone. A recent survey says 68% of Americans with work emails check them during their holiday vacations. How can you unplug and find the digital downtime you need to recharge or focus on your family?

Released: 23-Nov-2011 2:00 PM EST
Parenting and the Holidays: Professors Offer Advice for the Season
Wake Forest University

For the holidays, professors offer expertise on parenting-related topics such as gender and toys, sharing family history, video games and children, encouraging generosity, and how to make the holidays happier for divorced parents

Released: 23-Nov-2011 12:25 PM EST
Sharing Family History to Make Holidays More Meaningful
Wake Forest University

During the holidays, Wake Forest University Professor of Counseling Samuel Gladding and his family will walk through the “halls of remembrance” at their home. Hanging on the walls are the picture collages Gladding and his wife, Claire, have created for every year since they’ve been married. The collages include highlights from each year: trips, soccer games, plays, family outings.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 12:40 PM EST
Stop Holiday Weight Gain Before It Starts
Wake Forest University

Every year people agonize over the best way to fight weight gain that seems to go hand in hand with the holiday season. While recent studies have shown that the average American only gains about a pound over the holidays, each pound adds up over time. But who has time to practice healthy habits while enjoying a celebratory holiday season?

Released: 18-Nov-2011 12:15 PM EST
Less Jingling in Your Pocket This Holiday Season?
Wake Forest University

With gas and food costs rising this holiday, your budget may not stretch as far as you need it to. While the slow economy isn’t good news, it could work in your favor. Charles Lankau, a business professor and expert in negotiation at Wake Forest University, says consumers should be assertive about asking for discounts when shopping for just about everything this holiday season.

Released: 18-Nov-2011 9:45 AM EST
Keep Holiday Cheer All Year
Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University Assistant Professor of Psychology Christian Waugh studies human emotions and why some people are more resilient in maintaining positive emotions than others. After the holidays are over, it can be easy to slide into a funk. Waugh’s research suggests three tips to keep up the excitement and joy of the holidays all year long.

Released: 17-Nov-2011 10:15 AM EST
Black Friday: an Entertainment Phenomenon
Wake Forest University

“You might think it’s for the great sale prices that people stand in line waiting for their store of choice to open, but that isn’t always the case. Consumers can find sales at just about any time of the year nowadays,” says Sheri Bridges a marketing professor at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Released: 16-Nov-2011 1:45 PM EST
Managing the Holidays When You’re the Manager
Wake Forest University

When you’re the boss, the holidays can mean more than a long-awaited vacation. Managers, supervisors, and executives often find themselves having to set the tone for the holidays for everything from determining who gets time off to hosting the holiday party. Wake Forest University’s Evelyn Williams says finding the balance can be the difference between leading through the holidays and landing in the pitfalls.

Released: 4-Nov-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Fascinated with 11/11/11? What’s in a Number? Asks Wake Forest University Professor
Wake Forest University

November 11, 2011 might hold special significance for some, since the date can also be written 11/11/11. When the calendar and its numbers align, a Wake Forest University professor says some people try to ascribe some sort of mystical significance.

Released: 3-Nov-2011 10:45 AM EDT
SAT Wars: Exposing New Evidence of Flaws in Standardized Tests
Wake Forest University

In a revealing look at high-stakes standardized admissions tests, a new book called SAT Wars: The Case for Test-Optional Admissions, demonstrates the far-reaching and mostly negative impact of the tests on American life and calls for nothing less than a national policy change.

Released: 28-Oct-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Wake Forest University Media Experts Available to Talk TV Sweeps: Do They Still Matter?
Wake Forest University

This week, Ruth Madoff publicly admitted in an exclusive interview on 60 Minutes that she and husband Bernard attempted suicide after his Ponzi scheme was revealed. The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Melissa Gorga sported a fat suit in Times Square on Entertainment Tonight in an attempt at tolerance for overweight Americans. Dancing with the Stars’ Maksim Chmerkovskiy mouthed off to judge Len Goodman on live TV and later expressed “no regrets," building anticipation for next week’s episode. Meanwhile, local affiliates nationwide are promoting the heck out of hidden dangers and hidden cameras.

Released: 27-Oct-2011 2:40 PM EDT
Wake Forest University Goes Google+
Wake Forest University

Today Google announced the launch of Google+ for colleges and universities using the Google Apps suite and Wake Forest University is among the first universities in the nation to offer Google+ to its campus. Study groups, professors’ office hours, and getting to know your new classmates before you get to campus are all part of the university experience. Now Deacons can start that networking right from their computers or carry it with them on their smart phones.
