Latest News from: Universite de Montreal

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Released: 5-Jan-2016 11:05 AM EST
Solving the Mystery of Defective Embryos
Universite de Montreal

Discovery of a new mechanism that may explain why some embryos are not useful for fertility treatments

15-Dec-2015 9:05 AM EST
When Rejection Comes From Within
Universite de Montreal

new cellular structure responsible for previously unexplained rejection of organ transplants has been identified by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM.) This discovery could one day revolutionize transplantation practice by modifying risk assessment of rejection in people who receive heart, lung, kidney, or liver transplants

Released: 16-Dec-2015 11:05 AM EST
Medical Aid in Dying: Is Quebec’s Law Too Restrictive?
Universite de Montreal

The Quebec law on medical aid in dying is restrictive and overlooks certain patients who are suffering without sufficient relief, but who are not at the end of life, according to the University of Montreal’s Jocelyne St-Arnaud.

Released: 15-Dec-2015 10:05 AM EST
Researchers Investigate Mental Health of Teens After Dad Leaves
Universite de Montreal

Family breakdown and the insecure financial situation that may result is more likely to cause worry, anxiety and depressive symptoms in adolescents who are separated from their father, says Professor Jennifer O’Loughlin of the University of Montreal.

10-Dec-2015 7:05 AM EST
Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Autism by 87%
Universite de Montreal

Using antidepressants during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of autism, Professor Anick Bérard of the University of Montreal and its affiliated CHU Sainte-Justine children’s hospital revealed today

Released: 4-Dec-2015 9:05 AM EST
Jewish Cuisine Punching Above Its Paunch
Universite de Montreal

University of Montreal's Olivier Bauer examines why Jewish food has become a symbol of the city

Released: 1-Dec-2015 10:00 AM EST
Taking Truvada “as Needed” Can Prevent HIV-Transmission Amongst People at High-Risk
Universite de Montreal

In a study into the prevention of HIV transmission, people who took the antiretroviral drug Truvada were 86% less likely to contract the disease than those who took a placebo, report the researchers who led the study.

Released: 30-Nov-2015 7:05 AM EST
Not All Canadians Feeling the Heat of Climate Change
Universite de Montreal

While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Paris hammering out the details of the global fight against climate change, a new study out of the University of Montreal and the Trottier Energy Institute shows that Canadian attitudes are somewhat ambivalent.

Released: 27-Nov-2015 2:05 PM EST
What Is Left of Our Democratic Ambitions?
Universite de Montreal

World leading philosophers addressed the future of democracy against the backdrop of the Paris terrorism attacks

Released: 25-Nov-2015 9:05 AM EST
Promising Drug Combination for Advanced Prostate Cancer
Universite de Montreal

A new drug combination may be effective in treating men with metastatic prostate cancer. Preliminary results of this new approach are encouraging and have led to an ongoing international study being conducted in 196 hospitals worldwide.

Released: 24-Nov-2015 10:05 AM EST
Better Detection of Concussion in Young Football Players
Universite de Montreal

Researcher Christian Duval, PhD, and his team have developed a new, simple and non-invasive approach to create a biomechanical and cognitive profile of football players and more quickly and accurately detect concussions in these individuals.

Released: 19-Nov-2015 10:05 AM EST
Intelligent Gel Attacks Cancer
Universite de Montreal

A new injectable “biogel” is effective in delivering anti-cancer agents directly into cancerous tumours and killing them. This technology, developed by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM), has already been successfully tested in the laboratory.

Released: 18-Nov-2015 7:05 AM EST
Liking on Facebook Good for Teens’ Stress, Being Liked… Not So Much
Universite de Montreal

Facebook can have positive and negative effects on teens levels of a stress hormone, say researchers at the University of Montreal and the Institut universitaire de santé mentale de Montréal.

Released: 17-Nov-2015 9:05 AM EST
Self-Help Books: Stressed Readers or Stressful Reading?
Universite de Montreal

Consumers of self-help books are more sensitive to stress and show higher depressive symptomatology, according to a study conducted by researchers at the CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal (Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal) and the University of Montreal, the findings of which were published in Neural Plasticity.

Released: 16-Nov-2015 7:05 AM EST
Profusion of Medical Advances for Preemies
Universite de Montreal

For World Prematurity Day on November 17, 2015, CHU Sainte-Justine children’s hospital, affiliated with the University of Montreal, is presenting an overview of recent discoveries that are changing the lives of premature babies and their families.

Released: 11-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
They Reconstructed His Face Without Leaving a Scar
Universite de Montreal

In an eight-hour operation on an adult patient, Dr. Daniel Borsuk carried out facial reconstruction using virtual surgery and 3D models, removing a vascularized piece of pelvic bone and reshaping it to adapt it to the rest of the face before transplanting it through the inside of the mouth, with no scars left at all.

