Feature Channels: Cognition and Learning

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Released: 6-Jul-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Hispanic Health Disparities, Statins and Aggression in Men, Supercharged Stem Cells, and More Top Stories 6 July 2015
Newswise Trends

Other topics include memories and protein, physics and gas mileage, agriculture and food safety, vaccine for Dengue, retinoblastoma proteins in cancer progression, and more.

24-Jun-2015 6:05 PM EDT
Human Brain Study Sheds Light on How New Memories are Formed
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

In the first study of its kind, UCLA and United Kingdom researchers found that neurons in a specific brain region play a key role in rapidly forming memories about every day events, a finding that may result in a better understanding of memory loss and new methods to fight it in Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.

Released: 30-Jun-2015 8:00 AM EDT
Small RNAs Found to Play Important Roles in Memory Formation
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have found that a type of genetic material called “microRNA” plays surprisingly different roles in the formation of memory in animal models. In some cases, these RNAs increase memory, while others decrease it.

Released: 18-Jun-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Stress in Low-Income Families Can Affect Children’s Learning
University of Rochester

Children living in low-income households who endure family instability and emotionally distant caregivers are at risk of having impaired cognitive abilities according to new research from the University of Rochester.

Released: 8-Jun-2015 10:05 PM EDT
Been There? Done That? If You Are Sure, Thank Your ‘Memory Cells’

The witness on the stand says he saw the accused at the scene of the crime. Is he sure? How sure? The jury’s verdict could hinge on that level of certainty. Many decisions we make every day are influenced by our memories and the confidence we have in them. But very little is known about how we decide whether we can trust a memory or not. Cedars-Sinai researchers have identified a unique set of neurons in the medial temporal lobe, an area of the brain where memories and memory-based decisions are processed. They show that the activity of these neurons is indicative of the confidence by which a memory will be retrieved.

Released: 8-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Chimpanzees May Know When They Are Right and Move to Prove It
Georgia State University

Chimpanzees are capable of metacognition, or thinking about one’s own thinking, and can adjust their behavior accordingly, researchers at Georgia State University, Agnes Scott College, Wofford College and the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York have discovered.

Released: 5-Jun-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Strokes Steal 8 Years’ Worth of Brain Function, New Study Suggests
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Having a stroke ages a person’s brain function by almost eight years, new research finds – robbing them of memory and thinking speed as measured on cognitive tests.

2-Jun-2015 5:20 PM EDT
Developing Delirium in the ICU Linked to Fatal Outcomes
Johns Hopkins Medicine

About one-third of patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) will develop delirium, a condition that lengthens hospital stays and substantially increases one’s risk of dying in the hospital, according to a new study led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers appearing in the British Medical Journal.

1-Jun-2015 3:05 PM EDT
High Levels of Moral Reasoning Correspond with Increased Gray Matter in Brain
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

– Individuals with a higher level of moral reasoning skills showed increased gray matter in the areas of the brain implicated in complex social behavior, decision making, and conflict processing as compared to subjects at a lower level of moral reasoning, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with a researcher from Charité Universitätsmediz in Berlin, Germany. The team studied students in the Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program at the Wharton School. The work is published in the June 3rd edition of the journal PLOS ONE.

Released: 2-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
UF Study Shows Benefits of Multi-Tasking on Exercise
University of Florida

Who says you can’t do two things at once and do them both well?

Released: 2-Jun-2015 11:05 AM EDT
When the Color We See Isn’t the Color We Remember
 Johns Hopkins University

Though people can distinguish among millions of colors, we have trouble remembering specific shades because our brains tend to store what we’ve seen as one of just a few basic hues.

Released: 28-May-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Acquiring ‘Perfect’ Pitch May Be Possible for Some Adults
University of Chicago

If you’re a musician, this sounds too good to be true: University of Chicago psychologists have been able to train some adults to develop the prized musical ability of absolute pitch, and the training’s effects last for months.

Released: 28-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Lead the Way to Advanced Data Security; DARPA and voidALPHA Release Monster Proof

In Monster Proof, a new browser-based puzzle game from voidALPHA, players assume the role of a newly crowned ruler of a vast country in a fantasy setting. To win, they use problem-solving skills to answer illustrated mathematical questions. As each level is solved, the game crowd sources the software security process of formal verification.

Released: 27-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 27 May 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: genetics, cancer, nanotech, elderly care, marketing research, energy, children's health, and immunology.

Released: 21-May-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 21 May 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: gun regulation, psychology and altruism, big data, threats to coral reefs, extra-terrestrial life, personalized diets, metabolic syndrome and heart health, new drug target to treat arthritis, and archeologists find oldest tools.

Released: 19-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Good Speech in Kids Leads to Stronger Reading and Writing Skills
Loyola Medicine

“During the preschool period, children see and interact with a variety of print at home, in the community and at daycare or school,” says Kaitlin Vogtner Trainor, speech language-pathologist at Loyola University Health System. “This exposure to print builds phonological awareness skills, the recognition that words are made up of separate speech sounds, which leads to stronger reading and writing skills later in life.”

Released: 19-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Is Baby Talk Bad?
Loyola Medicine

“Sometimes baby talk is associated with nonsense words and sounds and even distorts sounds of words, providing inaccurate models of the infants and developing child, this is not encouraged,” says Kathleen Czuba, speech language therapist, Loyola University Health System. “Research in the field of child development and speech and language acquisition instead recommends the use of ‘parentese.’ This type of speech has been shown to positively support the development of speech and language.”

Released: 19-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Is Your Child Communicating the Right Way?
Loyola Medicine

“Challenges with speech and language are likely to have an impact on the child’s overall development including in the areas of socials skills, academia and even can impact a child’s behavior,” says Kathleen Czuba, speech-language therapist, Loyola University Health System. “The earlier a child's speech and language problems are identified and treated, the less likely it is that problems will persist or get worse.”

19-May-2015 12:00 AM EDT
Awe May Promote Altruistic Behavior
American Psychological Association (APA)

Inducing a sense of awe in people can promote altruistic, helpful and positive social behavior according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
