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Released: 19-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
International Agriculture Expert Joins Global Institute for Food Security Board
University of Saskatchewan

Lutz Goedde, a leading expert in strategies to improve agricultural productivity around the world, has joined the board of directors of the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan.

Released: 15-Apr-2016 8:05 AM EDT
Bring the Language Lab to the Classroom
University of Saskatchewan

A new in-classroom laboratory approach by University of Saskatchewan (U of S) researchers Laureen McIntyre and Laurie Hellsten promises to provide a real-world look at assessment and teaching strategies for students with speech, language and learning difficulties.

Released: 14-Apr-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Gaming and Rocket Science Taking Off at U of S
University of Saskatchewan

Gaming and space technology research at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) will soon receive a $3.3 million boost to help train the next wave of innovators for these multibillion dollar industries courtesy the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Released: 11-Apr-2016 8:05 AM EDT
Tell Me a Story!
University of Saskatchewan

Kelly Mills, a finalist in the SSHRC Storyteller's challenge, tells the tale of her work with the Memory Writers, a remarkable group that has been writing and sharing stories with each other for more than 25 years.

Released: 11-Apr-2016 8:05 AM EDT
New Device Gives Healing Horses a Lift
University of Saskatchewan

Researchers and engineers in Saskatchewan hope a robotic lift system will help to improve the odds for horses recovering from limb fractures and other traumatic injuries.

Released: 31-Mar-2016 8:05 AM EDT
Novel Compounds Could Yield More Effective, Less Toxic Cancer Chemotherapy
University of Saskatchewan

A novel class of compounds developed by a University of Saskatchewan-led research team could yield more effective and less toxic chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer.

Released: 21-Mar-2016 10:05 AM EDT
U of S Researchers Improve Kidney Diagnostics
University of Saskatchewan

Researchers have devised a simple method to determine split renal function— critical knowledge for anyone planning to donate a kidney or to guide doctors’ decisions for surgery and other medical treatments.

Released: 17-Mar-2016 12:00 PM EDT
U of S Researchers Develop New Tools to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
University of Saskatchewan

A University of Saskatchewan team has discovered a way to prevent bacteria from developing resistance to antibiotics, potentially helping to blunt the edge of a looming threat to public health around the world.

Released: 16-Mar-2016 12:05 PM EDT
U of S Researchers Adapt “Camera Pill” to Examine Horses
University of Saskatchewan

Capsule endoscopy promises a powerful new tool for equine health care providers.

Released: 3-Mar-2016 11:05 AM EST
Are You Trying to Be Difficult?
University of Saskatchewan

Making learning problems simple does not help students as much as making those same problems difficult.

Released: 1-Mar-2016 10:05 AM EST
U of S Researchers Exploring Mining Contamination, Pipelines, Nuclear Power
University of Saskatchewan

University of Saskatchewan researchers working to protect the environment from oil and mining contamination and improve nuclear power technology have received a $1.5 million boost from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Released: 17-Feb-2016 10:05 AM EST
U of S Historian Sees Resurgence in LSD Research
University of Saskatchewan

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD hold promise for palliative care for an aging population, said University of Saskatchewan medical historian Erika Dyck.

Released: 8-Feb-2016 11:05 AM EST
Motorboat Noise Makes Reef Fish Vulnerable to Predators
University of Saskatchewan

Noise from motorboat traffic makes some fish more than two and a half times more likely to be eaten by predators, according to an international team of researchers including biologists from the University of Saskatchewan.

Released: 5-Feb-2016 8:30 AM EST
Fedoruk Centre Invests $2-Million for Nuclear Policy Research
University of Saskatchewan

The Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation will invest $2-million to support research at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGS) at the University of Regina (U of R) and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S).

Released: 28-Jan-2016 10:05 AM EST
Turning Electronic Waste Into Gold
University of Saskatchewan

Stephen Foley Foley, an associate professor in the University of Saskatchewan Department of Chemistry and his colleagues, have discovered a new financially viable and environmentally friendly way to recover and recycle gold from electronic waste.

Released: 20-Jan-2016 3:05 PM EST
World Wheat Experts to Meet in Saskatoon, Canada in 2019
University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, Canada will play host to the 2019 International Wheat Congress, where scientists will discuss advances in research and the future of wheat in helping avert a global food security crisis.

Released: 11-Jan-2016 10:05 AM EST
Canadian Researchers Lead International Lentil Genome Sequencing Effort
University of Saskatchewan

University of Saskatchewan researchers have released a draft lentil genome assembly that will help develop new understanding and commercial applications of this ancient crop.

Released: 11-Jan-2016 10:05 AM EST
Canadian Researchers Help Lead Wheat Genome Sequencing Breakthrough
University of Saskatchewan

An international consortium of scientists has announced it has been able to crack the code for understanding the order of about 90 per cent of the highly complex genome of bread wheat, the most widely grown cereal in the world.