Released: 11-Nov-2015 9:05 AM EST
Grow Kids’ Brains Through Sport!
Universite de Montreal

Organized extracurricular sport activities for children help them develop and improve cognitive skills, such as greater concentration capacity, that can in term greatly help them in the classroom, says Université de Montréal professor Linda Pagani.

Released: 3-Nov-2015 6:05 AM EST
Working on Your Tot’s Memory Now Can Help His High School Success
Universite de Montreal

Preschoolers who score lower on a working memory task are likely to score higher on a dropout risk scale at the age of 13, researchers at Université Sainte-Anne and the University of Montreal revealed today.

27-Oct-2015 3:00 PM EDT
Pregnancy Antibiotics No Cause for Concern
Universite de Montreal

The four out of ten women who use antibiotics during pregnancy can breathe easy, as a comprehensive new study shows that the two most often prescribed drugs have no adverse outcome on the child’s physical development.

Released: 28-Oct-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Singing Calms Baby Longer Than Talking
Universite de Montreal

In a new study from the University of Montreal, infants remained calm twice as long when listening to a song, which they didn’t even know, as they did when listening to speech.

Released: 22-Oct-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Preeclampsia Increases Risk of Heart Defects in Infants
Universite de Montreal

Pregnant women with preeclampsia have a higher risk of delivering an infant with a congenital heart defect.

21-Oct-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Disintegrating Asteroid Is Raining Dust Onto a White Dwarf Star
Universite de Montreal

Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. The discovery also confirms a long-standing theory behind the source of white dwarf “pollution” by metals.

13-Oct-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Robert J. Lefkowitz to Deliver Lecture in Montreal
Universite de Montreal

Nobel Laureate Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz presented his latest research towards developing pharmacological applications for G-protein-coupled receptors (GCPRs) at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) today.

Released: 15-Oct-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Could Contaminated Land Actually Be Good for Trees?
Universite de Montreal

The very act of tolerating some forms of soil pollution may give trees an advantage in the natural world, says University of Montreal plant biologists. Their findings were published this week in BMC Plant Biology.

Released: 13-Oct-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Intra-Uterine Surgery for at Risk Fetuses
Universite de Montreal

Some anomalies in fetuses must be treated before delivery to prevent infant death or the risk of serious complications. Fortunately, fetuses can be operated in the womb, thanks to advanced technologies in ultrasound, fiber-optics, and laser surgery

Released: 8-Oct-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Machines Have Nothing on Mum When It Comes to Listening
Universite de Montreal

More than 99% of the time, two words are enough for people with normal hearing to distinguish the voice of a close friend or relative amongst other voices, says the University of Montreal's Julien Plante-Hébert.

Released: 8-Oct-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Treating Aortic Aneurysms Through Virtual Reality
Universite de Montreal

Virtual models can be created in the angiography room thanks to an approach developed by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) and the university’s departments of radiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine.

Released: 7-Oct-2015 5:05 AM EDT
Detecting HIV Diagnostic Antibodies with DNA Nanomachines
Universite de Montreal

An international team of researchers have designed and synthetized a nanometer-scale DNA “machine” whose customized modifications enable it to recognize a specific target antibody.

Released: 6-Oct-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Repeating Aloud to Another Person Boosts Recall
Universite de Montreal

Repeating aloud boosts verbal memory, especially when you do it while addressing another person, says Professor Victor Boucher of the University of Montreal

5-Oct-2015 11:30 AM EDT
Restoring Vision with Stem Cells
Universite de Montreal

Age-related macular degeneration (AMRD) could be treated by transplanting photoreceptors produced by the directed differentiation of stem cells, thanks to findings published today by Professor Gilbert Bernier .

Released: 1-Oct-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Investors Are Indifferent to the Technology Needs of Healthcare Systems
Universite de Montreal

Health technologies are not governed by the real needs and challenges of healthcare systems, reveals a new University of Montreal study.

Released: 1-Oct-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Why Do People Vote Strategically, and for Whom?
Universite de Montreal

“People vote strategically when they think neither their first nor their second choice has any chance of winning in their electorate. They vote for their third choice party in the hopes of blocking an outcome that would be even worse,” said Jean-François Daoust, a researcher at the University of Montreal’s Department of Political Science.

Released: 28-Sep-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Blocking Light Improves Preemies’ Survival Rates
Universite de Montreal

The survival rate of preemies born between 26 to 31 weeks of gestation is improved by blocking light from reaching the intravenously-fed infused nutritious mixture they depend on for survival, researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine and the University of Montreal have revealed in a new study.

