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Released: 14-Dec-2017 5:05 PM EST
Estudio Identifica ObstáCulos Al Trasplante Como Terapia Para Mieloma MúLtiple en Minorías Raciales
Mayo Clinic

Un estudio de Mayo Clinic descubrió que entre los obstáculos para que los pacientes se sometan al trasplante de células madre como parte del tratamiento para el mieloma múltiple están la educación, el seguro de salud y el acceso a atención médica en una institución con gran volumen de pacientes.

Released: 14-Dec-2017 1:05 PM EST
Men, If You Have HPV, Odds Are You Will Be Reinfected with the Same Type
Moffitt Cancer Center

Men infected with HPV16, the type responsible for most HPV-related cancers, are 20 times more likely to be reinfected with the same type of HPV after one year. That is according to a new study published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The article shows the same effect in both men who are sexually active and celibate, suggesting that they are not reacquiring the virus from another sexual partner.

14-Dec-2017 8:15 AM EST
NIH Funds Research to Make Diabetes and Hypertension Management a Community Activity
West Virginia University

Managing diabetes and high blood pressure can feel like a solitary enterprise dependent on relationships with objects (like pills or foods) and activities (like brisk walks or early bedtimes) instead of relationships with people, but a group of West Virginia University researchers is hoping to change that.

Released: 13-Dec-2017 12:05 PM EST
Combination Immunotherapy Shown to Be Effective Initial Treatment for Relapsed or Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma
City of Hope

For many people with classical Hodgkin lymphoma, the disease is one of the most curable forms of cancer with standard chemotherapy or chemo plus radiotherapy. But for the 10 to 30 percent of patients whose cancer relapses, or doesn’t respond to initial therapy, secondary treatment often involves harsher chemotherapies followed by an autologous stem cell transplant, which uses a patient’s own stem cells.

Released: 12-Dec-2017 6:05 PM EST
Estudio De Mayo Clinic Descubre en Emoticones Un Medio Esperanzador Para Seguir La Calidad De Vida De Los Pacientes OncolóGicos
Mayo Clinic

En los resultados presentados ante la Sociedad Americana de Hematología, los investigadores de Mayo Clinic descubrieron que los emoticones, en lugar de las tradicionales escalas de emociones, sirven para evaluar la calidad de vida física, emocional y general de los pacientes.

Released: 12-Dec-2017 2:05 PM EST
Equipo Investigativo Internacional Descubre Modelo GenéTico Para Predecir Resultados en Mielofibrosis Primaria
Mayo Clinic

Un grupo de investigadores de Mayo Clinic y de varios otros centros docentes de investigación en Italia descubrieron un modelo genético para predecir resultados en pacientes con mielofibrosis primaria, de 70 años o menos y candidatos a trasplante de células madre como tratamiento para su enfermedad.

11-Dec-2017 3:30 PM EST
Faster, More Accurate Cancer Detection Using Nanoparticles, Rutgers-Led Study Finds
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Using light-emitting nanoparticles, Rutgers University-New Brunswick scientists have invented a highly effective method to detect tiny tumors and track their spread, potentially leading to earlier cancer detection and more precise treatment. The technology, announced today, could improve patient cure rates and survival times.

7-Dec-2017 2:30 PM EST
Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s physician wins prestigious 2017 William Dameshek Prize from the American Society of Hematology
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

• Benjamin Ebert, MD, PhD, current chair of Medical Oncology, was presented with recognition at annual American Society of Hematology meeting • Ebert is notable for his leadership in describing the genomic landscape of adult myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

10-Dec-2017 7:05 AM EST
Increasing Physical Activity Improves Survival in Lymphoma Patients, Mayo Researchers Say
Mayo Clinic

An observational study by researchers at Mayo Clinic has found that increasing physical activity not only decreased the risk of death from all causes but also decreased the risk of death specifically from lymphoma.

7-Dec-2017 2:30 PM EST
Study Identifies Agent That Can Reverse Resistance to Targeted Drug in Some Leukemia Cell Types
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

• Azacitidine reverses resistance to SL-401 in AML and BPDCN cell lines, researchers find • Results prompt clinical trial of SL-401 and azacitidine in AML and MDS patients

4-Dec-2017 12:05 PM EST
Personalized Blood Sugar Goals Can Save Diabetes Patients Thousands
University of Chicago Medical Center

A cost analysis by researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine shows treatment plans that set individualized blood sugar goals for diabetes patients, tailored to their age and health history, can save $13,546 in health care costs over their average lifetime when compared with treatment strategies that stick to a uniform national standard.

Released: 11-Dec-2017 3:00 PM EST
Scientists Identify Promising New Approach forImmune System Defense Against Cancer
University of California San Diego

Researchers have identified a promising new strategy to fight infections and cancer. They uncovered a novel function for a protein known as “Runx3” that is key to the development of killer T cells—immune cells important for fighting infections and cancer.

10-Dec-2017 12:00 PM EST
AML Study Reports High Response Rates with Combination Targeted Therapy
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Initial findings from a multi-national open-label phase Ib study of inhibitory drug therapy for relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have demonstrated a complete response in up to 50 percent patients say researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center .

Released: 11-Dec-2017 9:05 AM EST
Roswell Park Hematology Experts Sharing New Research in ASH 2017 Podium Presentations
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Dr. Eunice Wang was invited to discuss results of a phase II clinical trial of crenolanib for adults with AML at the ASH 2017 annual meeting, and Dr. Kara Kelly, senior author of an oral abstract on outcomes disparities among children and adolescents with Hodgkin lymphoma.

7-Dec-2017 2:25 PM EST
Study Shows Combining Chemotherapy with Targeted Drug Boosts Response in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Among younger patients newly diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), treatment with a combination of chemotherapy and a molecularly targeted drug significantly improves response over what is typically seen with chemotherapy alone, according to an investigator-initiated multi-center phase II clinical trial.

7-Dec-2017 2:05 PM EST
Global CAR T Therapy Trial Shows High Rates of Durable Remission for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

In a pair of clinical trials stretching from Philadelphia to Tokyo, the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy Kymriah™ (formerly known as CTL019) demonstrated long-lasting remissions in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) patients. Results from a global, multisite trial will be presented today at the 59th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition in Atlanta (Abstract #577). Results from the single-site study, with follow-up extending past two years, will be published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

7-Dec-2017 2:30 PM EST
Sequencing Offers Clues to Progression Toward Multiple Myeloma
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have carried out the largest genomic analysis of patients with smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), a precursor to full-blown blood cancer that doesn’t show outward symptoms.

7-Dec-2017 2:20 PM EST
Tracking How Multiple Myeloma Evolves by Sequencing DNA in the Blood
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Although people with multiple myeloma usually respond well to treatment, the blood cancer generally keeps coming back. Following genetic changes in how the disease evolves over time will help to understand the disease and, eventually, deliver more effective treatments.

7-Dec-2017 2:00 PM EST
Rapid Responses, Few Adverse Effects Seen with Targeted Agent in Phase 1 Trial in Rare Blood Disorder
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

• Clinical Activity in a Phase 1 Study of BLU-285, a Potent, Highly-Selective Inhibitor of KIT D816V in Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis • Study shows one of multiple ways in which novel targeted cancer therapies are now being deployed to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with rare, advanced, or difficult-to-treat blood malignancies.
