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Released: 2-Jul-2021 8:05 AM EDT
University of Kentucky Study Finds Time-Restricted Eating May Reduce Diabetes-Related Hypertension
University of Kentucky

A new University of Kentucky College of Medicine study suggests that time-restricted eating may be able to help people with Type 2 diabetes reduce nocturnal hypertension, which is characterized by elevated blood pressure at night.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Reopening Anxiety? Here’s How to Overcome it According to University of Kentucky Experts
University of Kentucky

For nearly a year, we relied on masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now, many are removing the facial coverings, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy to shed the anxiety that accompanies a global pandemic. If you’re having difficulty coping with this added stress, psychology experts at the University of Kentucky say you’re not alone.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 8:05 AM EDT
New study to reveal health equity impacts of flavored tobacco bans
University of Kentucky

A new University of Kentucky College of Medicine study will examine how policies that restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products including menthol cigarettes impact health disparities among vulnerable populations.

Released: 4-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
New research may offer hope for Alzheimer's patients
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky Neuroscience Professor Greg Gerhardt's new research program will provide answers to long-standing questions about the role of neurotransmitters GABA and glutamate in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. A culmination of his nearly 40 years of brain research, Gerhardt's study could help to develop new treatments for the disease.

Released: 1-Jun-2021 10:10 AM EDT
New research could lead to treatment for aortic aneurysms
University of Kentucky

Thanks to a $5.6 million grant from the NIH, a University of Kentucky College of Medicine team will study the culprit behind thoracic aortic aneurysms, which could lead to a treatment for the potentially deadly disease.

Released: 12-May-2021 8:05 AM EDT
University of Kentucky Study Suggests School Reopenings ‘Substantially’ Increased COVID-19 Spread in Texas
University of Kentucky

A new study by University of Kentucky researchers estimates the return to in-person learning in Texas last fall led to at least 43,000 additional COVID-19 cases and 800 deaths within the first two months.

Released: 6-May-2021 1:05 PM EDT
New grant-funded research could help improve therapies for sepsis
University of Kentucky

A University of Kentucky College of Medicine professor has been awarded a $1.9 million NIH grant for his research on the body’s immune response to sepsis, which could potentially help to improve therapies for the common disease.

4-May-2021 11:00 AM EDT
New MRI Technique Can Detect Early Dysfunction of the Blood-Brain Barrier Associated With Small Vessel Disease
University of Kentucky

Collaborative research between the University of Kentucky (UK) and University of Southern California (USC) suggests that a noninvasive neuroimaging technique may index early-stage blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction associated with small vessel disease (SVD).

Released: 29-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Adulting 101 Course Helps Teens Transition to a Successful Future
University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky is offering a web-based course this summer to help students hone important life skills to make the transition to adulthood easier. Adulting 101 is an eight-week summer course beginning on June 15 and meeting every Tuesday through Zoom. Organized by the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the UK Cooperative Extension Service, the course is open to teenagers nationwide, no matter their goals. Adulting 101 originated as a county-based family and consumer sciences extension program piloted in Central Kentucky.

Released: 27-Apr-2021 7:30 AM EDT
Preventing Ovarian Cancer Recurrence with Coffee? Markey Launches Unique Clinical Trial
University of Kentucky

The UK Markey Cancer Center will be the first site worldwide to initiate a cancer clinical trial that evaluates its anti-cancer activity in humans using ArtemiLife™ Inc. coffee products, which are made using the leaves of the Artemisia annua plant.

Released: 26-Apr-2021 2:20 PM EDT
Drug Derived from Kentucky-Grown Plant Shows Promise for Ovarian Cancer Treatment
University of Kentucky

A new study from University of Kentucky Markey Cancer researchers shows that Artemisia annua, a plant that has been traditionally used for its anti-malaria components, shows promise in treating ovarian cancer.

Released: 23-Apr-2021 8:35 AM EDT
UK, Maker's Mark Introduce World’s Largest American White Oak Repository, Genome Mapping Study
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky announces the establishment of the world’s largest repository of American white oak as part of a groundbreaking effort with Maker’s Mark to conserve, explore and secure the future of American white oak. The repository hopes to transform conservation of a species critical to many American industries.

Released: 31-Mar-2021 8:15 AM EDT
Covering a Pandemic: University of Kentucky Study Explores Impact of COVID-19 on Journalists
University of Kentucky

To learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on TV journalists, researchers in the College of Social Work (CoSW) Self-Care Lab at the University of Kentucky conducted a national study.

Released: 9-Mar-2021 2:15 PM EST
Chemistry Research Leads to Breakthrough in Development of Thermoelectric Devices
University of Kentucky

The discovery, published in Nature Materials, has potentially transformative consequences for the field.

Released: 23-Feb-2021 10:55 AM EST
Markey’s ACTION Program Develops Cancer Education Curriculum for Appalachian Schools
University of Kentucky

After conducting a study to assess the need for cancer education materials in Appalachian Kentucky, members of the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center’s Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) program worked with faculty from the UK College of Education to create a three-part cancer education curriculum for middle and high school teachers in the region.

Released: 12-Oct-2020 4:00 PM EDT
University of Kentucky Dean Uses New Mode of Research to Analyze Educational Equity Issues
University of Kentucky

A unique digital media study focused on educational equity issues surrounding Teach For America has been published by University of Kentucky College of Education Dean Julian Vasquez Heilig. The study is thought to be the first in educational policy to use a new form of research — digital ethnography — to analyze participant responses.

8-Oct-2020 10:00 AM EDT
New Study Shows How Climate Impacts Food Webs, Poses Socioeconomic Threat in Eastern Africa
University of Kentucky

For the first time, a research team has obtained high resolution sedimentary core samples from Lake Tanganyika. The samples show that high frequency variability in climate can lead to major disruptions in how the lake's food web functions. The changes could put millions of people at risk who rely on the lake for food security. The team says the findings are a critical building block toward research-informed policymaking in the Lake Tanganyika region.

Released: 24-Sep-2020 9:00 AM EDT
University of Kentucky Researchers Awarded NSF Grant to Engineer Better Mental Health Solutions
University of Kentucky

From the limited data currently available, Wilson, Hammer and Usher found that engineering students aren’t necessarily more likely to have a mental health concern, but they are significantly less likely to seek help than non-engineering college students. This treatment gap became the basis for their National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposal titled, “Development of a Survey Instrument to Identify Mental Health Related Help-Seeking Beliefs in Engineering Students.”
