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According to a study published in the journal JACS Au, a new technology could enhance the cryopreservation of cells, tissue culture, and 3D cell models for various applications, such as research, medical therapies, and agriculture.

The technology that was recently published in the journal JACS Au has the potential to enhance the process of cryopreserving cells, tissue cultures, and 3D cell models. This could benefit a wide range of fields, including research, medical treatments, and agriculture.

Cryopreservation is a way of freezing cells at extremely low temperatures for preservation, but ice formation inside cells during this process can harm or kill them. This is especially problematic for 2D and 3D cell models, which have complex structures that make it hard for cryoprotectants (substances that protect cells during freezing) to reach all the cells.

The researchers at the University of Warwick developed a new method to improve cryopreservation, which involves using soluble ice nucleating polysaccharides derived from tree pollens. These molecules interact with ice to ensure that it forms outside of cells, which prevents damage to the cell interior. The method was tested on various 2D and 3D tissue models, and it successfully reduced intracellular ice formation while improving cell viability.

The work has particular importance because of a recent decision by the US Food and Drug Administration, removing the requirement to test new drugs on animals and expanding the need for methods for storing and transporting organ-like cell models.

Dr Thomas Whale, from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick, explained that cryopreservation is critical in biomedical research and drug discovery. Contrary to popular belief, cryopreservation isn't about preventing ice formation, but rather about promoting it at the highest temperature possible. The researchers were successful in achieving this and demonstrated that by facilitating ice formation outside of the cells, they were able to significantly improve the recovery of the cells.

Professor Matthew Gibson of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick explained that their method was inspired by natural solutions to control ice formation. He also added that the technology could store complex cell models in a freezer, making them "ready to use" for basic biomedical research. Additionally, the availability of such complex cell models could reduce the need for animal testing in drug development.

Read the full paper here.

Journal Link: JACS Au