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Released: 15-Feb-2017 3:05 PM EST
Planeterrella Recreates Earth’s Vivid Lightshows in Miniature
University of Iowa

University of Iowa students have built a device to recreate Earth’s auroras and other space phenomena in miniature. The planeterrella is the only one of its kind in Iowa and one of just a handful in the United States.

Released: 10-Feb-2017 10:05 AM EST
Exploring Mysteries on the Surface
Ames National Laboratory

Ames Laboratory scientists Pat Thiel and Michael Tringides are explorers, discovering the unique properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials and metals grown on graphene, graphite, and other carbon coated surfaces.

Released: 31-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
Iowa State University Scientists Design Electricity Generator That Mimics Trees
Iowa State University

ISU researchers have built a prototype biomimetic tree that generates electricity when wind blows through its artificial leaves. The researchers think such technology may help people charge household appliances without the need for large wind turbines.

Released: 31-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Chimps’ Behavior Following Death Disturbing to ISU Anthropologist
Iowa State University

Shocking is one word Jill Pruetz uses to describe the behavior she witnessed after a chimp was killed at her research site in Senegal. The fact that chimps would kill a member of their own community is extremely rare, but the abuse that followed was completely unexpected.

Released: 30-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
Iowa State Scientist Receives Grants to Improve Glacier-Flow Models, Sea-Level Predictions
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Neal Iverson is working with an international team on two projects that aim to build more realistic computer models of glacier flow. The researchers hope to understand how glaciers will speed up and add to sea-level rise as the climate warms.

Released: 27-Jan-2017 12:05 PM EST
Research Finds Link Between Immigration Coverage, Partisan Identity
Cornell College

Studies are often conducted on how media messages impact individuals’ opinions, but very few have demonstrated how these messages shift political opinions and political identities of a larger group of people, until now.

Released: 25-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
Video Game Ratings Work, if You Use Them
Iowa State University

Critics have questioned the effectiveness of video game ratings, but new Iowa State University research finds children spend less time playing violent video games when their parents use the rating system to guide purchases and set rules for video game play.

Released: 24-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
Biologists Identify Reproductive "Traffic Cop"
University of Iowa

University of Iowa researchers have found a protein that regulates how chromosomes pair up and pass genetic information. FDK-6 dictates the speed at which maternal and paternal chromosome strands move and join in roundworms. The findings were published online this month in The Journal of Cell Biology.

Released: 23-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
To Improve Health and Exercise More, Get a Gym Membership, Iowa State Study Suggests
Iowa State University

If your New Year’s resolution was to exercise more in 2017, chances are you’ve already given up or you’re on the verge of doing so. To reach your goal, you may want to consider joining a gym, based on the results of a new study from a team of Iowa State University researchers.

Released: 19-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Telecommuting Extends the Work Week, at Little Extra Pay
University of Iowa

Telecommuting may not be as advantageous as employees think. A new study shows working from home adds extra hours to the work week, at little additional pay. The findings may change workers’ perceptions of the value of telecommuting and could spur employers to better define the work-at-home workday.

Released: 18-Jan-2017 3:05 PM EST
MOCA Helps Boost Minority Student Retention and Success at Iowa State
Iowa State University

The primary goal of the Mathematicians of Color Alliance, better known as MOCA, is to recruit and retain underrepresented graduate students. But this student organization is doing much more to mentor and help students make Iowa State home.

Released: 18-Jan-2017 2:05 PM EST
A Quark Like No Other
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa physicist is at the forefront of the search to confirm the existence of a particle believed to give mass to all matter. Her group helped build and operates a sub-detector to search for bottom quarks, which are thought to appear when a Higgs boson decays.

Released: 17-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Unseen Role of the First Lady Is Why the Position Remains Important Today, Says ISU Professor
Iowa State University

First ladies are often defined by the causes they champion, but they also play a vital role the public rarely sees, says Stacy Cordery, an expert on first families and a professor of history at Iowa State University. That behind-the-scenes role is why Cordery says the position is still important.

Released: 16-Jan-2017 4:05 PM EST
Student, Professor Use Sports Analytics to Discover NCAA Ranking Patterns
Cornell College

Does conference size impact conference rankings in NCAA men’s basketball? According to research and analysis by one Cornell College student, it does.

Released: 12-Jan-2017 1:05 PM EST
Blended Galaxies
University of Iowa

Galaxies are merging all the time, even our own galaxy, the Milky Way. But how these mergers occur isn't entirely clear. University of Iowa astrophysicist Hai Fu will use a National Science Foundation grant to find and characterize supermassive black holes associated with merging galaxies.

Released: 12-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
Perfect Powder: Ames Laboratory Perfects Metal Powders for Manufacturing
Ames National Laboratory

Ames Laboratory's high-pressure gas atomization process has garnered the laboratory at least 16 patents over the last two decades and created a spin-off company.

Released: 12-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
Iowa State Engineer Helps Journal Highlight How Pyrolysis Can Advance the Bioeconomy
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Robert C. Brown is a guest editor of the current issue of the journal Energy Technology. The special issue features 20 scientific papers about Brown's specialty: using pyrolysis technologies to convert biomass into fuels, chemicals and fertilizers.

