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Released: 15-Apr-2016 12:05 PM EDT
The 'I's' in Team
University of Delaware

Kyle Emich, a marketing professor at the University of Delaware, has co-authored study that examines teams in sports and business and looks at how adding star players or employees to preexisting staffs can negatively impact other individuals.

8-Apr-2016 11:00 AM EDT
Scientists Uncover What Makes Plants “Clot"
University of Delaware

Just like humans, when plants are cut they clot at the site of the wound. Just how they do it is has been a botanical mystery until now. Two University of Delaware researchers have uncovered the enzymes that produce this response. The findings will be published on Monday in Nature Plants.

Released: 24-Mar-2016 12:05 PM EDT
New Book Examines Video Games and Culture in Latin America
University of Delaware

A new book by UD’s Phillip Penix-Tadsen explores the connections between video games and culture in Latin America.

Released: 24-Mar-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Getting to the Source, for Safety's Sake
University of Delaware

To examine the fate and persistence of the most common commercial herbicides used for agricultural and urban applications, University of Delaware researchers have used isotopic signatures as a method of source tracking. The goal is to minimize any potential environmental harm.

Released: 4-Mar-2016 2:05 PM EST
Research Looks at How Permafrost Thawing Affects Vegetation, Carbon Cycle
University of Delaware

Neil Sturchio, professor and chair of UD’s Department of Geological Sciences, is exploring how the thawing of permafrost, a subsurface layer of soil that remains mostly frozen throughout the year, affects vegetation and the carbon cycle in the Toolik Lake area of the Alaska’s North Slope.

Released: 24-Feb-2016 2:05 PM EST
Study: Underwater Robots Can Make Independent Decisions
University of Delaware

University of Delaware researcher Mark Moline recently co-authored a paper in Robotics on the advantage of linking multi-sensor systems aboard autonomous underwater vehicles to enable the vehicle to synthesize data in real-time so it can independently make decisions about what action to take next.

Released: 22-Feb-2016 12:05 PM EST
Researchers Sequence Seagrass Genome, Unlocking Valuable Resource
University of Delaware

Researchers say a fully sequenced Z. marina genome is a valuable resource that can advance research in a variety of areas. It could be used to study how marine ecosystems adapt under climate warming or to unravel the mechanisms of salt tolerance that assist in the breeding of crop plants.

Released: 5-Feb-2016 11:05 AM EST
Online Shopping Might Not Be as Green as We Thought
University of Delaware

A study by researchers in the Delaware Center for Transportation provides insight into the impacts of home shopping on vehicle operations and greenhouse gas emissions.

Released: 5-Feb-2016 9:05 AM EST
Researchers Aim to Safeguard Sturgeon
University of Delaware

New clues are helping UD researchers develop an online map to help Mid-Atlantic fishermen avoid catching Atlantic sturgeon.

Released: 19-Jan-2016 8:05 AM EST
UD Grad Students Help to Rescue Memories
University of Delaware

A graduate art conservation class taught by UD’s Debra Hess Norris class is addressing water damage and sharing best approaches for preserving family treasures after floodwaters ravaged the town of Wimberly, Texas.

Released: 11-Jan-2016 2:05 PM EST
Robotic Rehab for Kids
University of Delaware

A team of University of Delaware researchers takes a new approach to pediatric rehabilitation, using an interactive anthropomorphic robot.

Released: 8-Jan-2016 10:05 AM EST
Global Medical Training's Side Effects
University of Delaware

Despite good intentions, short-term international training programs for medical students may create problems for local health care.

Released: 7-Jan-2016 11:05 AM EST
UD Researchers Use Robots to Examine Decline in Penguin Species
University of Delaware

University of Delaware researchers have used underwater robotics to better understand foraging competition between Adelie and Gentoo penguins.

Released: 4-Jan-2016 2:05 PM EST
UD Researchers Look at Impact of Seaweed-Covered Corals on Reef Fish
University of Delaware

University of Delaware researchers Danielle Dixson and Rohan Brooker have found that butterflyfish avoid coral that has come in contact with seaweed. It is the first study to evaluate how coral-seaweed interactions affect coral associated reef fishes, a key component of coral reef resilience.

18-Dec-2015 11:00 AM EST
Scientists Issue "Dire Predictions" for Trees in the Southwest
University of Delaware

In new Nature Climate Change article, researchers estimate widespread tree death in Southwestern forests during the next century as temperatures rise under global warming scenarios.

Released: 17-Dec-2015 10:05 AM EST
Study Uncovers Strategies for Increasing Charitable Giving
University of Delaware

A researcher at the University of Delaware found that people are more likely to give when a donation is part of a default setting they have to opt out of.

Released: 17-Dec-2015 9:05 AM EST
National Survey: Public Still Against Life in the Internet “Fast Lanes"
University of Delaware

As a federal court considers new rules on Internet service, a study by the University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication shows most people still oppose Internet “fast lanes.” The study also shows Americans are reluctant to give the federal government power to regulate “net neutrality.”

Released: 7-Dec-2015 3:05 PM EST
STEM for the Holidays
University of Delaware

For less than $100 parents can give kids "learning labs" this holiday season, a former Sesame Street researcher shows you how.

Released: 11-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
Böer Award to Honor Pioneering Work in Renewable Forms of Energy
University of Delaware

The University of Delaware seeks nominees for the Böer Solar Medal of Merit, awarded to an individual who has made pioneering contributions in solar energy, wind energy or other forms of renewable energy as an alternate source of energy through research, development or economic enterprise.

