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Newswise: Holding Russian War Criminals Accountable
18-Jul-2022 6:05 PM EDT
Holding Russian War Criminals Accountable
Case Western Reserve University

Following numerous atrocities in Ukraine, a team of international law experts is offering a proposal for a special court in Ukraine to investigate and prosecute those responsible.

Released: 27-May-2022 4:10 PM EDT
Putin Masking Invasion Policies with 1990s Humanitarian Propaganda, Finds Extensive Analysis
Taylor & Francis

Russia is reinventing decades-old propaganda based on supposed humanitarian principles to justify its invasion of Ukraine, according to research published in the peer-reviewed journal, The International Spectator.

Newswise: Statistical Physics Rejects Theory of ‘Two Ukraines’
19-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Statistical Physics Rejects Theory of ‘Two Ukraines’
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

When reading news and analyses of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, researchers in Spain perceived many conflicting messages being transmitted. The most notable one is the theory of “two Ukraines” or the existence of ideologically pro-West and pro-Russian regions. This doesn’t match the unity of Ukrainians against the Russian invasion, so they wondered if they could provide any solid proof to support or reject such a theory via data analysis tools?

Released: 20-May-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has jeopardized food supplies, despite Russian Foreign Minister's claim

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is disrupting food supply chains and causing food shortages worldwide, particularly in the Middle East.

Newswise: Physics Today: Science Suffers Inside Vacuum of War
Released: 20-May-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Physics Today: Science Suffers Inside Vacuum of War
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Physics Today, science writer Toni Feder describes the impact of war on Ukrainian and Russian scientists in the June issue cover article, “In Ukraine, science will need rebuilding postwar; in Russia, its isolation could endure.”

Released: 17-May-2022 11:05 AM EDT
The war in Ukraine impacts patients with mental disorders
Aarhus University

Danish patients with mental disorders seem to have experienced a worsening of symptoms in connection with the invasion of Ukraine. This is shown by a new study from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital – Psychiatry.

Newswise:  Buffalo State Political Scientist with Ties to Europe Discusses War in Ukraine
Released: 10-May-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Buffalo State Political Scientist with Ties to Europe Discusses War in Ukraine
SUNY Buffalo State University

Sara Norrevik, Buffalo State college lecturer of political science and public administration, served as a political adviser in Sweden’s Ministry of Defense before going into academia. In a Q&A, she discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its many ramifications.
