Feature Channels: LGBTQ Issues

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Released: 5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Expert Source: Same-Sex Marriage Expert Available to Comment on California Ruling
Indiana University

Indiana U. sociologist Brian Powell has talked with more than 2,000 adults nationwide about their attitudes toward same-sex marriages and is publishing a book in September on the topic. He is available to talk about the issue and can be reached on Wednesday.

Released: 26-Jul-2010 10:00 AM EDT
Adoptive Children of Lesbian and Gay Couples Developing Well
University of Virginia

Should the sexual orientation of prospective adoptive parents be considered when placing children in adoptive homes? According to the results of a new University of Virginia study, the answer may be "no."

14-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Gay Fathers Day: Two-Dad Families Doing Well in Transition to Parenthood
Alliant International University

The first study ever to examine the experiences of gay male partners who became fathers via surrogacy shows that they are more likely than heterosexual fathers to scale back their careers in order to care for their children. Also, these fathers report that their self-esteem and their closeness with their extended families increases after becoming parents.

Released: 4-Feb-2010 10:45 AM EST
Study Reveals Potential Evolutionary Role for Same-Sex Attraction
Association for Psychological Science

Male homosexuality doesn’t make complete sense from an evolutionary point of view. One possible explanation is what evolutionary psychologists call the “kin selection hypothesis.” Homosexuality may convey an indirect benefit by enhancing the survival prospects of close relatives.

Released: 14-Dec-2009 3:45 PM EST
New Book Explores Gay Dads' Paths to Parenthood
University of Iowa

As more and more gay men set out to become parents, a new book by University of Iowa Professor Ellen Lewin explores their desire to become parents, the challenges they face along the path to parenthood, and how fatherhood affects their identities as gay men.

Released: 1-Jun-2009 1:40 PM EDT
Gay Couples View Marriage as Legal Protection, Not Commitment Symbol
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Challenging the idea that marriage is necessary for solidifying relationships, a new study from The University of Texas at Austin reveals same-sex couples in long-term relationships believe marriage is more important in terms of legal rights, but less so as a symbol of commitment.

Released: 27-May-2009 4:45 PM EDT
Law Professor Argues for Role of Government in Marriage
University of Iowa

Although some commentators have argued that governments should be out of the marriage business--whether straight or gay--University of Iowa law professor Ann Estin believes that marriage is such a strong part of American culture that it demands a government role.

Released: 13-May-2009 9:00 AM EDT
California Same-Sex Marriage—Expert Sources
Alliant International University

Experts available on same-sex marriage and relationships to comment on California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8.

Released: 29-Apr-2009 12:20 PM EDT
Polling Expert Available to Discuss New Hampshire's Same-Sex Marriage Vote
University of New Hampshire

Andrew Smith, director of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, is available to statewide trends regarding voter views on same-sex civil marriage as well as recent polling of New Hampshire voters on the issue. The New Hampshire State Senate is expected to vote today, Wednesday, April 29, 2009, on the state's same-sex marriage legislation. If approved, New Hampshire would join three other New England states where same-sex marriage is legal.

Released: 10-Apr-2009 2:20 PM EDT
Iowa Law Professor Argues for Role of Government in Marriage, Whether Gay Or Straight
University of Iowa

Recent legal and legislative decisions to legalize gay marriage in Iowa and Vermont have brought suggestions from some commentators that government should get out of the marriage business entirely, grant civil unions to all couples and leave marriage to religious faiths. But University of Iowa law professor Ann Estin said that such ideas fail to recognize the deeply rooted importance of marriage in American culture.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Psychological Distress, Political Activism Associated With "Marriage Amendments"
University of Kentucky

When marriage amendments are on the ballot, lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience acute psychological stress and downturns in general well-being; they also become more politically active.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Marriage Vs. Civil Union: Let Churches Handle Marriage, Suggests Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

In November, California citizens passed Proposition 8 upholding the idea that marriage is defined as and limited to the union of one man with one woman. The vote has given encouragement to many in other states who want to pass similar legislation. The United States is about to enter a period of legal upheaval on the question of marriage in the civil law, suggest Frank K. Flinn, Ph.D., adjunct professor of religious studies in Arts & Sciences. His proposal? Give marriage to the churches and let the state define civil unions.

Released: 25-Nov-2008 1:45 PM EST
Political Scientists Examine Support for Gay Marriage in Iowa
University of Iowa

As the Iowa Supreme Court prepares to hear a case that could clear the way for gay marriage in Iowa, a poll shows nearly sixty percent of voters in the state favor some type of legal recognition of same-sex relationships in Iowa. In the random, statewide poll of 586 voters, University of Iowa political scientists found that 28 percent of Iowans support same-sex marriage. Another 30 percent support civil unions, not gay marriage. About one in three oppose both.

Released: 20-Nov-2008 2:00 PM EST
Gay Marriage Controversies: Professors Comment
Indiana University

Indiana University professors of law and sociology discuss issues involved with the same-sex marriage debate in the United States.

Released: 10-Nov-2008 12:30 PM EST
Political Scientist Explores Uneven Success on Gay Rights Issues
Temple University

Groundbreaking new book, Same Sex, Different Politics (University of Chicago Press, October 2008), compares results, and sheds light on the conditions that lead to contradictory policies, across six key LGBT rights issues: legalization of homosexual conduct, military service, adoption, marriage and partner recognition, hate crimes, and civil rights.

Released: 14-Oct-2008 9:00 AM EDT
How Same-sex Marriage Affects Gay Couples: A Tale of Two Research Studies
Alliant International University

A study conducted 13 months after same-sex marriage in Massachusetts became legal found that obtaining legal protections and making a public statement of commitment were the most often mentioned motivations for same-sex marriage. It also found that lack of family approval and difficulties planning and paying for the wedding were the most noted obstacles to marriage.

Released: 15-May-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Same-sex Marriage Experts Available
Alliant International University

Marriage Equality in California "“ Sources for follow-up stories.