Released: 12-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Offenders’ Deadly Thoughts May Hold Answer to Reducing Crime
Iowa State University

It's something many of us say in anger, but don't mean. However, for a small percentage of people homicidal thoughts are very real. Iowa State's Matt DeLisi says identifying offenders with homicidal thoughts could change how we sentence the most serious offenders.

Released: 10-Jan-2017 12:05 PM EST
Iowa State University 2016 Surveillance: No Zika-Associated Mosquitoes Found in State
Iowa State University

Mosquito surveillance efforts led by Iowa State University in 2016 found neither of the two species associated with the transmission of Zika virus. West Nile virus appeared more frequently in 2016 than it did in 2015.

Released: 6-Jan-2017 12:05 PM EST
Research Reveals Help for Eating Disorder Patients
Cornell College

More people are dying from eating disorders than any other psychiatric disorder, and one Cornell College professor has discovered a way to help women by significantly reducing eating disorder symptoms in those who are struggling.

Released: 5-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Final Arrangements
University of Iowa

A new study from the University of Iowa analyzes funeral homes’ terminology and pricing, which can help relatives planning final arrangements for a loved one.

Released: 3-Jan-2017 2:05 PM EST
More Volunteering as Teens Leads to Less Criminal Activity as Adults
University of Iowa

A new study from the University of Iowa found that teenagers who participated in volunteer activities on their own had 11 percent fewer illegal behaviors between the ages of 18 and 28 than teenagers who did not volunteer. They also had 31 percent fewer arrests and 39 percent fewer convictions.

Released: 3-Jan-2017 1:05 PM EST
Whistleblowers Make a Difference
University of Iowa

Firms that were targeted by an employee whistleblower engaged in significantly less financial misreporting and tax aggressiveness for at least two years past the allegation, according to a new study from the University of Iowa.

Released: 29-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Flood Threats Changing Across US
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa study finds the threat of flooding is growing in the northern half of the United States and declining in the South. The findings are based on water-height measurements at 2,042 stream and rivers, compared to NASA data showing the amount of water stored in the ground.

Released: 21-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Iowa State to Manage Biorefinery Projects for New Manufacturing USA Institute
Iowa State University

Iowa State will lead the biorefinery program of the country's 10th -- and just recently announced -- Manufacturing USA Institute. The institute is dedicated to improving the productivity and efficiency of chemical manufacturing.

Released: 20-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Ames Laboratory Develops Solvent-, Catalyst-Free Way to Produce Alkali Metal Hydrides
Ames National Laboratory

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory have found a way to create alkali metal hydrides without the use of solvents or catalysts. The process, using room temperature mechanical ball milling, provides a lower cost method to produce these alkali metals which are widely used in industrial processes as reducing and drying agents, precursors in synthesis of complex metal hydrides, hydrogen storage materials, and in nuclear engineering.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 8:00 AM EST
New Biomarker Predicts Alzheimer’s Disease and Link to Diabetes
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers say higher levels of the enzyme, autotaxin, significantly predict memory impairment and Type 2 diabetes. The research published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease emphasizes the link between physical and mental health.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 9:00 AM EST
Lunar Sonic Booms
University of Iowa

University of Iowa scientist to give talk about mini shock waves on the moon

Released: 15-Dec-2016 9:00 AM EST
UI Readies for Cassini Finale
University of Iowa

Radio and plasma instrument designed and built at UI may provide clues about Saturn’s auroras, thunderstorms

Released: 13-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Iowa State Senior Rebounds From Head Injury to Graduate
Iowa State University

On her way to becoming a teacher, Amanda Rohlf hit a brick wall. Actually it was a lake. But the way her head struck the water, it might as well have been a wall. With extraordinary inner strength and TLC from her university, Rohlf bulldozed through those bricks to graduate magna cum laude from Iowa State.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Professor Venticinque Explores Ancient Economy in New Book
Cornell College

Cornell College Professor of Classics Philip Venticinque turns back the pages of time to examine the ancient economy in his newly released book “Honor Among Thieves.”

Released: 9-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Wind Turbines May Have Beneficial Effects for Crops, According to Iowa State University Research
Iowa State University

Turbulence created by wind turbines may help corn and soybeans by influencing variables such as temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, according to Iowa State University research. The project drew on data generated by research towers set up on a 200-turbine wind farm in Iowa.

Released: 8-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Iowa State Researcher Joins Effort to Prevent Online Harassment
Iowa State University

The prevalence of online harassment is well documented. That’s why an Iowa State researcher is part of a team working to understand why people engage in online harassment and how best to prevent it from happening.

Released: 6-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Iowa State Scientist Uses Clam Shells to Help Build 1,000-Year Record of Ocean Climate
Iowa State University

Scientists -- including Iowa State's Alan Wanamaker -- have sorted and studied thousands of clam shells to build a 1,000-year record of ocean conditions and climate changes at a spot just off North Iceland.