Released: 4-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
University of Delaware Expert Offers Strategies for Attacking Food Deserts
University of Delaware

Allison Karpyn, associate director for the University of Delaware's Center for Research in Education and Social Policy, has been involved in recent research efforts on corner store programs in urban areas and in-store marketing approaches to promote purchase and consumption of healthier options.

Released: 27-Oct-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Republican Debate Could Be Decided Facebook, @UDelaware Expert Says
University of Delaware

Paul R. Brewer, Director of the University of Delaware's Center for Political Communication, led a team that found that peers' comments on social media have more sway over potential voters than the actual political candidates.

Released: 22-Oct-2015 2:05 PM EDT
UD Researchers Study Ways to Combat Chronic Stress
University of Delaware

Researchers at UD are studying ways to combat chronic stress, and believe that helping families build healthy relationships can head off mental health disorders, learning problems, inability to regulate emotions and a cascade of other troubles.

Released: 22-Oct-2015 12:05 PM EDT
UD Professor Examines the Changing American Family
University of Delaware

Professor Bahira Trask specializes in globalization, diversity, family and personal relations, and work-life issues.

Released: 30-Sep-2015 1:05 PM EDT
UD Researchers to Investigate Novel Approach to Stormwater Management
University of Delaware

A team of researchers at the University of Delaware has received funding from two agencies to investigate the use of biochar for management of stormwater runoff and pollutants.

Released: 29-Sep-2015 3:05 PM EDT
'Likes' and Comments on Social Media Can Sway Potential Voters
University of Delaware

When Facebook users see favorable comments on the social media site about a political candidate, those opinions positively influence their own views of the politician, while unfavorable comments have a negative effect, according to a new paper by University of Delaware researchers.

Released: 29-Sep-2015 9:05 AM EDT
UD Professors: Nation Has Fallen Behind on Offshore Wind Power
University of Delaware

University of Delaware professors say that the nation has fallen behind on offshore wind power. Their findings show that while offshore wind turbines have been successfully deployed in Europe since 1991, the U.S. is further from commercial-scale offshore wind deployment today than it was in 2005.

Released: 28-Sep-2015 2:05 PM EDT
UD Researchers Look at Effects of Non-Native Plants on Herbivores
University of Delaware

Research conducted by UD alumna Karin Burghardt and Doug Tallamy, professor of entomology in the University’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, found that non-native plants are compounding the problem of declining species diversity by supporting fewer herbivores across landscapes.

Released: 22-Sep-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Researchers Study Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel
University of Delaware

UD professor James Corbett examines the market potential and environmental trade-offs of using natural gas in marine fuels in a study that appeared in the international peer-reviewed journal Energy Policy.

Released: 21-Sep-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Mascots Most Effective in Boosting Conservation by Threatening Disapproval
University of Delaware

Smokey Bear has spent decades reminding picnickers “only you can prevent forest fires” and has even been known to cry over the devastation they leave in their wake. University of Delaware researchers say the cartoon bear illustrates how mascots can most effectively protect the environment – by threatening disappointment.

Released: 17-Sep-2015 3:05 PM EDT
UD Finding Could Improve in vitro Fertilization
University of Delaware

University of Delaware researchers have discovered a step in the reproductive process that could improve the efficiency of in vitro fertilization and possibly lead to the discovery of genes that cause infertility.

Released: 15-Sep-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Research First to Document How Confidence in Managers Can Influence Audit Quality
University of Delaware

Jennifer Joe, UD’s Whitney Family Professor of Accounting in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, said that her study reveals a previously undiscovered judgment trap for auditors, and challenges explanations for why confident statements by managers of high-risk companies are effective.

Released: 10-Sep-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Songs in the Key of Mouse
University of Delaware

Male mice belt out love songs to females during courtship. What scientists didn't know until now is female mice sing back. Using a sophisticated array of microphones and a sound chamber he developed, a University of Delaware researcher discovered the world is full of tiny furry Beyoncés. Studying all the Single Ladies’ communication provides insight into brain mechanics and impairments, potentially including those related to autism.

Released: 25-Aug-2015 2:05 PM EDT
UD Researchers Examine Sweet Corn Damage Caused by Stink Bugs
University of Delaware

Researchers are taking a closer look at how brown marmorated stink bugs are causing damage to developing ears of sweet corn, the results of which could lead to better pest management strategies for growers.

Released: 21-Aug-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Research Finds Link Between Diabetes and Bone Health
University of Delaware

Research conducted by a group including Liyun Wang, associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Delaware, found a link between diabetes and bone health. Clinical trials have revealed a startling elevation in fracture risk in diabetic patients, Wang said.

Released: 20-Aug-2015 2:05 PM EDT
UD's Horn Program Stirs Entrepreneurship in Kenya
University of Delaware

Staff from the University of Delaware's Horn Program in Entrepreneurship visited Kenya, where young innovators shared projects in energy, marketing, security and agriculture.

Released: 14-Aug-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Study Finds Link Between Marital Distress, Poor Food Choices
University of Delaware

A study conducted by a team of researchers, including Lisa Jaremka, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Delaware, found a link between marital distress and poor food choices.

Released: 4-Aug-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Program Places Emphasis on Ability
University of Delaware

Students with disabilities are attending an undergraduate research program at the University of Delaware that will help them gain research experience in STEM fields.The eight-week program is designed to help the students, who have come from 10 colleges around the country, to sharpen their goals for a future career.
