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7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
New Drug Could Prevent Debilitating Side Effect of Cancer Treatment
American Chemical Society (ACS)

About 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed annually with head, neck, nasal and oral cancers. Most are treated with radiation, and of those, 70-80 percent develop a painful and debilitating side effect called severe oral mucositis (SOM).

7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
A New Generation of Artificial Retinas Based on 2D Materials
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Scientists report they have successfully developed and tested the world’s first ultrathin artificial retina that could vastly improve on existing implantable visualization technology for the blind. The flexible device, based on very thin 2D materials, could someday restore sight to the millions of people with retinal diseases. And with a few modifications, the device could be used to track heart and brain activity.

7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Talented 12: Chemical & Engineering News announces its 2018 rising stars in chemistry
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society (ACS), is today unveiling its annual “Talented 12” list. This award program, now in its fourth year, and for the first time sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific, recognizes young global stars in the chemical sciences that are working to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. These up-and-coming innovators in chemistry will be debuted at an event today at ACS’ 256th National Meeting & Exposition. They are also featured in this week’s issue of C&EN.

7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
The Environmental Cost of Contact Lenses
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Many people rely on contact lenses to improve their vision. But these sight-correcting devices don’t last forever — some are intended for a single day’s use — and they are eventually disposed of in various ways. Now, scientists are reporting that throwing these lenses down the drain at the end of their use could be contributing to microplastic pollution in waterways.

7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Weaponizing Oxygen to Kill Infections and Disease
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The life-threatening bacteria called MRSA can cripple a hospital since it spreads quickly and is resistant to treatment. But scientists report that they are now making advances in a new technique that avoids antibiotics. Instead, they are using light to activate oxygen, which then wipes out antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The method also could be used to treat other microbial infections, and possibly even cancer.

7-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
A Paper Battery Powered by Bacteria
American Chemical Society (ACS)

— In remote areas of the world or in regions with limited resources, everyday items like electrical outlets and batteries are luxuries. Health care workers in these areas often lack electricity to power diagnostic devices, and commercial batteries may be unavailable or too expensive. New power sources are needed that are low-cost and portable. Today, researchers report a new type of battery –- made of paper and fueled by bacteria --- that could overcome these challenges.

Released: 24-May-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Chameleons Are Masters of Nanotechnology (Video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Chameleons are nature’s most talented masters of color. They use their unique color-changing abilities for all sorts of reasons. But how do they alter their hue? They wield a combination of pigments and specialized nano-scale crystals. In this video, Reactions explains how chameleons have mastered nanotech:

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
The Perfect Shot of Espresso Every Time with Chemistry
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The average American drinks more than three cups of coffee a day, contributing to a $40 billion industry in the U.S. alone, according to the National Coffee Association. But not all coffee is created equal; flavor profiles vary. Focusing on espresso, scientists say they have now unlocked the key to creating consistent cups of java.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
American Chemical Society's 255th National Meeting & Exposition Press Conference Schedule
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Attend press conferences live -- online at or in person -- at the 255th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Press conferences will be held Monday, March 19, through Wednesday, March 21, 2018. Below is the schedule, which will be updated as needed.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Elephant and Cow Manure for Making Paper Sustainably
American Chemical Society (ACS)

It’s likely not the first thing you think of when you see elephant dung, but this material turns out to be an excellent source of cellulose for paper manufacturing in countries where trees are scarce, scientists report. And in regions with plenty of farm animals such as cows, upcycling manure into paper products could be a cheap and environmentally sound method to get rid of this pervasive agricultural waste.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Make Way for the Mini Flying Machines
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Tiny floating robots could be useful in all kinds of ways, for example, to probe the human gut for disease or to search the environment for pollutants. In a step toward such devices, researchers describe a new marriage of materials, combining ultrathin 2-D electronics with miniature particles to create microscopic machines.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
New 4-D Printer Could Reshape the World We Live In
American Chemical Society (ACS)

From moon landings to mobile phones, many of the farfetched visions of science fiction have transformed into reality. In the latest example of this trend, scientists report that they have developed a powerful printer that could streamline the creation of self-assembling structures that can change shape after being exposed to heat and other stimuli.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Banana Plant Extract Could Be Key to Creamier, Longer Lasting Ice Cream
American Chemical Society (ACS)

No doubt about it, ice cream is a great treat on a hot day. That is, until it drips down the sides of a cone or turns into soup in a bowl. Now scientists say they are closing in on a cool solution to this sticky problem.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Wildfire Intensity Impacts Water Quality and Its Treatment in Forested Watersheds
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The recent Thomas Fire in California was the largest wildfire in the state’s modern history. It scorched nearly 282,000 acres between December 2017 and January 2018, and serves as a reminder of how devastating such events can be. Now, researchers report that wildfires in forested watersheds can have a variable but predictable impact on the substances that are released from soils and flow into drinking water sources.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Tiny Gels Sop Up Intestinal Toxins
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Bacterial infections that target the intestine can cause conditions that range from uncomfortable to deadly. While it’s easy to blame the bacteria, it’s actually the toxins the bacteria produce that trigger inflammation, diarrhea, fever and cramps.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Making Fragrances Last Longer
American Chemical Society (ACS)

From floral perfume to fruity body wash and shampoos, scents heavily influence consumer purchases. But for most, the smell doesn’t last long after showering before it fades away. Scientists have now developed a way to get those fragrances to stick to the skin longer instead of washing down the drain immediately after being applied.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Vegetable Compound Could Have a Key Role in ‘Beeting’ Alzheimer’s Disease
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A compound in beets that gives the vegetable its distinctive red color could eventually help slow the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the brain, a process that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists say this discovery could lead to the development of drugs that could alleviate some of the long-term effects of the disease, the world’s leading cause of dementia.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Continuously Killing Bacteria on Coated Stainless Steel — Add Bleach to Recharge
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Stainless steel is the gold standard for kitchen appliances and cookware, described as modern and sleek. But bacteria can grow on stainless steel surfaces, contaminating food. Current coatings available on the market are pricey and potentially harmful, so scientists have now developed an affordable specialized polymer coating for such surfaces that they can recharge with bleach treatments.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
‘Candy Cane’ Polymer Weave Could Power Future Functional Fabrics and Devices
American Chemical Society (ACS)

If scientists are ever going to deliver on the promise of implantable artificial organs or clothing that dries itself, they'll first need to solve the problem of inflexible batteries that run out of juice too quickly. They're getting closer, and today researchers report that they've developed a new material by weaving two polymers together in a way that vastly increases charge storage capacity.

6-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Implantable Sensor Relays Real-Time Personal Health Data to a Cell Phone
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Personalized medicine is one step closer for consumers, thanks to tiny, implantable sensors that could give an early warning of a person’s developing health problems, indicate the most effective type of exercise for an individual athlete, or even help triage wounded soldiers. That’s the vision for a family of devices that scientists are now developing.