Released: 5-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Professor Receives Coveted Fulbright Scholar Specialist Position
Cornell College

Longtime Cornell College Professor James Martin will travel to Germany this spring in a unique opportunity to take part in the Fulbright Specialist Program.

Released: 2-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Ames Laboratory Awarded $5 Million to Improve Metal Powders for Advanced Manufacturing
Ames National Laboratory

Ames Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been awarded $5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) to improve the production and composition of metal alloy powders used in additive manufacturing.

Released: 30-Nov-2016 10:05 AM EST
Iowa State University Researchers Detail What Makes Costly Ruminant Bacteria So Infectious
Iowa State University

An Iowa State University veterinary research team has discovered the specific genetic mutations that make Campylobacter jejuni such a virulent strain of bacteria in ruminant animals such as sheep and cattle. The research could lead to a vaccine or new ways to control the bacteria.

Released: 28-Nov-2016 8:00 AM EST
Gene Mutation Linked to Early Onset of Parkinson’s Disease in Caucasians
Iowa State University

A defect in a gene that produces dopamine in the brain appears to accelerate the onset of Parkinson’s disease, according to new research from Iowa State University. The effect is particularly dramatic for young-to-middle-age adults.

Released: 23-Nov-2016 11:05 AM EST
Ames Laboratory Scientists Create New Compound, First Intermetallic Double Salt with Platinum
Ames National Laboratory

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory are being credited with creating the first intermetallic double salt with platinum.

Released: 22-Nov-2016 11:05 AM EST
Iowa State University Scientists Explore Environmental Advantages of Horticultural Bioplastics
Iowa State University

Bioplastic may offer gardeners a more sustainable alternative to petroleum-based pots and flats, according to Iowa State University research. Although more expensive to manufacture than conventional plastics, bioplastics someday may grow beyond a niche market, said ISU experts.

Released: 15-Nov-2016 11:05 AM EST
ISU Scientist Receives NSF Grant to Study Origins and Functions of Orphan Genes in Corn and Other Crops
Iowa State University

An ISU scientist is leading an effort to study orphan genes in crop species. The research, supported by a National Science Foundation grant, could lead to breeding and engineering crop varieties that better meet the nutritional needs of humans and are more resistant to stress.

Released: 14-Nov-2016 1:00 PM EST
Iowa State Engineers Study Glass in Batteries as a Way to Increase Performance and Safety
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's Steve Martin has researched battery materials for 30-plus years. He has a new grant that will allow him to expand his fundamental materials studies into research and development of new, all-solid-state technology for actual batteries.

Released: 3-Nov-2016 4:30 PM EDT
Iowa State Physicists Help Demonstrate Existence of New Subatomic Structure
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers have helped demonstrate the existence of a tetraneutron, a subatomic structure once thought unlikely to exist.

Released: 1-Nov-2016 8:00 AM EDT
Competence Matters More Than Gender for Women Running for Office
Iowa State University

This election has shattered some gender barriers, while at the same time reinforced certain stereotypes that still exist for women. A new Iowa State University study found that gender plays a significant role in how much voters care about a candidate’s perceived competence.

Released: 26-Oct-2016 5:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Engineer Developing Tools, Technologies to Make a Better, Smarter Power Grid
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Zhaoyu Wang is working on four projects that will help develop a better, smarter power grid.

Released: 25-Oct-2016 2:05 PM EDT
ISU Researchers Use Big Data to Save Big Dollars on Fleet Vehicles
Iowa State University

It’s a common dilemma for any business or government agency that manages a large fleet of vehicles – what is the optimal window for replacement? Iowa State University researchers have found an answer to that question could potentially save millions.

Released: 25-Oct-2016 9:05 AM EDT
NASA Honors University of Iowa Scientist with Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal
University of Iowa

Jasper Halekas, associate physics and astronomy professor at the University of Jasper Halekas, associate physics and astronomy professor at the University of Iowa, has won an Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal from NASA, for “exceptional contributions to MAVEN’s science return using the Solar Wind Ion Analyzer instrument.”

Released: 20-Oct-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Study Suggests Farm Traffic Vehicle Accidents Could Be Reduced by More Than Half
University of Iowa

A new study from the University of Iowa College of Public Health has found that traffic accidents involving farm vehicles in the Midwest would decrease by more than 50 percent if state policies required more lighting and reflection on those vehicles.

Released: 18-Oct-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Can We Find More Benign Nanomaterials?
University of Iowa

University of Iowa chemist Sara Mason has won a grant to access a supercomputer network funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. Mason’s group will use its time to better define the atom-to-atom interactions of various nanoparticles, hoping to learn more about the particles’ effects on energy, the environment, and human health.

Released: 18-Oct-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Ames Laboratory Scientists Gain Insight on Mechanism of Unconventional Superconductivity
Ames National Laboratory

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory and partner institutions conducted a systematic investigation into the properties of the newest family of unconventional superconducting materials, iron-based compounds. The study may help the scientific community discover new superconducting materials with unique properties.