Released: 23-Sep-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Molecular Diagnostics at Home: Chemists Design Rapid, Simple, Inexpensive Tests Using DNA
Universite de Montreal

Chemists at the University of Montreal used DNA molecules to developed rapid, inexpensive medical diagnostic tests that take only a few minutes to perform.

Released: 23-Sep-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Do Women Experience Negative Emotions Differently Than Men?
Universite de Montreal

Women react differently to negative images compared to men, which may be explained by subtle differences in brain function. This neurobiological explanation for women’s apparent greater sensitivity has been demonstrated by researchers.

Released: 18-Sep-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Identifying Typical Patterns in the Progression Towards Alzheimer's Disease
Universite de Montreal

"This study has let us characterize the parameters of decline in people who will eventually develop Alzheimer's, which means we can better identify both benign symptoms and those that warrant particular attention." - Sylvie Belleville

Released: 9-Sep-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Tinder-Tinkering Artificial Intelligence Could Lessen Left-Swiping
Universite de Montreal

An artificial intelligence programme to improve Tinder suggestions has been developed by Harm de Vries, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Montreal who was sick of swiping left.

Released: 8-Sep-2015 10:05 AM EDT
A New Molecule Is Found to Prevent Preterm Birth
Universite de Montreal

Agent shows efficacy in inhibiting inflammation and preventing or delaying uterine contractions and premature delivery in murine models – without adversely affecting the fetus or the mother. This discovery is a giant step towards preventing prematurity, the world's leading cause of infant death.

31-Aug-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Why Does Running Make Us Happy?
Universite de Montreal

The joy of running. That sense of well-being, freedom and extra energy that runners often experience is not just a matter of endorphins. A study at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) shows that the "runner’s high" phenomenon is also caused by dopamine, an important neurotransmitter for motivation.

24-Aug-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Parkinson’s Disease Brain Cells at Risk of Burnout, Like an Overheating Motor
Universite de Montreal

The death of brain cells in Parkinson’s disease may be caused by a form of cellular energy crisis in neurons that require unusually high quantities of energy to carry out their job of regulating movement, researchers at the University of Montreal reported today.

27-Aug-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Alzheimer’s Disease Thought to Be Accelerated by an Abnormal Build-Up of Fat in the Brain
Universite de Montreal

People with Alzheimer’s disease have fat deposits in the brain. For the first time since the disease was described 109 years ago, researchers affiliated with the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) have discovered accumulations of fat droplets in the brain of patients who died from the disease and have identified the nature of the fat.

20-Aug-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Brief Postnatal Blindness Triggers Long-Lasting Reorganization in the Brain
Universite de Montreal

A brief period of postnatal visual deprivation, when early in life, drives a rewiring of the brain areas involved in visual pr

13-Aug-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Astronomers Discover "Young Jupiter" Exoplanet
Universite de Montreal

A Jupiter-like planet within a young system that could serve as a decoder ring for understanding how planets formed around our Sun has been discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Montreal’s Institute of Research on Exoplanets (iREx) in collaboration with an international team of astronomers led by professor Bruce MacInstosh from Stanford University.

Released: 13-Aug-2015 5:05 AM EDT
Overreliance on Imagination May Be a Sign of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Universite de Montreal

Confusing reality with imagination and losing contact with reality are two key characteristics that could play a role in the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This is what we learn from a study conducted by researchers at the CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal (Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal) and the University of Montreal, the results of which were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

6-Aug-2015 9:50 AM EDT
Why Use a 2D Cursor in a 3D World? Computer Cursors Are Going 3D!
Universite de Montreal

Researchers at the University of Montreal have developed techniques that enable computer cursors to interact in 3D in single or multiuser, local or remote collaboration scenarios.

Released: 3-Aug-2015 6:05 AM EDT
If You’re Using Drugs, Scientists Want to Help You Avoid Addiction
Universite de Montreal

Abstinence is the best way to avoid drug addiction. But in many societies, drug use is the norm, not the exception, especially by youth. What keeps the majority of users from becoming addicted? How drugs are taken has something to do with it, according to pharmacology researchers at the University of Montreal.

29-Jul-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Blocking a Gene Reduces Fat
Universite de Montreal

By blocking the expression of a certain gene in patients, University of Montreal researchers have contributed to the demonstration of great decreases in the concentration of triglycerides in their blood, even in various severe forms of hypertriglyceridemia and regardless of the base values or the treatment the patient usually receives.

13-Jul-2015 11:05 AM EDT
This Is Your Brain on Fried Eggs
Universite de Montreal

High-fat feeding can cause impairments in the functioning of the mesolimbic dopamine system, says Stephanie Fulton of the University of Montreal and the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM.) This system is a critical brain pathway controlling motivation.
