Latest News from:  Johns Hopkins University

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Newswise: Why We Fit A Mini Brain with a Mini Cap
14-Aug-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Why We Fit A Mini Brain with a Mini Cap
 Johns Hopkins University

It could be the world’s tiniest EEG electrode cap, created to measure activity in a brain model the size of a pen dot. Its designers expect the device to lead to better understanding of neural disorders and how potentially dangerous chemicals affect the brain. This engineering feat, led by Johns Hopkins University researchers and detailed today in Science Advances, expands what researchers can accomplish with organoids, including mini brains—the lab-grown balls of human cells that mimic some of a brain’s structure and functionality.

Newswise: AI Speeds Sepsis Detection to Prevent Hundreds of Deaths
18-Jul-2022 11:05 AM EDT
AI Speeds Sepsis Detection to Prevent Hundreds of Deaths
 Johns Hopkins University

Patients are 20% less likely to die of sepsis because a new AI system developed at Johns Hopkins University catches symptoms hours earlier than traditional methods, an extensive hospital study demonstrates. The system, created by a Johns Hopkins researcher whose young nephew died from sepsis, scours medical records and clinical notes to identify patients at risk of life-threatening complications. The work, which could significantly cut patient mortality from one of the top causes of hospital deaths worldwide, is published today in Nature Medicine and Nature Digital Medicine.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Study: Most Residents Happy Living in Multiracial Neighborhoods
Released: 13-Jul-2022 9:30 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Study: Most Residents Happy Living in Multiracial Neighborhoods
 Johns Hopkins University

A strong majority of people in Washington, D.C.’s most diverse communities say they’re happy living in mixed neighborhoods.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss the Federal’s Reserve Interest Rate Increase
Released: 16-Jun-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss the Federal’s Reserve Interest Rate Increase
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University faculty are available to discuss what the Fed’s three-quarters of a percentage point increase means for consumers, businesses, and the economy.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss Juneteenth
Released: 15-Jun-2022 9:40 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss Juneteenth
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University faculty are available to discuss topics ranging from the holiday’s historical significance to its impact today.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Astronomers To Discuss New Satellite Galaxy Simulation
Released: 10-Jun-2022 1:45 PM EDT
Johns Hopkins Astronomers To Discuss New Satellite Galaxy Simulation
 Johns Hopkins University

With a new simulation that shows how satellite galaxies orbit bigger galaxies like the Milky Way, Johns Hopkins University researchers have reconciled long-dueling visions of what astronomers actually see using telescopes and what theorists have predicted they should see.

Newswise: New Clues About How Hot Jupiters Form
Released: 9-Jun-2022 1:50 PM EDT
New Clues About How Hot Jupiters Form
 Johns Hopkins University

Since the first hot Jupiter was discovered in 1995, astronomers have been trying to figure out how the searing-hot exoplanets formed and arrived in their extreme orbits. Johns Hopkins University astronomers have found a way to determine the relative age of hot Jupiters using new measurements from the Gaia spacecraft, which is tracking over a billion stars.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss Potential Recession
Released: 31-May-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss Potential Recession
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University faculty are available to discuss why some economists predict a recession is looming.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Students Create Lymphedema Early Detection Sensor
Released: 28-Apr-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Students Create Lymphedema Early Detection Sensor
 Johns Hopkins University

A sensor created by Johns Hopkins University graduate students to detect very early-stage lymphedema could spare thousands of patients a year, many women with breast cancer, from the painful, debilitating condition.

Newswise:Video Embedded usaid-administrator-samantha-power-named-johns-hopkins-commencement-speaker
Released: 27-Apr-2022 12:15 PM EDT
USAID Administrator Samantha Power Named Johns Hopkins Commencement Speaker
 Johns Hopkins University

Samantha Power, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, will address the Class of 2022 at Johns Hopkins University's commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 22.

Newswise:Video Embedded hu-created-material-could-lead-to-stronger-lighter-and-safer-helmets-and-vehicles
Released: 8-Mar-2022 4:05 PM EST
JHU-Created Material Could Lead to Stronger, Lighter and Safer Helmets and Vehicles
 Johns Hopkins University

A team of Johns Hopkins University researchers created shock-absorbing material that protects like a metal, but is lighter, stronger, reusable. The new foam-like material could be a game-changer for helmets, body armor, and automobile and aerospace parts.

Released: 12-Jan-2022 11:05 AM EST
New Cloud-based Platform Opens Genomics Data to All
 Johns Hopkins University

Harnessing the power of genomics to find risk factors for major diseases or search for relatives relies on the costly and time-consuming ability to analyze huge numbers of genomes. A team co-led by a Johns Hopkins University computer scientist has leveled the playing field by creating a cloud-based platform that grants genomics researchers easy access to one of the world’s largest genomics databases.

