Latest News from: Rowan University

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Released: 30-Nov-2010 5:15 PM EST
American Hanukkah Traditions Focus on Children
Rowan University

Hanukkah isn’t a hugely important holiday on the Jewish calendar, but modern day celebrations of the Festival of Lights do work to get today’s children--and adults--excited about Judaism, according to Professor Dianne Ashton of Rowan University.

Released: 20-Sep-2010 11:50 AM EDT
Tea Party Has Similarities to Dems’ Race in 2008, Rowan Prof Says
Rowan University

The Tea Party’s impact on politics this fall is not dissimilar to the movement that propelled President Barack Obama to the White House, according to Larry Butler, chair of Rowan University’s Department of Political Science.

Released: 15-Jun-2010 3:40 PM EDT
Shortsighted Policies of U.S., Russia Contributed to Political Unrest in Kyrgyzstan, Prof Says
Rowan University

The hands-off approach the United States and Russia have taken thus far to address the violence in Kyrgyzstan is not unlike the policies both countries have maintained for years in the country, says Rowan University professor Lawrence Markowitz, a scholar specializing in the politics of Central Asia.

Released: 8-Feb-2010 8:35 AM EST
From Business Law Prof: Do Not Boycott AIG
Rowan University

A business law professor and former AIG employee tells why the firm should not be boycotted.

Released: 21-Dec-2009 2:10 PM EST
Fire Safety Tips for the Holidays
Rowan University

A nationally recognized fire safety expert provides some information on keeping your home -- and family -- safe during the holidays.

Released: 10-Sep-2009 2:55 PM EDT
Terrorism Preparedness: Eight Years After 9/11/01
Rowan University

Dr. Robert Fleming is an expert on emergency preparedness who can discuss 9/11 issues.

Released: 28-Aug-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Senior Citizens and Health Care Reform
Rowan University

Finance professor and senior citizen Dr. Robert Pritchard looks at health care reform.

Released: 27-Jul-2009 11:00 AM EDT
Health Care Reform?
Rowan University

First things first: Finance professor proposes there are other issues -- such as unemployment and Social Security -- that need to be addressed before health care reform.

Released: 2-Jun-2009 9:30 PM EDT
Inflation and Dollar Depreciation
Rowan University

Both the dollar depreciation and the increase in longer-term interest rates are attributable to fears of significant long-term inflation resulting from massive government borrowing and anticipated ongoing deficit spending. Expecting inflation, investors worldwide tend to move their money from dollars to what they believe will be more stable currencies. This results in depreciation of the dollar.

Released: 7-Jan-2009 3:00 PM EST
President-Elect Obama: Want to Stimulate the Economy? Freeze Or Lower the Tax on Long-Term Capital Gains
Rowan University

A well-respected finance professor makes a case for lowering the existing tax rates on long-term capital gains to stimulate the economy.

Released: 25-Nov-2008 12:45 PM EST
Tight Finances? You Still Can Celebrate the Holidays in Many Ways
Rowan University

Most everyone is feeling an economic pinch right now. That doesn't mean they have to curtail all gift-giving this holiday season. A finance professor suggests 12 tips to mark the season more cost-effectively.

Released: 26-Sep-2008 11:25 AM EDT
The Financial Crisis: U.S. Could See Great Turnaround in 12-18 Months
Rowan University

While the U.S. may face a depression if the current crisis is not managed properly, a finance professor and expert believes the country could enjoy a major turnaround in the near future if things are handled properly today.

Released: 8-Sep-2008 4:50 PM EDT
Terrorism Preparedness: Our Seven-year Pilgrimage Since 9/11/01
Rowan University

As we mark the anniversary of 9/11 and approach the presidential election, terrorism against the United States still is on our minds. "The importance of ensuring readiness of local first responders cannot be overemphasized," says emergency management expert Dr. Robert Fleming.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Preparing for Hurricane Response: The Untold Story that Contributed to Success
Rowan University

Gustav's gone, and three other hurricanes may be are heading for the United States. Emergency preparedness expert can discuss what's changed since Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast three years ago.

Released: 30-Jul-2008 5:15 PM EDT
Profs: Olympics Offer Security Challenges, 'Goosebump Moments'
Rowan University

From emergency preparedness to the impact the Games will have on Chinese police to the "goosebump moments" viewers crave, Rowan University professors are available to address issues surrounding the XXIX Olympiad.

Released: 26-Jun-2008 5:10 PM EDT
Ensure Fun Is the Only Thing Exploding This Fourth
Rowan University

It's possible to celebrate the Fourth of July -- and fireworks -- safely. A fire and emergency management expert shares ways to enjoy the flash and not get burned.

Released: 20-Feb-2008 4:00 PM EST
Emergency Preparedness Expert Available to Discuss Satellite Re-entry
Rowan University

Dr. Robert S. Fleming can discuss the potential fallout if the broken spy satellite is shot down.

Released: 31-Jan-2008 5:25 PM EST
Super Tuesday: Obama’s Political ‘Movement’ Vs. Hillary’s ‘Organization’?
Rowan University

Has Barack Obama's movement grown strong enough that he can win in states where he hasn't campaigned extensively? That's the overriding question as voters head to the polls on Super Tuesday, says Rowan University professor Larry Butler.

Released: 4-Dec-2007 3:30 PM EST
Top Presidential Candidates Already Poised to 'Claim the Mantle,' Prof Says
Rowan University

Even with polls showing her running neck-and-neck with Barack Obama in the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton is acting and sounding like the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination. And she is, says Rowan University's Larry Butler.
