Latest News from: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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Released: 21-Mar-2018 12:45 PM EDT
Early Life Adversity for Parents Linked to Delayed Development of Their Children
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Researchers at Cincinnati Children’s report in the journal Pediatrics a link between parents impacted by adverse childhood experiences and increased risk for delayed development of their children at age two.

Released: 19-Mar-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Protecting Young Children from Opioid Overdoses
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

The Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center at Cincinnati Children's is seeing an increasing number of calls regarding drug overdoses as the nation copes with the opioid epidemic.

Released: 13-Feb-2018 11:30 AM EST
Understanding a Fly’s Body Temperature May Help People Sleep Better
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

In findings that one day may help people sleep better, scientists have uncovered the first molecular evidence that two anciently conserved proteins in the brains of insects and mammals share a common biological ancestry as regulators of body temperature rhythms crucial to metabolism and sleep. Researchers publish their data in the journal Genes & Development.

7-Feb-2018 1:15 PM EST
Study Suggests Way to Attack Deadly, Untreatable Nerve Tumors
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Genomic profiling of mostly untreatable and deadly nerve sheath tumors led scientists to test a possible therapeutic strategy that inhibited tumor growth in lab tests on human tumor cells and mouse models, according to research in the journal Cancer Cell.

8-Feb-2018 11:30 AM EST
Experimental Therapy Restores Nerve Insulation Damaged by Disease
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

When the body attacks its own healthy tissues in an autoimmune disease, peripheral nerve damage handicaps people and causes persistent neuropathic pain when insulation on healing nerves doesn’t fully regenerate. Unfortunately, there are no effective ways to treat the condition. Now scientists describe in Nature Medicine an experimental molecular therapy that restores insulation on peripheral nerves in mice, improves limb function, and results in less observable discomfort.

8-Feb-2018 10:30 AM EST
Direct Link Between Glands and Implanting Embryos Critical to Pregnancy
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Researchers used 3D imaging with molecular testing to uncover new insight into the earliest stages of mammalian pregnancy—offering clues to unsolved questions in pregnancy. Investigators report Feb. 9 in Nature Communications they demonstrated in mice that glands in the uterus must link and communicate directly with the embryo so it will implant and begin pregnancy.

5-Feb-2018 10:00 AM EST
Search for Genetically Stable Bioengineered Gut and Liver Tissue Advances
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Before medical science can bioengineer human organs in a lab for therapeutic use, two remaining hurdles are ensuring genetic stability—so the organs are free from the risk of tumor growth—and producing organ tissues of sufficient volume and size for viable transplant into people. Scientists report in Stem Cell Reports achieving both goals with a new production method for bioengineered human gut and liver tissues.

29-Jan-2018 8:30 AM EST
Scientists Discover How Gene Mutation Triggers Immune Disease
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Scientists discovered how a gene mutation affects T cell function to promote immune disorders and then tested a treatment based on the discovery—successfully fixing donated immune cells from a 16-year-old boy with an abnormally low level of white blood cells called lymphopenia. Researchers report their findings Jan. 30 in Nature Communications

27-Dec-2017 9:00 AM EST
Study Explores Impact of Obesity on Bone Marrow Cells
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

New research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine highlights the pernicious effect of obesity on the long-term health of blood-making stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells). Published Dec. 27 and conducted largely in genetic models of obese mice, the study shows obesity causes durable and harmful changes to the hematopoietic stem cell compartment – the blood-making factory in our bodies.

Released: 12-Dec-2017 10:05 AM EST
Exposure to Air Pollution Just Before or After Conception Raises Risk of Birth Defects
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Women exposed to air pollution just prior to conception or during the first month of pregnancy face an increased risk of their children being born with birth defects, such as cleft lip or palate or abnormal hearts.

30-Nov-2017 8:00 AM EST
Scientists Create Successful Mass Production System for Bioengineered Livers
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Researchers report creating a biologically accurate mass-production platform that overcomes major barriers to bioengineering human liver tissues suitable for therapeutic transplant into people.

15-Nov-2017 2:30 PM EST
Study Raises Possibility of Naturally Acquired Immunity Against Zika Virus
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Birth defects in babies born infected with Zika virus remain a major health concern. Now, scientists suggest the possibility that some women in high-risk Zika regions may already be protected and not know it. New research in PLOS Pathogens on Nov. 16, performed in mice, shows women who develop symptom-free Zika infections may be able to acquire immunity that would protect them from future infections and their offspring in a future pregnancy.

Released: 15-Nov-2017 9:30 AM EST
Cincinnati Children’s Launches Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Seven years ago Cincinnati Children’s scientists first used pluripotent stem cells to mimic natural human development and grow working human intestine in a lab. Today medical center doctors can bioengineer the gastrointestinal tissues of sick children to find clues about a child’s disease and how to treat it. Cincinnati Children’s is building on this early research advancement in personalized medicine by launching the Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine (CuSTOM).

Released: 3-Nov-2017 2:30 PM EDT
Study Gives Rare Look at Genetics of HSV1 Transmission from Father to Son
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

A new study explores how herpes simplex virus might change when passed from one individual to another, information that may prove useful in future development of therapeutics and vaccines.

27-Sep-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Study Explores the Biology of Mending a Broken Heart
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Early research results suggest scientists might be on to a way to preserve heart function after heart attacks or for people with inherited heart defects called congenital cardiomyopathies. Researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Heart Institute report Sept. 28 in Nature Communications that after simulating heart injury in laboratory mouse models, they stopped or slowed cardiac fibrosis, organ enlargement and preserved heart function by blocking a well-known molecular pathway.

Released: 19-Sep-2017 10:00 AM EDT
Scientists Identify Key Regulator of Male Fertility
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

When it comes to male reproductive fertility, timing is everything. Now scientists are finding new details on how disruption of this timing may contribute to male infertility or congenital illness.

9-Aug-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Study Hints at Experimental Therapy for Heart Fibrosis
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Researchers report encouraging preclinical results as they pursue elusive therapies that can repair scarred and poorly functioning heart tissues after cardiac injury. Scientists from the Cincinnati Children’s Heart Institute inhibited a protein that helps regulate the heart’s response to adrenaline, alleviating the disease processes in mouse models and human cardiac cells. Their data publishes Aug. 22 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

19-Jun-2017 1:00 PM EDT
Lab Grown Human Colons Change Study of GI Disease
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Scientists used human pluripotent stem cells to generate human embryonic colons in a laboratory that function much like natural human tissues when transplanted into mice, according to research published June 22 in Cell Stem Cell. The study is believed to be the first time human colon organoids have been successfully tissue engineered in this manner, according to researchers who led the project.

12-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Bioengineered Human Livers Mimic Natural Development
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

An international team of researchers bioengineering human liver tissues uncovered previously unknown networks of genetic-molecular crosstalk that control the organ’s developmental processes – greatly advancing efforts to generate healthy and usable human liver tissue from human pluripotent stem cells. The scientists report online in Nature on June 14 that their bioengineered human liver tissues still need additional rounds of molecular fine tuning before they can be tested in clinical trials.

31-May-2017 12:05 PM EDT
One Gene Closer to Regenerative Therapy for Muscular Disorders
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

A detour on the road to regenerative medicine for people with muscular disorders is figuring out how to coax muscle stem cells to fuse together and form functioning skeletal muscle tissues. A study published June 1 by Nature Communications reports scientists identify a new gene essential to this process, shedding new light on possible new therapeutic strategies.
