Newswise — Jan. 31, 2022 – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency took an important step towards reducing mercury and other toxic air pollutants in America’s air. The EPA released a proposed ruling stating that it is “necessary and appropriate” for them to require further reductions in mercury and air toxic emissions from industrial point sources of pollution in the U.S.
Today’s action reverses a critical misstep by the agency during the Trump Administration. The EPA’s reversal enables the Biden Administration to further reduce toxins like mercury that carry substantial health risks. Mercury is especially concerning for its adverse impacts on neurological development of both unborn fetuses and young children.
The ATS applauds the EPA’s action and urges the agency to move forward with finalizing today’s action and proposing more protective standards for mercury and hazardous air pollutant emissions.
“The Trump Administration said pumping tons of mercury into the air we breathe was fine,” said Jack Harkema, DVM, PhD, chair of the ATS Environmental Health Policy Committee. “The Biden Administration is saying no, breathing mercury is not fine and EPA has the authority and obligation to do something about it.”